Friday, March 1, 2019

Thank God for glue guns............

Since I have no yarn related projects to discuss I thought I would post a bit about my little guy.  He is feeling much better thank you all so much.  And I might add he has had an exceptional week at school, well knock on wood, we still have to get through today.  

On Monday after I picked him up from school we found out he has a new skill.  He can open up pistachios!  He looks pretty proud of himself and he should be because those aren't so easy to open.  He was using his right hand almost as much as his left and that is just incredible.  He even ate a few of them.  We take so much for granted with our kids and all the things they can do without even trying hard.  So for this little one, well this was a big accomplishment.

I remembered this morning it was Dr Seuss day at school.  Let me just say I have never been a fan of the books, but when one little boy wants to dress up, and you did not even have a second to create anything all week you jump in with what you have.  I found some felt and my glue gun and got busy.  I can tell you that I do not get along with glue guns and I thought I was going to get by with no injury when the last ham bone I was gluing on flipped over on my pinkie and a 1/2 inch blister is now appearing as I type this.  Anyway, I actually forgot about the ham until my son pointed that out to me.  All I had was pink construction paper, but it will do.  After the shirt was done Little Buddy informed me he would rather be a Lorax!  Oh well this was better than nothing.  I also wanted to make his hair all crazy, but he just wanted it, "regular."  He is into everything being, "basic" and informs me that all the time.  "Mom, you car is so basic." I think he upset The Aunts the other day when he told them that their walls were basic and he likes colored walls.  Frankly, it made me laugh.

I am off to do some paperwork.  Happy Friday!


  1. Congratulations. To Little Buddy! Before I even read what you typed I wondered if he had opened those pistachios. I knew that would be quite a feat for him. He’s come so far. So much of that is due to you, Meredith. And I can’t believe you came up with the T-shirt that fast. I absolutely detest making costumes because I have no imagination. I think it’s perfect! I hope you have a very calm and wonderful day my sweet friend. Blessings, Betsy

  2. I always enjoy hearing a good LB story. He is far from your basic boy!

  3. That shirt save was just brilliant. I have to say, speaking as a former first grade teacher, that Dr. Seuss always underwhelmed me too. His books never really held the interest of the kids. They were too long and just too silly. Kids that age are looking for a story. Something they can relate to. My most popular read aloud was always the tales from the Sideways School or Miss Nelson.

  4. Opening pistachios is a HUGE accomplishment! I still have trouble with them!

  5. Well done on the pistachio opening little man, that's a good thing to get to grips with. And well done you on stepping up to the plate viz a viz the costume. My youngest has informed me he wants to be a character from the Ranger's Apprentice books for Book Day this year. As far as I can tell it involves a long sweeping cape and a huge variety of weapons. Sigh. Sorry about the glue gun injury. I would not be allowed to operate such a thing. The basic comment made me laugh. Poor aunts, they will have to up their game. Wishing you and yours a lovely weekend. CJ xx

  6. Bravo on the spur of the moment costume.. you're brilliant and creative! Kudos to your little guy to master opening those pistachios.. I find them yummy but so hard to open, myself. I swear he's getting cuter by the day, he's going to be one heck of a handsome young man. Tell him his "aunt" from Oregon has a snazzy candy apple red FLEX.. he's love it. I'm with him.. nothing basic for me! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  7. He is hysterical. I love the comment about the walls being basic, and he likes colored walls. Too funny! Thanks for the laugh.

  8. I have trouble with pistachios - LB is ahead of me! My 8-year-old granddaughter is at that "candid" stage: my house is "old fashioned" and when I didn't get the car door closed on the first try, that was "pathetic". I have a glue gun but use it only under duress.

  9. It is always a joy to see LB and to read of his accomplishments and antics, he is one cute boy. Sorry to read about your glue gun injury, hopefully it on't be painful for too long.

  10. Well done on the emergency dress up. We have world book day next week and I feel that the glue gun is going to be out in our house too. Have a good weekend. Jo x

  11. I'll say the shirt is brilliant!
    (My son left for out of state business trip today and informed me that all next week is Dr Seuss at school so I can do something for Will, right?! I might borrow your idea for one day! lol)

  12. Perfect instant costume! I probably would have tried something far more worky and gotten panicked.

  13. Always love those last minute costumes! Great job on acquiring the new skill Little awesome!!!
    Have a lovely weekend,

  14. what a joyous post! well. except for your injury. that is awful. burns are so painful even days afterward.
    I'm into basic too little Buddy. lol
    I was diagnosed last week with pneumonia. have had the same thing that Claudia and Don have been fighting and after weeks of it... it just wasn't getting any better. so "laying low" now as they say... taking a horse pill and waiting it out I guess. my energy has become non existent.
    this post brought huge smiles from that favorite little fellow of yours. he's good basic medicine!

  15. Ha ha, at the beginning of this, I was picturing you gluing pistachio shells back together. Congrats to Little Buddy for his accomplishments and to you for yours!

  16. Pistachio cracking is quite a skill. I really mean it. Good job Lil buddy. What's next peanuts for baseball season? Ouch on that blister MERE!

  17. Congratulations to Little Buddy on opening the pistacios. His Dr. Seuss shirt is cute. I do not like Dr. Seuss either.

  18. Oh, mastering the pistachios is big! That takes a lot of coordination and then there is that prize, for me anyway. :)

    The days of making costumes and pulling a rabbit out of a hat on short notice for my kids---well, I'm glad that's behind me. But that little moment of feeling like you saved the day, and you did, is powerful.

    I always loved Dr. Seuss, I think the rhymes and illustrations tickled me most. Go Dogs Go was my very favorite book. Maybe I was a quirky child! lol!

    Have a great week, Mere!


  19. Carnival here (Fasnacht), and I am not into it to say the least. However, as a mother you have to go with the flow and come up with ideas quickly. Well done, Meredith. :-) All the best, Regula

  20. I'm so pleased to hear that Little Buddy is feeling better, and cracking open pistachios, great job. Ouch, I hope that blister heals quickly.

  21. What a fabulous t-shirt! I am so pleased that Little Buddy has learned to open pistachios, such an achievement when little hands won't always cooperate. xx

  22. I've spent a chunk of my weekend on paperwork.Yuck. I'm feeling quite burned out on it. But I have four IEP meetings next week, so I don't have much choice.

    I think you did a great job on LB's Dr. Seuss outfit! A Lorax would be a lot harder, I think.

    His attachment to basic is pretty funny!

  23. Congrats on B being able to crack a nut open - those are not easy to do sometimes!! I do like Dr Sues but I do not like creating outfits for any of the school functions. I used to dread Halloween and the 'pressure' to think up a costume and one my kids would like.

  24. Great job, Little Buddy on opening the pistachios! Even I have trouble with those...they can be stubborn! He cracks me up with the funny things he says. "Your car is so basic" ha ha!

    I actually liked Dr. Seuss when I was little and so did my boys! I remember teaching my little sister to read and we used Dr. Seuss books. But making costumes, especially at the last minute? Definitely not my forte! You did a great job with what you had.

  25. Well done LB with the good school experiences AND opening AND eating pistachios. I dunno, but someone is killing it right now. I'm grateful for that. I get it. Next week may be a rollercoaster but thank goodness for the good.

    I LOVE his green eggs & ham outfit. And honestly, Mere? I don't trust anyone that can get through a glue gun project without a burn. ;)

  26. You are so creative to come up with such an effective costume at such short notice. Well done!
