Sunday, February 23, 2014

Beautiful Blessings

Once upon a time a little baby entered my life through my work.  He was three months old and a mess.  I could tell the minute I held his little body that there was someone in there fighting to live.  He reminded me of a tadpole, not quite formed into being a frog yet, somewhere in between.  He had big, big eyes, a misshaped head, and boy was he stuck, he could not move and develop like a newborn baby should.  Coming into the world 13 weeks early, with no heartbeat and not breathing, and with every major complications at every turn did not help.  When he was discharged the Neurologist told his medical foster family to take him home and love him, she thought the damage he had suffered was quite extensive and was not sure what he would become.  

With a great deal of love from his medical foster family, therapy from me and a wonderful speech therapist this little one started to grow.  He began to finally suck on his bottle, which took hours and hours to teach him.  He finally was able to move his head in both direction and even hold it up.  He was able to look at objects presented to him even though he had suffered a lot of damage to his premature eyes.  As soon as he got strong enough he was able to lie on his belly and hold up his head, finally able to tolerate being moved from position to position, and finally able to start growing and developing.  It was a challenge but once he realized he could roll or slowly, slowly pull himself forward on arms that were not functioning perfectly, he was able to move!.  As he grew and developed his personality did to.  He was so funny and loved to laugh, loved silly things, funny noises and songs, oh my this boy loved to hear music.  He began to take weight on his feet in supported standing, learned to sit up all by himself and finally was able to get up on his hands and knees!  What a miracle that day was, because he soon figured out after all that work that he could crawl, and now the world was open to  him.  Crawling is not easy for a little one whose arms and legs don't work like ours, it is hard, hard work.  It is the desire to move and explore that helped this little one go, and go, and go.

We took care of this little boy when his Medical Foster Family needed a break, when they wanted to go on a trip or two with their family.  Along the way I fell totally head over heals in love with this little one.  And the funny thing is my family did, too.  I love all the kids I work with but this one has something magical about him, his crooked smile, his desire to thrive, he is just such a fighter.  He has been up for adoption and I have been on pins and needles waiting to hear about a forever family for him.  Finally one popped up and I went to the meeting about them and almost threw up, you see they were all wrong for him.  They were my age but old if you know what I mean, never had children and just did not fit.  He needed a family that loved him, loved him and his special needs and knew what to do to help him be the best he can be.  I lost sleep, I became very, very quiet until finally the thing that had been staring me in the face became apparent.  With a lot of very gentle prodding from my husband, approval from Mr. 20 year old and my Teenager we put our names in the pot, to make this little one part of our family.  I knew if we did not try then I would regret it the rest of my life, and my husband saw this, too.  You see there is a plan out there bigger than me, and if I did not try then I would never know if he was really supposed to be ours.  I prayed and prayed that the right thing would happen for him, not for us.  

After parenting classes, background checks, and lots and lots of paper work we were finally approved to be My Little Buddy's forever family.  After weeks of waiting, waiting and more waiting he is finally living in our home.  It is not official yet, but My Little Buddy is here, in his own room with his own toys and we are all adapting so smoothly it is scary, sort of like it was meant to be.  He has been here for several weeks and that is why I have been so busy, blogging has not been the focus, adapting him to our home has been the priority.

I know we are crazy, I am no spring chicken and my husband is not either.  But as my husband said so eloquently when trying to convince me that this was the right thing to do, "Don't we have enough love in our hearts to love another little boy?" The answer to that is, yes we do.

We have been blessed, and I am not telling you all of this for you to say I am wonderful, it is not that way at all, he is going to bless us a lot more than we are ever going to bless him.  Many, many people have worked so hard on this little one to get him to where he is today, and many more will work with him for years to come.  Life is too short not to help, it is too short not to give this little one a home where he is loved, cherished and will be pushed to be the best he can be.  I don't believe this is an accident, it was predetermined a long time ago.  Hopefully he will grow to love us as much as we love him, and he won't see that he has really old parents, just parents.  He won't see our gray hair and wrinkles, just faces that look back at him with love and admiration.

