Sunday, September 29, 2019

Two winners, The Falling Blossoms shawl and this and that................

First of all thank you so much for all who entered my yarn and book giveaway, and those who visited but did not want more yarn, I completely understand that!  I have two winners!!!

Happy Hooker won the Ella Rae yarn and Knitting for Peace book.  Mlbowden won the Filigran yarn and the Golden Morning book of beautiful patterns.  Please contact me via the comments section on how to get a hold of you.  I will not publish your personal information on this blog.  Can't wait to hear from you both!

I have another finish my friends.  This is  The Falling Blossoms Shawl by Ana D.  This is my second shawl in this pattern and I have to say I love it.  I am only making four items for Christmas presents this year and this is my second completed shawl.  Made with We Are Knitter's, The Cotton yarn in the color wine and a size I hook.  I used almost two and a half balls of this yarn for the shawl.  I could have done another flower repeat but decided this was a good place to stop as the shawl was getting quite wide.  So approximately 540 yards of yarn from my stash was used to make this.  This was left over yarn from my recent Ete Cardigan.  This will be for Little Buddy's speech therapist for Christmas.  I have already started shawl number 3 with one more to go!

Here is a before photo of two very sad boys who were in my car on the way to the groomer yesterday.  They do not like car rides and drool all over.  Look how pathetic they look!

Here they are six hours later.  They had to be almost shaved as they were getting such deep mats on their legs there was no other option.  I should have scheduled this appointment a few weeks ago.  No matter how much I brush them their hair starts to dreadlock and mat and the mats easily spread.  I can't even look at Hank without laughing, he looks so strange.  Soon they will start to look like mops again and frankly I can't wait.

I had to throw in another photo of Little Buddy at his horse back riding again this week.  He was brave enough to sit on Sassy backwards, not riding just sitting and doing an activity.  When riding he is needing much less physical contact from the therapist and handlers.  He is a very brave boy!

Friday is all about appointments, running errands and getting things done before I pick up Little Buddy from school and go to his riding therapy.  There is a new store near me that a friend suggested I visit.  A home goods store on steroids.  It is called At Home and has about everything you will ever need in your home and many things you don't!  The Christmas decoration isles were incredible, as were their selections of baskets, kitchen stuff and even outdoor furniture.  I walked around for a bit, and bought a few items for my friend for Christmas and two of these cute sheep mugs.  I mean how could I pass these up?   This morning was very delightful while drinking my tea while Little B was coloring in a picture.

Okay, I am off to do more paperwork and prepare myself for next week at work.

Wishing you all a wonderful week.  Happy October!


Sandy said...

We have one of those stores here, but I've yet to venture in. Perhaps I should, though am not much of a shopper. So glad the riding lessons are going so well for Buddy. The Shawl is awesome. It turned out truly lovely. How in the world did I miss your contest....bummer, must pay more attention. Have an awesome week.

Jo said...

Congratulations to the winners, I'm sure they'll put that beautiful yarn to good use. Oh, the shawl is gorgeous and such a lovely colour, Little Buddy's speech therapist will love it, I'm sure. The doggies look so handsome, they must feel much better now, I can tell that Archie is always much happier when he's been to the groomers, though he's never keen on going. Little Buddy is so brave sitting back to front on the horse, I'm glad he's having such a good time with his riding.

Araignee said...

Congrats to the winners and to you for your spectacular finish!
It's always a treat to see the smiling faces of your fluffy boys. I can't help but smile back at them.

Babajeza said...

I would have bought the mug too. :-) Have a good week! Regula

Karen said...

We have an At Home in our town, and you're right, it's a decorating store on steroids. Lots of cool stuff. As someone who has a hard time sitting on a horse facing forward, I'm dizzy seeing LB in that photo!

bittenbyknittin said...

Your dogs' hair mats? That means you could FELT IT!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Thank you for sharing some sweet times - sitting backward is very brave (and safe with all his helpers) - and working at the table while you drink your tea in that rather nice sheep decorated mug !!! The dogs are small again (well, for a few days) and don't they look wonderful. Beautiful shawl. Have a good week (no headaches).

Teresa Kasner said...

Lucky winners! I love that shawl.. I know the recipient will treasure it. Your fur kids look very clean and well-groomed. We need to get our little girl in for a trim. What cute mugs you found! We had to start a fire in our pellet stove today.. it's cold and rainy here. 41 deg this morning! I think the horse classes are so wonderful for your little man.. he is VERY lucky.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Betsy said...

What a beautiful shawl Meredith! That color is gorgeous. Congratulations to the winners. Very lucky ladies indeed. I laughed out loud at the pictures of your furry boys. The second picture is hilarious. They look like they're laughing at the camera. :-) I would love to give them huge hugs.
Sitting backwards!!!! That's a huge leap for your little guy. I'm glad he likes the therapy sessions. Horses are so great at reading people and they must know he's pretty special.
And finally, the sheep mug is wonderful. We have a new home store that just opened. I wonder if it's the same as yours? I'll have to check when I get home. I think I "need" one of those mugs! Ha!
We have another 3 hours to go to get home but we gave up tonight and got another hotel. It was just too dark and after 27 hours in the car in the past 2 days we were exhausted. This way we'll get some rest and be home before noon tomorrow easily to get lots done in the afternoon.
Wishing you a wonderful week my dear friend.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Congrats to the winners. The shawl you made is lovely and in a very gorgeous color. Those furboys are hilarious. It's funny how their personalities show through in their looks. Little Buddy is certainly growing up. Glad to know he is enjoying his riding therapy. Horses are amazing. At Home sounds like my kinda store. Hope you were able to get some relaxation in this weekend. Take care.

mamasmercantile said...

