It has been quite a week my friends. I have been a crazy woman at work, have the normal stresses of being a Mom and all the worries that go along with it, and don't even get me started on politics and all that is happening there. There have been positives and negatives all around. We have finally gotten some much needed rain. We were in a severe drought even as those states north of us have been inundated with rain. My flowers are flowering and my grass is green. Unfortunately two plants I rescued from my parents have finally died. It makes me sad as I have nursed them through mites and fungus, but they just can't survive any more.
I treated myself to new nail polish. Living in Florida my toes are on view most of the year. I never seem to find the perfect polish color but I think I have a win this time. Baguette Me Not by Essie. It is the perfect shade of soft lilac. Here is a little hint that I recently read about. If you have dry feet or cracked heels like I do put castor oil on them before bed and they will be soft and wonderful. I now do this every night and it looks like I have had a pedicure which I have not done for months. By the way castor oil is also great for scars, just rub some in twice a day and you will be surprised how wonderful that scar will look.
This latest project is the Sunday Shawl is not turning out how I had envisioned it would. See here I go again making my own interpretation of the design and it isn't working. Or maybe these colors are not working. Or maybe I am not working. Regardless I crochet on because if I am sitting still these days I have a hook in my hand and you will have to pry it out of my fist if you want me to do anything else. I simply cannot stop crocheting. I think this just might be a disaster, only time will tell.
The good news is that it is only yarn that will be wasted, time is never wasted when playing with yarn. There is always more yarn and more patterns to choose from, the possibilities are endless. The Great Adirondack Yarn Co., Well Dressed Sheep yarn above is a recent purchase. It is soooooo bright and colorful, not my usual thing. When cruising patterns on Ravelry I found the Mezzaluna Crescent Wrap and thought this yarn would be perfect. Maybe it will be a win or a loss, regardless I will give it a try and see how it all works out. Part of the fun is just seeing if your guess work results in a great finished project. If it doesn't then you can always frog it and begin again.
After the smiling photo of Max from last post I now have a sad boy. His left leg gave out three times in the kitchen today. Bless him that has not happened for a while. When I got him up he went directly to the door and walked around outside for a bit. The pavement is easier for him to grip with his paws, much easier than the wood floors in my house. I put rugs in his favorite areas and now he is confused and is laying down in other places. He likes the coolness of the floor and doesn't understand it is easier to get his feet under him if he is on a carpet. He is back on pain meds for a few days to see if we can get him through this tough time. It has been almost exactly one year ago that he was so horrible for weeks that we did not want him to suffer any longer. I will keep my eye on him because the greatest gift I can give him after all of his love and loyalty is no suffering.
Somebody got new braces and to the delight of the men in the house Little Buddy is sporting some Green Bay Packer love. The options were slim when we were picking the braces out a few weeks ago. Camouflage, superheros, plain or professional sports. I think they will make him look a bit older as he moves into kindergarten this Fall. I will miss the cars and trucks of his last pair, that is really where he is developmentally. But at least now he looks like a big boy and the whole Wisconsin contingent of the family will be thrilled.

Little Buddy wears Crocs with his braces. They are easy to get on and are wide enough for the brace to fit. We went to the Croc store on Friday and they had a buy one, get one at 50% off. He goes through these shoes pretty quickly so I bought him three pair, which left room for a pair for me. I am in love with these flowered shoes! Aren't they fun? I plan to wear these to work because they can be easily wiped off. I am on the floor all day long. I get spit up on and well you can only imagine as I work with many babies. If someone has an accident I can just wipe these off and go on with my day. A win-win I'd say.
Speaking of Little Man he has passed on his wee cold to me. Mom's do have a way of picking up their children's germs. Maybe it is because this boy of mine is so kissable, I am always smooching him. My cold is not major, actually just minor enough to keep me irritated or think everyone is trying to irritate me on purpose!
Hope your weekend was beautiful and peaceful.