Beautiful Blessings.


Mrs. C said...

Oh Meredith :) I am sitting here sobbing with joy for the both of you! Everything in life happens for a reason... we don't always know what that reason is but eventually it becomes apparent to us... you two were brought together for this reason... :) Much joy and happiness to your new family!!! :) :)
Mrs."C" :)

Arizona2012 said...

A happy beginning for all. I cant wait to here all the adventures. And you are NEVER too old to parent!! Cindy

Erika said...

Hi, I am sitting here, like Mrs. C and I am sobbing. So glad for your alls Happy Ending. It is so nice to see that there are still people out there willing to give an unwanted or sick child a place to be themselves. This little man is now going to have a good chance at live.
Sending you all Blessings! Looking forward to seeing updates on this little guy. Lots and lots of Happiness to you all.

Anonymous said...

Meredith... There are no words. Just tears of joy for you all. X x

Anonymous said...

Oh my, this little boy is so blessed to have you as his mummy. This is such a beautiful story and I am so happy for you and your family xxx

serendipity said...

What wonderful news, for him and you both. It was obviously meant to be all along. Good luck for the future. xx

Tami said...

i'M CRYING,My hope for you and whole family the miracle included,is you celebrate the little things as well as the big things in the same spirit. And that you all grow together to support each other..You are wonderful but not for the things you did but for realizing as a family unit he belongs with all of you.

cockney blonde said...

I have tears in my eyes too. I remember the first time you posted a picture of him with Max and I thought then what a lovely thing you were doing. As you say this is a beautiful thing for all of you and I truly hope your lives are enriched by your new addition. BTW we have an adopted grand-daughter and we wouldn't have it any other way. She has enriched and brightened our lives since the day she arrived, x

busybusybeejay said...

What a wonderful story.I could feel your love for this beautiful little boy and I am sure he will bring you so much happiness.What a lucky chap he is.

Marjo said...

Tears in my eys too....
Such a wonderul story Meredith..

A big hug


Anonymous said...

You write beautiful blog posts always, but this one is the most beautiful ever. I'm so glad that you have a new little love in your life.

The picture of the baby and Max at the door is priceless.

God look over your family and keep them safe and loved forever.

Pammy Sue said...

And you are a blessing for him too! I hope you are all happy and healthy for a long time to come. Sounds like a perfect fit for everyone. Hugs.

Janet Miller said...

Congratulations Meredith and family! There's nothing more purely loving than making someone else's child your own. You'll bring so much to each other. May God bless you all and especially this lucky, beautiful little boy.

Suzan said...

Ohhh Meredith!! Congratulations on the new addition to your family!! I must say it - whether you want to hear it or not - but you and your whole family is extraordinary to take in this special little guy and to include him into your family forever!! I look forward to reading about your new little guy and all the wonderful times and difficult times that are ahead of you! God Bless you and what a wonderful love you share with each other!!

20 North Ora said...

What a blessing he is going to be to you all and what a blessing you are going to be to him! It is so precious that he is going to have a loving family that can work with him and watch him develop (even tho the Drs. may not think he will) - love does strange and unexpected things.

Bless you and your whole family.


brsmaryland said...

Hooray!!! So happy for all of you.
And tho you don't want to hear it, I think you and your husband and your older boys AND your Little Buddy are ALL wonderful!! :-)

Unknown said...

Beautiful!!! I am so glad that you told his story. And that he has such a happy future! You were all meant to be together. He will REALLY thrive now. I bet his medical family is very happy also. Knowing that he will be well cared for. Love the pictures of him. What a sweety. Congratuations to you, him and the rest of the family.

byhooks4u said...

You know when God puts something into your heart and you know that it is good...bless you and your family always. I hope that you will find time to keep us updated and your son's progress as he has found a way into my heart also. I am adding you and your family to my prayer list..and pray you continue to listen to that small voice..Many hugs and blessings..

