Sunday, August 2, 2020

A lot of pain, not so much gain.............

This week has been a lot about pain, not so much about gain.  Just after I posted last week about how far I was on my sweater, I crocheted both front panels then went to start on the back and oh no, it was wrong.  I had missed one leaf increase several rows down on the back that threw the whole thing off.  I had to rip out everything, back, back and back.  It was a mess but now I am near the finish line.  I am not going to boast or sure enough the crochet gods will be laughing at me again.  I have literally made this sweater twice and it isn't even done yet.

Not that you want to see a photo of my very un-manicured feet, but this is about pain and so here it is.  Fire Ant bites numbers 13, 14 and 15 for the summer are now on my left foot.  I got 10 bites on my right foot and leg from stepping in my mulch and landing on an ant pile that was hidden.  Number 11 was from the middle of my grass, and 12 was from an ant that crawled on my sandal while I was vacuuming out my car and proceeded to bite me while I was driving.  These new bites occurred while also stepping on the edge of my grass trying to get Little Buddy into my car.  Again, no visible ant mound, they were hidden in the grass.  I had no time to treat them as we were on the way to an appointment.  I scratched all the way there. Now my foot is swollen all the way to my ankle, lots of pain and for no gain if you ask me.  Pardon my feet, there is no way I am going to get a pedicure any time soon with Coronavirus still so rampant in Florida.  But just so you know our commander in chief was about 15 miles from my house this weekend and he thinks Florida is doing GREAT!  Over 480,000 positive cases, over 7,021 deaths, (remember we don't count those deaths in prison or if you actually died of pneumonia due to Covid-19) with over 437 deaths in my county alone.  Yup, we are doing GREAT!

These two hibiscus trees were outside the screened in area around my pool.  They are new and after I had planted them had been eaten by deer almost to the top so I raised the pots on unused pavers and that was that.  Yesterday I was admiring the new and beautiful foliage while one little boy was in the pool.  Just a few hours after that I saw two gorgeous bucks roaming my backyard, proudly displaying their wonderful antlers.  After I admired them and watched them walk into the woods I looked at my trees and saw this!  Now the trees have been moved inside where they will remain and hopefully recuperate quickly.  Lots of pain for these trees but not so much for the deer, they had a delicious treat.

This freckle boy had his Botox shots on Friday.  Lets just say it was a real pain for both of us.  I had had a really bad headache all week, and a boy who is coming off strong medication he needs for the shots is not a joy to be around.  I completely understand what is happening to him but a two hour tantrum about a special toy I bought him does not make motherhood easy.  My head was throbbing, especially after having to carry him into the house, he weighs a LOT!   Two more major tantrums during the day and mom was exhausted.  The shots are necessary, and they are painful thus the need for a lot of medication to make them more tolerable.  He gets 11 shots in his hip adductors and right hamstring to help reduces the spastic muscle tone in these areas.  Without the shots it is much more likely the increased tone will eventually pull his right hip out of socket so he would then need surgery.  So while these are a real pain, they actually are for great gain in the long run.  When the Botox is working full strength in a few weeks Little Buddy will have a much better gait pattern with his right leg. 

After just a few little incidents yesterday we are back on track today.  I am pain free except for that darned foot.  Little Buddy is back smiling and happy.  I might be called a, "mean girl" again today but that is okay because I just might be a mean girl sometimes.  This mom only has so much patience. 

We are on track to start school the 24th.  I am still very upset with the options available but at least I know Little Buddy will be watched closely.  My babysitter of 6 1/2 years told me she is very uncomfortable with him starting school and the potential exposure he will have. She only has one kidney so she has to be super cautious.  I had a big discussion with her about how I need to work, so my only option is to send him.  I am not sure why she won't just wear a mask in my house if she is concerned but that apparently was not an option.  So for a few minutes after she left I was sort of in a daze wondering what I was going to do, but then Ms. L, Mr. 23's girlfriend walked in and said she would take care of Little Buddy.  She would drive up from St Pete, pick him up at school and bring him home, working with him on homework, putting him in the pool, whatever he needed.  I told her he can be a real pistol and she shrugged her shoulders.  I told her I might be really late every night, she shrugged them again.  I told her school might be canceled just a few weeks in and she would have long days, she did not seem to care.  So as of August 24th she will now be helping out and I could not be happier.  I can pay her, which she needs.  She can do classwork online while he is home playing or watching a movie.  If he is home due to school closures she can help him with online learning a lot easier than I can.  And she can build elevators in Minecraft which of course I have no idea how to do.  I can't even tell you what Minecraft is besides a guy walking around and there are sheep that look like they are made out of squares.  So a brief amount of pain but loads and loads of gain.