Those furry boys of yours are so handsome with their new haircut. I love the sound of your new Home store. It will be something to add to the to do list for our next visit to Florida we are in the process of booking for next March. How brave of Little Buddy to sit on the horse backwards.

Christina said...

Just as well we don't have such a store nearby, I am a sucker for all things pretty for the home.. Love the photo of Little Buddy riding backwards, that takes some courage! Your two furry boys are also fun to look at, they seem about half the size after their trim :-)

CJ said...

Love the sheep mug, perfectly ewe. Well done Little B for the riding and the tricky backwards stuff, love it. I had a boyfriend once whose mother knitted him a jumper from their Old English Sheepdog. It always makes me laugh when Bertie has a close shave at the groomers, he's like a whole new dog. He gets mats too - the sign of a life lived to the full I think. Your two look adorable, and no doubt it will all grow back quickly. Hope you have a good week, CJ xx

Anonymous said...

another wonderful post from you.
started my day with a huge grin! those puppies are just the cutest. I love it when they are cut close like that. their personalities really shine. it's like they KNOW they're cute too. that cheesy grin on Hank's face. LOL!
I read this past weekend about the first and original Labradoodle who was bred in England for a blind woman who needed a guide dog and was allergic to dogs.
the first Labradoodle was born! and became an excellent guide dog for her for years. and then he got to be retired with the man who was responsible for him. a great love there.
how you have time to create such beautiful gifts is amazing. and I love the thought of you relaxing with your sheep mug of tea while Little Buddy creates his own art! have a wonderful week Mere! xoxo

karen said...

congrats to the winners!!! your babies look so dapper with their cuts :) I hope you have a wonderful week and lots of down time when and if you get it.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Beautiful shawl. And as ever, all your boys are adorable.

Nance said...

We have At Home here, and it's enormous! It wears me out if I just go in to browse.

Love the photos in this post. The groomed pups are so comical with their big grins.

Jeannie Gray Knits said...

I'm impressed with Little Buddy sitting on the horse backwards. It seems so ...wrong and uncomfortable. Your shawl is gorgeous and the dogs are adorable with their new hair cuts. I had to have my Great Pyrenees's butt area shaved once because I'd skipped 2 days of brushing him and he got matted. He looked so silly! It was also a huge awakening to how quickly things could go wrong. I never dreamed 2 days of not being brushed could make such a difference.

Olga Poltava said...

Hi Meredith, that's a gorgeous shawl! Very pretty pattern!
That's great Little Buddy is doing horse back-riding! And your dogs are just adorable!

kathy b said...

Beautiful shawl and the length is lovely!!!!!
Happy for the winners of your contest!
I am glad you are only making 4 gifts for Christmas. It can get so goofy.
Lil B and his horsework is so impressive!! Truly it is frightening for so many to get on a horse and ride. He is so brave and motivated. Will the boys get Halloween bandannas after they area cut?

Clicky Needles said...

Love the colour of that shawl. Discovered there is an At Home store near me too, I wonder if I can get the Mr to go.....? Little Buddy looks like he is doing so well with his riding. CN x

DelightedHands said...

Nice to hear who the winners are-congrats! Little Buddy is very brave to go backwards! Great job on the shawl! Wow!

Jo said...

Love your shawl Meredith, very nice. Have a good week friend. Jo x

Judy S. said...

Love that beautiful shawl! Congrats to the winners; I am so behind in blog reading I didn't even know about the giveaway.

Melanie said...

That shawl is incredible - both the pattern and the color! Am drooling over this one!

An At Home store opened about 20 minutes from here a few months ago. I read the online reviews and most of them weren't favorable. People were saying it was mostly very cheaply made stuff, like a Dollar Store for decorating on steroids. They said Home Goods was much better. What do you think? Maybe I'll just pop in one day and find out for myself!

TheAwakenedSoul said...

Your post made me run outside and brush Lula. It's true, they really do need it regularly. It makes such a difference, but is another chore to get done. Buddy looks so studious, as he's coloring. He seems like he has a very happy life with you and the doggies.

Una said...

Yes, the weather is cooling down here now. I love the warm colour of your shawl and the stitch looks nice and strong. Those dogs are hilarious as usual, with or without hair. I've never seen someone riding a horse backwards. Buddy must be brave.

Jodiebodie said...

Congratulations to the lucky prize-winners Happy Hooker and Mlbowden. They are beautiful yarns and I am sure they will adore working with them and anything made with them.

There is an organisation in my district that offers riding therapy. It is totally volunteer run. Close family friends have a child who uses it and it has been a boon for confidence and physical and personal development. They have gymkhana/dressage style events regularly too which are a great way to acknowledge the riders' progress and proficiency.

It has been a joy to see how far LB is progressing. You're a great mum for providing so many new experiences and supporting him so ardently in the way you do.