Anonymous said...

Meredith, I've always felt that you are a special person, one who sees beyond to what is really real. You've chosen love, and that my friend is what life is for. I'm so wishing you all, peace and happiness and a lifetime of love.

moonstruckcreations said...

Meredith, you and your family are such a blessing for this little boy. And just look at him, he obviously loves you all so much.

Wishing you and your family all the very best.


Jennifer Hays said...

I'm so happy for all of you. Your love and compassion for him have already done so much for his growth and development. He is a beautiful little boy and I know he will be very happy in your home. I wish you all the best.

Debbie said...

Wishing you & your family joy & blessings!

Kris said...

Oh sweet Meredith I am rejoicing with you!!!!!! He will THRIVE beautifully!!! My heart is so, so happy, for I know you have worked very hard for this to come to fruition.
It was meant to be, from the start, for sure!!!!!
Love ya
PS Thank you for your love and support regarding my Mom!!!!!

Julie said...

Oh Meredith...congratulations. Your little boy will bring you lots of joy. xo J

Nancy Blue Moon said...

Hi Mere..I am visiting from Claudia's blog as she was so proud to tell us about your new son today..what a lucky little boy he is..He might have never progressed the way he has if not for all the love that he are also lucky that you will continue to share in the joy of every new thing he learns..Bless you all and let love lead the way!

Annette T. said...

OH I am so happy for you and your family and this little guy. It was meant to be. I remember from the beginning seeing pics of him and thinking how adorable he is! You will certainly be able to give him the love and support he needs. We were both 43 when my daughter was adopted, and having a child later in life keeps you very very young!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Meredith, I am so glad that Claudia sent me over. Bless you and bless that sweet little boy. xo Laura

Bonnie Schulte said...

This is the first time to your blog, (Claudia posted on her blog)and yes, I am crying too, with the rest of your readers. What a wonderful story of LOVE. God certainly planned this perfectly. Congratulations to your wonderful family!!! I see many happy days ahead for all of you.

Hannapat said...

Oh Meredith what a beautiful story and one with a happy ending. I am so happy to hear that you have passed all the rigorous testing to officially adopt this gorgeous little fella, you must feel like you are on cloud nine. You are never to hold to give a child hope, love, joy and best of all a promise of a family! I would love to foster, adopt, you name it, but it takes a family to do it and not just one person. It sounds like you have the whole package there my dear and we are all here for you for all the ups and downs still to come. Sending you much love xoxo

Clobelle said...

An absolutely beautiful thing to do, my heart was in my mouth the whole way through, I'm so glad you have opened your arms to him as he will open his heart to you x

Linda said...

Thank you Meredith for sharing this beautiful story that has a Happy new beginning for you and your family. Your Little Buddy is amazing and you have the joy of knowing that he is now where he belongs xxx

Gracie Saylor said...

Joy!!!!! Dear Meredith, I am happy for you and yours and asking God's continued blessing on each of you.!!!!! xxxxx

Penny said...

Oh this is the most wonderful news Meredith, a huge congratulations to you and your family. This is the most beautiful news and I am overjoyed for you all xxx lots of love and hugs from over the ocean xxx

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Meredith, this is a beautiful story and a meant to be for sure. I can see that he has already blessed your life! I'm a friend of Claudia's and came over to read this wonderful news! Big hugs to you and your family!


Shirley said...

Meredith, Your Little buddy is adorable. I love the picture of him and the dog looking out the windows. It as though the dog is going to be his protector. You are never to old to love a little guy like him. I am so happy for your family and him. He is special. Many hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

Susanne Tyree said...