What pretty nails you have, yes you have found a lovely colour. Hope your cold goes away soon, enjoy your crochet xx
I love your bougainvillea! I was sorry to see your one plant hit the skids. Wonder why? It was fun to see your lavender toes.. I should get a pedicure. I recognized the Sunday Shawl.. I am doing the body of mine in pink and have some other pastels for the lacy edging. I'm loving mine so far. I hope you like yours when done so we can have twin! That rainbow colored yarn is right up my alley! It will look fab in a mezzaluna shawl! Give Max a muzzle rub for me.. sweet boy. Love Lil Buddy's braces and your new shoes.. you two are stylin'! So 45 has decided he is afraid to go to England.. lucky queen! LOL! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Pretty nails, pretty crochet, pretty shoes! My boys would be thrilled with LB's brace choice. They love the Packers. :-) I'm so sorry to hear that Max is ailing. Our Chloe fell three times this week too. The Vet has her on some news arthritis meds but she seems depressed when taking them. Does that even make sense? A dog depressed? I will be praying for sweet Max to rally and feel better. We all have grown fond of that boy.
Poor Max. I hope the meds will get him through this tough time.
Castor oil is great stuff! I use it in my oil cleansing mix. Thanks for the tip about scars - will have to try it.
Lovely nail polish and yarn!
Awwwwwww...dear, sweet Max. He has such a gentle face. Give him a gentle hug from me . . . but don't tell Giroux I said that.
Love L.B.'s new braces. The Philadelphia Eagles are my first choice, but the Green Bay Packers are pretty high up too. :-)
There are two kinds of knitters/crocheters-- project oriented and process oriented. I'm more a process knitter--as long as I am knitting, it is less important how soon I finish an item.
Cute braces for Little Buddy!
I hope you are over your wee cold soon!
Go Packers! Of course I love anything linked my home state. And they do seem appropriate for kindergarten.
My nephew who has autism loves Crocs and that's about all he wears. I love them, but they don't have enough support for my feet.
I was surprised by that bright yarn. Now that's something I would buy. But it's fun to go outside your comfort area now and then.
I will be thinking of Max. He looks so tired in the photo. What a sweetheart!
It's also great to hear what you're up your nail polish color; Essie is my favorite brand. I'll have to look for that color. Your new shoes are really cute, too. Poor is so sad to see our fur babies growing old and ailing like that. Well, I wish I could say I like Little Buddy's new braces...but they are GB Packers and I'm in Chicago ('burbs), so of course I'm a Bear's fan. :-) Have a good week...hope your cold stays mild and that it's gone soon.
Thanks for the castor oil hint. I'm going to give that a try on my poor dry heels. I love the look of that colorful Well Dressed Sheep yarn. I think it's a perfect match for that crescent wrap too. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Max sure does look sad...poor sweet boy...our Sophie is getting quite old and she has trouble on the floors too. I put runner rugs all through the house for her. Those are pretty schnazzy Packer braces for Little B. He would fit right in here with all my Packer backers. ;-)
Love the colours in your shawl.
Sorry to hear that the plants from your parents didn't make it, but you certainly can't say you didn't try. I'm still fighting mealy bugs around here. I keep thinking the heat will finally do them in. It sure is doing a number on me. 9:30 am and it's already 103F. Ugh! I always wonder what people who don't crochet or craft do with their time. It's nice to just pick it up whenever you need to feel productive or to take your mind off other things. Bless sweet Max. I sure hope his leg gets stronger. He's such a love. Never heard of using castor oil on one's feet -- I have the worst and never like to show them in public. Congrats to Z Man on his new braces. Hope you get to feeling 100% very soon. Take care, Tammy
Oh, poor Max. It's been lovely getting some good news updates about him so I'm really sad to hear he's struggling again, please give him a big hug from me. I hope the meds do their thing and he can get past this latest struggle. I love that bright yarn, it'll make a gorgeous wrap.
I love that bright yarn, I actually stretched my hand out to touch it. Buddy's splints are great fun and those crocs look so wearable. Sad about the plants, it always seems to be the precious ones that meet a sad end.
I am going to give the castor oil a go, my feet could certainly do with some attention. Such a shame about Max, hope he gets through this rough period once again. Love the bright yarn, a real delight.
I love castor oil. It is always in my soap. Makes big bubbles and creamy lather. I will have to try it on my poor feet.
That yarn is right up my alley. I love a psychedelic rainbow.
Those are Crocs? I need to get me to the Croc store!
Sorry to hear about your rescued plants. You certainly extended their lives that's for sure and they looked like they might pull through which makes the news extra disappointing.
Poor Max too. I hope he will get over this latest setback. He certainly has spirit.