Have a safe week my friends with very little pain and all the gain you need.


Nance said...

So many things to have on your plate at once! I am not envious of mothers with school-age children these days. And I am glad that I am retired from teaching, too.

What serendipity that Ms. L. can be a loving and trusted caregiver for LB. You must feel so relieved and joyful about that.

Does she crochet? LOL. ;-)

KSD said...

This makes me cry, for so very many reasons. I will hold all of you in my heart and my thoughts. What horrible choices you're all having to make. Thank goodness that I scrolled down mid-way and saw that adorable smiling face.

Araignee said...

Oh, your poor, poor foot! And to think I've been complaining about mosquito bites.
I feel so bad for you parents who have to juggle the pandemic and the safety of your kids. I had a Zoom meeting with 12 of my teacher friends and here we are weeks from school opening and none of them had any idea what was going on. Not for them or for their kids. This is just crazy.

Chy said...

Ouch! Your poor feet! I'm glad they're a bit better today. And happy to hear that though he has to return to school soon, it sounds like the new arrangement for care will work very nicely!

We have deer too and as much as love how they lounge in our gardens, I don't like when they take nibbles for sure! We have a mama and a baby hanging out now and so far, they've just eaten leaves in the forest. But I did find hoof prints in the veggie patch one day. Just one plant gone and then they must have gotten scared away. Ugh!

Have a lovely day. And take good care of yourself Meredith!

X Chy

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Oh my! Those ant bites look painful. Too bad you couldn't send them trekking 15 miles for a visit with the Cheetoh in Chief. Certainly sounds like you've had a lot going on. Glad to know that Little B's care has been sorted out. Sometimes things just work out the way they are supposed to. Take care.

linda said...

I bet you could have cried with gratitude Meredith what a lovely girl, sounds like your son has made the right choice. Look at the length of Little Buddy's eyelashes! they are gorgeous, I feel so sorry for him and the pain he has to go through for those injections bless him I hope that the effects will last a long time and for you and your poor foot! my God Meredith no wonder you had a headache with all you had going on I think you have the patience of a saint. I'm sure that your plants will recover quickly and will be the stronger for it. Please take care and stay safe, I hope next week is a better week sending hugs to you. xx

Caffeine Girl said...

Well, that was quite a week. My son was a major tantrummer, so I sympathize. Of course, he isn't able to process the pain and take in the long-term advantages of the shots. One thing I learned raising a disabled son was that any disability interferes with maturity. It does not make mothering easy!

I hope your foot is healing. That was quite a run of bites!

Mr. 23 has certainly found a gen. What a lovely young woman! And just when you needed her.

Christina said...

What a wonderful young woman Mr 23's girlfriend is! I am so glad she is able and happy to help. It must a be a big relief. I hope by the time you read this comment your foot will be less painful, those bites look nasty. So glad there aren't any fire ants in Scotland. Poor Little Buddy, having those Botox injections sounds really uncomfortable and horrible. It can't be pleasant to be on what I imagine are strong sedatives to be able to bear it. I am so glad he is much happier today. A happy boy means a happy mum xx

CJ said...

Hurray for Ms L, she sounds wonderful. And that last photo - so adorable. I am always being accused of being mean, we will be mean girls together. Sorry about the fire ants, honestly the wildlife in America is very dramatic. Even the name is exciting. I was just saying to middle son the other day that if we lived in the US we might look out the window and see a bear walking past. Here it is mostly squirrels and greenfly. Another thing I was wondering out loud was how people who are to all extents and purposes ABSOLUTELY BARKING get to be so powerful. I was including Elon Musk on that list as well. 'Aliens built the pyramids obv'. Anyway, I am wishing you luck on the last straits of the straits of the sweater. CJ xx

Teresa Kasner said...