I can not say that this post did not bring some tears to my eyes. Love knows no age limit. Finding room in your hearts and your home for this special little guy is a very unselfish act. God put him in your lives because he has a "perfect" plan for this child and for you. In your eyes there are no flaws in this child of God, he is "perfect" and perfectly suited to be yours. He is a lucky child despite all the obstacles surrounding his coming into this world. Now that you look back you probably had no clue that he would be yours in the future. And for some reason when I look at the pictures of him and Max, why the 2 of them just look like they were meant to be buddies all along. May God continue to bless you all.
Love you friend,
(((HUGS))) Susanne :)

Between Me and You said...

I was hoping and hoping you were going to say that!What a lovely,lovely post. Many,many blessings to you all.You're such an angel, Meredith....and your hubby too. Little Boy is gorgeous and I just love his trendy eyewear!Good Luck to all of you.xxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

What a precious blessing! :) Happy tears of joy here for you and your whole family! :) God is good and this is a sweet blessing. :)

Unknown said...

Every blog of yours that I read I fall more in love with you. Not in a 'lets get married' sense but in a, 'This woman is awesome!' way. I love children, I never thought I would until I had them and it turned out I am quite good with them, like it was meant to be. I am desperate for another but at the same time I am longing to wait and try to give a child who already needs a family a place in ours. Your family growing is so beautiful, this little guy will have so much love and protection around him and it is wonderful to see and hear about. I am so, so happy for you all. What a gorgeous little man. Oh I am just so pleased for you xxxxxxx

ColourMeCrochet said...

My dear Meredith, I can't stop crying. I'm so pleased for you and your family. It's a lovely story with a wonderful ending. I am going to enjoy sharing your journey with you and your little addition.
Love and hugs
Sally xxx

RedSetter said...

Oh Meredith, I can hardly see for tears of delight for you and your family, and joy for your little buddy. This all seems so very predestined and a case of the universe bringing you all together. Even just looking at him with Max he seems like a perfect part of the family. Taking on another child will be a rollercoaster ride but even in the short time of conversing with you I cannot imagine a better family for this little one to enjoy the ride with.

Clare said...

Meredith such a wonderful gift you are giving him and I'm sure he will be giving to you and your family many gifts of much love and joy. Your a star my dear.
Clare xx

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Congrats my sweet friend! He is so adorable!

Blessings always

Amy at love made my home said...

Blessings to all of you! xx

Liz said...

Wow, like everyone else you brought tears to my eyes. I know you didn't share this for praise, but you and your family have done a wonderful thing. How exciting for you all, and we all get to see more of your little man. I know what you mean about age. But that's not what's the most important. The little boy will remember how wonderful you were as parents not how long you were his parents. (Michael is 49 and will be 60 when Ireland is 18 graduating from high school)

CJ said...

I see I am not the only one crying. Congratulations to you all Meredith, this is such wonderful news. I've seen him before in your photos and wondered about him, your little buddy. I am thrilled that he is to be your little boy for always, how wonderful for you all. To open your lives to another person to love is always the right thing to do. You are going to make him so happy, I know. I'm so very happy for you all.

Mrs. Micawber said...

Dearest Mere - tears of joy for you and for the Little Guy are flowing right now. You definitely made the right decision. God bless you all.

Bridget said...

I am so incredibly happy - for him, for you, for your family, and just happy that I know you.

May your life with your little boy be full of nothing but happiness.

I'm also glad he and Max are friends. :-)

Congratulations to all!

Teresa Kasner said...

Hello my dear friend.. I'm so happy to hear how you and your little buddy are both being blessed by each other. Believe me, I have my 2 little 4 and 5 year old grandsons living here and they bring a lot of fun and joy to your life. I'm proud of you and happy for you and your family. I look forward to seeing him grow and thrive with you. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Annie Cholewa said...

Oh Mere, what a joyous post, what a fabulous journey you are embarking upon, what a blessing you are. Every good wish for the future and hugest hugs from over here in Wales, where my husband just asked me why I was crying xxx

Deb said...

CONGRATULATIONS Meredith on the newest addition to your beautiful family ♥
like everyone else ...tears of joy felt & shed here!
what a beautiful little boy you have ~ max is no longer the baby of the family :-)
Love & hugs to you all from Canada xoxo

Clicky Needles said...

