Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Women's Day.................

You all know I am not a fan of Mother's Day.  There are way too many women out there taking care of children, the environment, partners, parents, friends, animals and the world to be celebrated if they only have the title of Mother.  So to all of you taking care of everything, to all of you working hard to make this world a better place, to all of you stepping up and carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, yet still making it though each and every day I send you my heartfelt thanks.  Thanks for being women the world needs right now more than ever.  Women who love and try to make the world a better place.  You are my heroes.  And to all of you missing your mom's, well I am right there with you today and every day.  I am sending you all a hug of gratitude for all you do each and every day. 


Babajeza said...

The world needs a new definition of "mother". All the best. Regula

sewing green lady said...

That is such a lovely post and right back at you! Sending love and hugs across the world. x

Betsy said...

I'm hoping you have a wonderful day too dear Meredith. I'm right there with you in missing my Mom and I'm also missing my kids today. Alex facetimed last night because it was already today over there! He always trys to beat Mandy in calling for holidays. I love the picture of your little guy, he is such a bright light to all of us.
Blessings and hugs,

Jo said...

Hope you have a wonderful day.

Chy said...

Happy Mother's Day Meredith! Hope all your boys spoil you today!

X Chy

busybusybeejay said...

My Mum died when I was 24.I have so missed having a mum around.She never got to meet my children.
What a super photo of Little Buddy.He is such a star and that smile brightens my day.

Jodiebodie said...

The definition of a 'mother' is much wider than whether one has given birth or not. Some people naturally mother everyone and everything around them with love and care.
I'm not a big one for quasi-holidays designed to serve retail interests - "Hallmark Holidays" I would rather we show our appreciation for our loved ones all year round, not on one designated day.
Every year at this time, I spare a thought for all of those people who always wanted to become parents and it never happened; or for those without parents. Days like this must be a torment year after year.
We are so privileged to be mothers and have loving families.
Hugs of gratitude in return, Meredith. xx

Araignee said...

You made my day. We need to uplift each other and forget about the rest of the noise. Have a great day however you celebrate!

mamasmercantile said...

Whatever the day means to you, may it be a wonderful one. We celebrate Mothers day here in the UK in March. Take care dear lady and stay safe.

Delighted Hands said...

I'm grateful for the support and encouragement of my blog friends!
We all do our part.

Judy S. said...

Have an extra special day, Mere!

CJ said...

Beautifully put as ever Meredith, your posts at this time of year are always so thoughtful and inclusive and kind. Thank you to you too for being such a wonderful human being. Hugs, CJ xx

Jo said...

Wonderful words Meredith - there are fantastic women out there not just mothers. Love to you. Jo x

kathy b said...

Meredith, thank you. Well written. Heartfelt. You are amazing and you inspire me!

linda said...

You are so right Meredith, have a great day. xx

Nance said...

Agreed! If we all were kind and thoughtful every day, these designated days would not be necessary. Take care.

Melanie said...

I'm not a fan of Mother's Day either. Of course, I'm glad I still have my mother here on earth with me and I also consider my sons my greatest gifts in the world. But as a mom who has lost one of her sons, the day is extra painful. And this year is the first year that #2 son isn't here, as he now lives 2200 miles away.

I also tend to get these idealistic expectations of how the day should be because of social media. As a friend of mine told me yesterday, "Stay off of Facebook today!" She's a wise friend. ;-)

Sending you much love and a big hug ~ you are not only a wonderful mother, but an amazing woman in so many other ways. xoxo

karen said...

I hope you had a great day and weekend!

Anonymous said...

I lost my best friend and mother when I was 25 and she was just barely 51.
and I miss her to this day. she was a cross between St Bernadette and Auntie Mame! she was simply wonderful!
and just as you say in your post... she was mother to the world! big small old young... she had that wonderful heart. the maternal heart. for every living thing! what a legacy to leave a child. any child! you are leaving that kind of legacy to all those you meet and help. bless you this Woman's Day Mere! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I have great admiration for people like you who make the world a better place everyday -- so typical of your generous heart to acknowledge all women regardless of their title of 'Mother.'

Teresa Kasner said...

I think it's wonderful that you make sure and recognize all the women who care for others. Even men can mother those who need it.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

handmade by amalia said...

Oh, that darling boy! And yes, women rock!