A lot of the physios at my local clinic and pool wear crocs too. As you say, so practical. I haven't seen any of ten wearing a pair a pretty as yours though!
The castor oil is good advice. I use moisturising cream on my feet too before bed. Putting socks on over them keeps the moisture in and helps a lot. Sjogren's Syndrome causes dry skin so I need a regular moisturising regime. I'm glad you are seeing great results with yours.
LB's braces look very much "schoolboy" and not at all "kindykid". He'll walk tall in those.
Wishing you some rest so you can get over your cold asap. xx
Oh sweet Max - hoping he is feeling better. Love your cheerful yarn! Wild!! And your toes look great. Thanks for the castor oil tip. LB is getting so big! Great new braces for him.
I have the ugliest feet! I use so many things and have not found something I love but will try castor oil for sure. I need a pedicure but can't do it on a regular basis because well....$$$. Love Little Buddy's new braces. Oh my he is growing up isn't he. Wishing you a good week.
Packer wear! YES!!!!! I am a Packer fan now. :) and forever.
Max. Oh no. Im praying to st. Francis that he isn't near the end. He is so dear. I know you will not let him suffer.
Your toes are awesome. Great color choice.
As for the crochet hook, you go girl. Whatever makes your heart happy! I focus a bit too much on if something has been worth my time..when it is a fail. I like your attitude: there is no wasted time with the hooks and needles!
take care of your cold my friend. The are a nasty part of life. So annoying. And Love your shoes
Your post is full of colours today. That multi- yarn made me think of circus balloons.
It is also full of the ups and downs of life--things we can all relate to. Wins and setbacks, smiles and sighs, but within all things, Love.
Please give my love buddy Max a kiss from me.
Poor old Max, he looks tired. I hope he is feeling better soon. I love crocs, too. My boys would wear them all the time if they could (they are not allowed them at school). I fancy croc wellies. I hope your cold doesn't get any worse. xx
Sorry you've got a cold, I know what you mean about it making you irritable, I always find that too. Sorry Max is struggling, I hope the pain meds work. I love, love, love the deep raspberry yarn, that's one of my very favourite colours, it always speaks to me. Smart new braces for Little Buddy, I hope he has a good transition to bigger school. CJ xx
Poor Max! Have I mentioned K-Laser treatments before? They helped my previous dog for a while. And poor you - a summer cold - ugh! I too love caster oil for dry skin. Vicks Vaporub is another favorite, for toe fungus and "barnacles" (those odd benign skin growths that pop up on aging skin). I may have to investigate Crocs - they look a lot more fashionable these days and I am all about comfort.
Beautiful flowers!
Little Buddies braces are super cute and yes, a sign he's getting older, eh? Sweet. I love your new shoes, fun and cute and it sounds like, very functional as well. The colors in your shawl are beautiful. I hope it works out, but I'm glad you are at least enjoying the journey.
Very peaceful and summery, indeed. Habe a nice week! Hugs. Regula
I had to laugh at the name of your nail polish! I am wearing OPI color I Knead Sourdough! It is so pretty and reddish purple in color and am going to put them on my toenails next! Cool right now to be wearing no sox but soon it will be again! LB's braces are interesting and fun and hopefully you will all have a good summer. Your shawls are so pretty in color. Your yarn choices are so nice! If I only could crochet...not going to happen though. I do have a scarf pattern I need to make from some fun yarn a couple years ago. Take care and have a good weekend!
You've earned your weekend's rest, no doubt about it.
Love your Sunday Shawl colors and hope it starts to behave for you. Hope you are feeling better in time for a nice, relaxing weekend. You definitely deserve it. Love your new crocs, too. Hugs.
I hope your cold is better Meredith, I love the new shoes and and nail polish. I think you are probably crocheting like crazy so that you can get the Sunday shawl out of the way (which I'm sure will look amazing by the way) and get started on the Mezzaluna crescent wrap with that luscious bright colourful yarn. I'm so sorry to hear poor Max is poorly I hope that he will pick up soon. Have a great weekend. :) xx
Ohhh Meredith,
My heart goes out to you concerning Max!!!
I know know how it is trying to stay cool on the tile floor.
This summer heat is not fun for anyone!!!
You always have delightful colored yarn!!!
And hoping you are feeling better!! Summer colds are not fun!!!
Take care to all!!
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