That is just wonderful news Meredith. I'm so pleased for you and your family. CN x

My Little Home and Garden said...

This is exciting and heartwarming news for your family, Meredith. Congratulations to all of you on the wonderful arrival of your youngest son.


Caseymini said...

Meredith, when I first visited your blog a month or so ago, I saw the little guy and wondered where he fit in your family. Now I know. Congratulations to you all!what a wonderful blessing.

Pooch said...

Amen, Meredith. Amen.


Melanie said...

I am popping over from your sister's blog...and am sitting here with tears rolling down my face! What a beautiful story. What a blessing you are to this little boy - and I'm sure, vice-versa. God bless you all!

Dawn said...

Hi Meredith, I have secretly know your story for some time now I am friends with Claudia. I have been rooting for you and praying that it all goes well. Congrats on the new family member. I too have a similar situation but the boy we adopted was 14. I know the things you go through with the process and for us it was the same feeling. We knew it was a perfect match and have never looked back, my child is 17 now. It is a wonderful thing you are doing and you and the boy will be blessed in many ways. XO

Joy said...

My dear Meredith, I am so very happy for you and all of your wonderful family, and especially for this darling little boy who will finally have your tender loving care full time. What a wonderful turn of events this has been and I pray blessings on all of you. Love reigns!!! Warmest hugs, Joy xo

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Absolutely beautiful story. Lucky you to be so in love, and lucky little boy to be so loved. But I suppose it's really not about luck, is it? God bless.

Diane said...

I am sitting here with tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat, and thanking God for the great love He has put in your family's heart for this sweet little boy!
Many, many blessings to you all.
Diane in Alabama

Betsy said...

There are no words to adequately express the love and admiration I feel for you, your husband and your children right now. There are so many children that need a forever home and yet they never have the chance in life that you're giving your little Buddy. I do believe that this WAS determined long ago, before he even came into your life. Every thing you've experienced together has prepared all of you for this day. I am just so, so happy for you Meredith. May you be blessed everyday in this new stage of life you've been given.
Blessings always my friend,

Betty said...

I came over from your sister's blog and read your wonderful well written post. How about one more sentence?

"And they lived happily ever after."

Congratulations to all of you!

Connie said...

You are right. He will bless you far more than you'll bless him. It just happens that way sometimes. Of course, he's very fortunate to have a family with so much love and he'll get that love. But the Lord will give you so much more that you will be amazed. Happy parenting for that child. He deserves a family!

kathy b said...

What a fantastic surprise MEredith . You have anew son!!!! OMG. IM thrilled, elated and amazed. You and your family are amazing .

What size is he wearing. What is his name again ?

OH IM too excited for you! Hooray for all.
What a great announcement

Joyful said...

What a precious child. I can see he is special right off the bat.

I'm so glad it is working out for him to be a part of your loving home. Congratulations to you, your husband and your other children. Hugs. xx

Astri said...

Oh this is wonderful for all of you. Congratulations to you and your family!

Unknown said...

My heart is bursting with joy, hope and love for that handsome little fella and his forever family! I have happy tears, just like everyone else who has read this story. I feel blessed that I'm a follower of your blog! Thank you, thank you for sharing your story, and boy oh boy I can't wait to see what happens next for you all! Sending huge congratulations and hugs, Chrissie x

Evie Jones said...

Like some other readers I'm visiting from Claudia's blog. As an adoptive mum of two I fully understand how you feel about your little man. People often say how wonderful we are to have adopted...I always point out how lucky we are to have our children. They are amazing. I also always say that they were always our children, they were just delivered to the wrong address. We are blessed they found their way back to us. I wish you and your family all the joy in the world.

Elisabeth said...

Oh Meredith, HUGE congratulations. I am so happy for you and feel really emotional after reading this story. I wish you and all your family happiness and joy. Hugs xx

Caffeine Girl said...

