Monday, October 12, 2015

Little Buddy's Annual Trip To The Farm.............

We had a big adventure yesterday.  A farm near us had their annual fundraiser, they work with Autistic children all over the farm and that includes riding horses.  It was a great day.  I will let the photos speak for themselves.  Enjoy!

My Father also had some issues yesterday and had to go to the hospital, of course while I was at the farm.  He is off to rehab for therapy for a  fractured vertebra for several weeks he is not happy.  Keep your fingers crossed that he heals up quickly.  Never a dull moment here!


  1. Aw, look at that happy boy! And I love all the animals, I'd enjoy spending some hours there too! : )
    Sending my best wishes to your Father, I hope he gets well soon... xx

  2. What a fun trip to see farm animals! Prayers for a speedy recovery for your dad too.

  3. Looks like a super fun day at the farm! Speedy recovery thoughts for your Dad!!

  4. I wish there was something like this near where my nephew lives. I think animals would be so good for him, and neither of his parents are in a position to have pets!

    I'm sorry to hear about your dad. My parents have spent months in rehab over the years. My mom has had three joint replacements and my dad took some nasty falls. In some ways rehab is harder than the hospital because it lasts so long and the initial crisis period is over.

  5. Oh boy.. looks like a wonderful place to visit. Was that a zebra bred with a horse? What was his favorite part? Sorry about your Dad.. sounds painful. Hope he gets well fast. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  6. What a great day out for little buddy and you!
    All those sweet animals... Is that a horse with zebra stripes, by the way ?
    I hope your dad will be feeling beter zoon.
    Big hugs, Mirjam.

  7. It looks like a great time was had by your little guy. I showed Piper the picture with Thomas and she was SO excited. I wish the two of them could get together, I think they would really get along well. I am so sorry to read about your Dad. I saw that on Cludia's blog too. It so hard when our parents get older. I'll be in pray r for him.
    Blessings my friend,

  8. Sweet Buddy pics! So sorry to hear about your father being inured. I'm sure he's NOT happy about being in rehab. Ugh. Poor guy. I hope he gets out quickly and heals up nicely. Oh, and it wasn't me who recommended the book you asked about. I'll have to check it out since you say it was good though. Have a great week!

  9. Oh no sorry about your father, I am learning the older we get we seem to have more accidents-that hurt-hope he feels better soon.
    the farm looks really awesome-love the train

  10. He loves that place doesn't he? Fab pictures Meredith. Aggh! Hope you dad is on the mend, families eh? Can't live with 'em can't live without 'em! Jo x

  11. The farm visit looked like good fun for LB...and I enjoyed seeing the different animals. I'm praying you Dad heals rapidly and that he will work well with those caring for him. Love to you Meredith. xx

  12. So sorry about your father, I do hope it heals well and swiftly. I love the photos, especially the first one, I have a soft spot for a little riding and your sweet Little Buddy looks as though he's having a brilliant time. Very occasionally my littlest boy gets to go on a pony. He loves it of course. It's a fantastic thing to do I think. The stripy horse is quite amazing. How do they do that?! CJ xx

  13. Wonderful photos Meredith, it looks like a very fun day out. I hope your father recovers quickly.

  14. Dang! I am so sorry to hear about your father. That hurts. I will keep my fingers crossed..toes as well for your dear father. I don't blame him a bit for being unhappy.
    On the happy note side, it looks like Little Buddy had a great day. He does light up the skies.
    Sending you good thoughts and love, Ellen.

  15. Looks like a perfect day! What a fun bunch of animals in your great photos. LB looks like he had a great time. So sorry to hear about your dad; hope he heals quickly.

  16. What a fun outing for Little Buddy. He is such a doll. I had Tiger for an overnight and enjoyed it so much. I've not seen as much of him the last month while babysitting Miss Scout so much so I was ready for some special time with my boy! Hope your Dad heals fast!

  17. I. An only Imagine how much fun he had!!!! I have certainly missed my visits with you! I am your friend....from afar. Loved seeing LB's friends that he sleeps with.
    I was so sorry yo hear about your Dad. I will pray for a quick recovery!
    XO Kris

  18. That looks like an AWESOME farm. Little Buddy is SO adorable. Looks like he is doing really well with his walker!

    Give that cutie pie a big hug from his biggest fan!

  19. It looks as though Little Buddy and you had a great day out at the farm! I hope that all will be as well as it can for your Dad. Hugs to you. xx

  20. So very sorry to hear about your Dad I am wishing him a speedy recovery. Love the photo's wow what a great day out Buddy looked so happy bless him. Can I ask what the brown and black stripped animal is? not a horse or a zebra? dee x

  21. Such a great, fun day out he looks ecstatic bless him! Hope all goes well with your father and that he has a quick recovery.

  22. I have never seen a horse, or is it a pony striped like a zebra before. Wow! I wish your Dad speedy healing.

  23. Looks like a great day, though sorry to hear about your dad. Hope he will heal quickly. I've got the same question as some of the others. Zebra or horse? :)

  24. It looks like Little Buddy had a wonderful day at the farm. I'll bet he loved seeing those animals. Did any of them have a fan in their pen, by any chance? :) I hope your father is healed and well very soon. Take care and have a good week.

  25. It looks like Little Buddy had a wonderful day at the farm. I'll bet he loved seeing those animals. Did any of them have a fan in their pen, by any chance? :) I hope your father is healed and well very soon. Take care and have a good week.

  26. Prayers for your father. !!!!
    I love seeing all photos of Lil Buddy. I better send him an email soon.
    I would love to walk that pony around while he rode it! Does he have a cowboy hat?

  27. It looks like Little Buddy had a great time at the farm! He is starting to look so much more grown up. You aren't going to be able to call him Little Buddy for much longer!

    Sorry to hear about your father. Were they able to inject glue into the break? My mom had it done a few years ago and it was like a miracle cure.

  28. Looks like Buddy had a wonderful day! So sorry about your father. I will say a prayer for him and keep him in positive thoughts. xx

  29. It looks like you all had a great time at the farm especially Buddy :) Hope your dad is feeling better.
    Lisa :)

  30. Hope your dad recovers very soon. That farm day out looks like great fun.

  31. Wow what a great day out! Little Buddy looks like he had a wonderful time. I've never seen a horse/zebra - how beautiful. I hope your Dad is much better soon xo

  32. It is such a pleasure to see that sweet little boy enjoying himself.

  33. Sorry to hear about your Dad Meredith I hope he gets well soon. What a lovely day out for Little Buddy it looks as if he had a wonderful time. :) xx

  34. Wish I could have been there with you guys, looks like so much fun!!!! Great pictures. So sorry to hear of your dad's issue, hope he does well with rehab.

  35. Oh, that's my kind of place totally! You make me wish I had a little one again to take around and share a day like this with. Such heaven.

  36. Prayers for you father, and for you and Claudia as you work through everything for him.

    That baby llama? is perhaps the cutest thing I have ever seen!

  37. Oh, what fun!!!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Hope he'll have a quick recovery.

  38. I am glad you enjoyed the time you had at the farm, despite the news about your father. The farm animals are all so cute and your little Buddy is adorable too - growing up quickly. We have a group in South Australia called Riding for the Disabled. Horse owners volunteer their horses, paddocks and time so children with disabilities can enjoy horseriding. There are so many emotional and physical benefits from this activity. It is great that Buddy had a go!
    I hope you can do more of these fun things to counteract stress from your caring commitments with your parents.
    Take care (of you!) xx

  39. Petting zoos/farms always make me smile!!
    Add Little Buddy and I'll be smiling the rest of the day!!!
    Hope your Dad heals quickly!!