I've got tears running down my face. This is a phenomenal story, beautifully told. As a special ed teacher and mom, I have some idea of what you have committed to. People like you make this world a place of joy.

Sentimentally Me said...

Oh My! I'm so moved, so touched, and in some ways, so proud of you :) YOu & your husband are beautiful people, Meredith! You've got it in you, and not alot of people do.

I'm teary now, but happy tears for your little guy, and for you too!!

Who cares if you're old parents??!!!! No One! and you surely won't be the only ones!


kristieinbc said...

This post took me totally by surprise! I'm sitting here with tears of joy in my eyes. What an adventure you, your husband, your big boys, and now your little boy are going to have together as a family! Congratulations to all of you!

Sandy said...

What a cute little tyke! Max has found his "forever" home. All of you will be blessed. Let the fun begin.

Beth Fitch said...


Lynne said...

I typed and erased my comment three times, because I'm crying and can't get the words out. This is just amazing! I am so happy for you and that little guy.
Your family is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Meredith, I can barely see my computer screen for the tears... I have no "right" words to say except that it was meant to be my friend. It's totally obvious!
Bless you and your DH but most especially this new little one in your life!
Hugs from the deepest part of my heart,
Beth P

Unknown said...

What a beautiful special, precious little one! And what a wonderful time for all! Always remember...when it comes to love age doesn't matter....Enjoy and celebrate you new precious joy!!!?

Regena Fickes said...

My day is never complete without tears of joy. You have completed my day. God bless you. When He has a blessing for you, He may go before and smooth the path. He has done so. Keep us well supplied with info about your beautiful little boy.

Ana BC said...

You are right, Meredith! It is a blessing for him and for you as well. Congratulations!!!

Carole C said...

This was the first thing I read this morning. What a sweet way to start the day,I'm so happy for all of you.

Cari said...

Oh Meredith…congratulations. You and your wonderful family are amazing. I'm so excited for all of you, and especially YOUR new little buddy! Warmest hugs, Cari

Katherine said...

Meredith you ARE wonderful and so very blessed!! I love it when good things happen to good people. He is such a blessed little boy to have you and your family to love and to love him. My prayers will be with all of you as you face the future. Thanks for sharing this happy time with your blogging buddies. I'll be watching for reports on the days ahead!

Judy S. said...

What a wonderfully uplifting story! Blessings on you, your whole family, and this sweet little guy.

Paula said...

Oh Meredith! Congratulations to you and your family as you welcome this new little son and brother! I am so happy for all of you - this was meant to be!


Hello Meredith. Warm hugs to you and your sweet wee buddy. I am very happy for you all and I am sure Buddy will grow and thrive with the tender loving care of you all. Hugs Judy

Anonymous said...

Meredith - Your post is simply beautiful. How lucky you and how lucky he is. I will be reading along to learn more about this wonderful adventure. ~Kelly

Mindy said...

Congratulations!!! What an exciting blessing!

Anonymous said...

Happy day for that beautiful boy! So many of our church family are foster parents and/or adoptive parents that we had them all come up and share one Sunday. The common theme was, "We never planned to do this, but God had different plans." He is a most blessed boy to be with you and your family - including Max!

Laura from beautiful West Michigan
lerounds on ravelry

Toni said...

Oh how wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad he found such a perfect family! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dawn said...

Hi Meredith, I follow your sister's blog and saw your story. I am a social worker who works with foster children and wanted to say thank you for opening up your heart to be his forever family. There is such a great need for qualified foster families. I hope this inspires others to look into that possibility for themselves. Best wishes.

millefeuilles said...

Dear, wonderful Meredith,

Words fail me. I am deeply moved by this beautiful story which is firmly planted in reality with a touch of magic too. Congratulations in this crazy, wonderful, fabulous adventure you have embarked on. It just pinpoints further the depth of your heart.

Warmest wishes from afar,


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

Oh this is beautiful...and you are right, no accident...he is exactly where he was meant to be. You are all blessed beyond words...

Dori said...

Oh...How absolutely, wondrously, perfectly beautiful. You are all right where you are supposed to be. Blessings and best wishes to you and your family!

Babajeza said...

This is wonderful news! Hugs to you and the little boy.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, Meredith! I am crying my eyes out. What a wonderful, joyous story!

That little one is going to see you through eyes of love, no grey hair or wrinkles through those eyes, and what a blessing you will all be to each other. Heartiest congratulations and all best wishes for this journey together as a family! I am so excited for you! :-)

I would have dropped by sooner, but I just saw Claudia's post. I have been traveling, but I popped in for a second. I am so glad I did because. This has made my day.

Many, many blessings...



The Quintessential Magpie said...

Sorry for the typos! xoxox

Unknown said...

I have read your blog several times...each time with tears of joy and love. Joy for the love that that precious, beautiful little boy will bring into your life and for the love that his new family will bring into his life. It's such a wonderful blessed event when those meant to be together all come together.

Lulu said...

such a sweet story...He is so adorable..
congrats and God Bless..

Sandy said...

It's all in divine order. I'm so happy for this little boy. What a gift for all of you. I came over from Claudia's blog to say how touching your story is. I pray that more children can be placed in loving homes where they can thrive.

Maureen Wyatt said...

It is a very, very good thing you have done. As the grandma of four adopted kids, considered unadoptable, I know the road will not be easy but the rewards are beyond anything we ever imagine. The first three years were rough for my daughter and her book "The Promise" is a staple for N. American adoption services. As we enter the fourth year, I can't imagine life without these wonderful kids!

Little Welsh House said...

Huge congratulations, so glad that your family has found one another and he is finally coming home! How wonderful - thanks for sharing this beautiful story xxx

Gillian Roe said...

Oh Meredith - i am so happy for you! What a beautiful story. It's obvious he is already part of your family and you are just at the beginning of a wonderful new chapter in your lives. Huge hugs to you. xx

RURAL said...

Meredith, I've been busy deleting photos, and meaning to return comments...and just now found out this wonderful event that is happening in your family. You have always spoken of your little buddy with such love, and now to be able to share that forever...perfect.

I wouldn't worry about age, love knows no boundaries, color of hair, or stage of life. Biggest of blogging hugs to you and your new Son.


Beverly said...

Surely God is present in this union. My heart is full, and you have a place in my prayers.

kathyinozarks said...

tears of joy and hugs for all of you-so glad you shared this special story with us

Home Meadows said...

Meredith, I'm so happy for you and your family. I haven't been reading the blogs lately and am now just trying to catch up. I know the blessing of adoption first hand as my little family was formed through adoption. You have a wonderful road ahead. I wish you joy with your new addition and congratulations! Hugs, Heather

Rose Red said...

Oh gosh, I am so glad I didn't miss this post! How wonderful! Congratulations on the new addition to your family. I am quite sure your Little Buddy Son will never see any grey hair or wrinkles, just two wonderful people who love him to the Moon and back.

Casey said...

This is beautiful!! What a lucky little man, he's found a great home with you :) Congrats!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Oh Meredith! I have goosebumps and tears. I didn't realize that your little buddy is no longer just a visitor. He is in his forever home. How absolutely wonderful! Especially so that your husband encouraged this huge step in your lives. Definitely this was meant to be. God bless you all! Tammy

Grammy Braxton said...

What an absolutely wonderful blessing for all of you. It sounds like this was meant to be from the start and I know that little boy will enliven and enrich your lives more than you can dream as you will enrich his. I am so very happy for all of you.


Hindustanka said...

Finally I got to know this beautiful story Meredith... Your family is great and Little Buddy is so blessed that you came into his life or maybe that he came into your life ;) I wish I wish that all the children were loved as much as you love him.

Blessings and hugs your way!!! :)))