Goodness.. your world is a whirlwind. Your bites looks horrific. I sat on an anthill when I was 3 and got bit up pretty bad and spent the rest of the day in enforced bedtime. So sorry to lose the babysitter but the upside is fabulous, having someone who is part of the family there is so much more comforting! You are juggling so many things, my friend. Stay well. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Jo said...

Jeez the pain! My goodness Meredith you are up against it. I am so glad I don't even know what those ants are - your feet look viciously uncomfortable. yay for great girlfriends though :) Love from Jo xxx

Lorrie said...

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ants and Botox and Tantrums. But I'm glad to hear that you have something worked out for when school starts!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Hoping Buddy is feeling better!
Hoping you are feeling better too!

Melanie said...

I don't know how you do it all, I really don't. I'm exhausted just reading what you go through!

Is there anything you can do to relieve the pain of those fire ant bites?

I've only had one professional pedicure in my life, about 15 years ago. I got a toenail fungus infection from it! And the fungus spread to my hand. Yes, it's contagious and can do that. It took FIVE different doctors to diagnose it (never tied the infection on my hand to my was the 5th dr who asked if I had a toenail fungus infection) and 18 months to clear up the fungus!! So needless to say, I've never had a pedicure since then since now I'm paranoid about getting another fungal infection. I simply do my own toenails - cut, file, apply polish. It's no big deal.

What a lifesaver your son's GF is! Sounds like that caretaking will work out well.

Have a good week!

Karen said...

My gosh, what a week you've had. I'm sorry for all the pain and it seems to have come in every form imaginable. I've heard of fire ants, but had no idea that is the kind of damage they do. What a gem you have in Ms. L!

Betsy said...

What a week for you Meredith. I'm so sorry about the ant bites, the botox, the headache and even the sweater. But oh, what a blessings Ms. L is! It sounds like she will be perfect for your little guy. I know from experience how painful those botox shots can be and I'm sure they're much, much worse for a little boy.
Take care my dear friend and I'm praying that this week will be much, much better for you.
Blessings and a huge hug!

Jo said...

I had to smile at you being called a mean girl, we've all been there, we can only take so much. I'm sorry you've got so much on your plate at the moment but having Mr 23's girlfriend take care of Little Buddy must be a weight off your mind. She sounds like such a lovely young lady.

Bridget said...

It sounds like you had quite a week - but that it ended on a positive note! Sometimes that's all you need to be able to recoup. I hope things go well with Little Buddy and Ms L - I'm sure in a lot of ways, it will be a learning experience for both!

karen said...

fire ant bites are the worst. I do not react but my husband did when we lived in Texas. He would swell up! How sad that he has to get necessary shots - poor him and most especially poor you!! Being a mother is HARD. Praying for you both when the next round of shots occur.

Eileen said...

So much to deal with, Ia sorry but you did get some things figured out! I feel for parents with kids in school , options are awful! And, fire ants! My grandson has gotten bit several times this summer and they HURT! You take care and yes, your governor is horrible!

Anonymous said...

well. if you're a mean girl...
you are the dearest mean girl I know.
but just 'thinking' of getting 11 shots of botox all at one time. ELEVEN! that would be stress enough for me to throw tantrums at 9 years old! and for his mommy to KNOW he has to go through that over and over again ... and this time while dealing with your very OWN horror and pain of fire ants (good lord. even their name makes me squirm!) ... that alone could bring a he-man to his knees with a migraine!
and then there comes in the beautiful Ms L! to take that major worry and concern off your plate. what a keeper she is! and a trooper! your family seems to be FULL of them! starting with YOU.
sending you great gobs of love. you are one mean girl who lives by 'keep calm and carry on.' I've always admired that.
hold the line little Marine! hold the line. xoxoxo

Between Me and You said...

Oh Meredith, those mean Fire Ants made a meal of you. That looks awfully uncomfortable. Do look after those bites. Glad you've got childcare sorted for that beautiful boy, those eyelashes!! Sorry he was a bit low because of the Botox. Our schools recommence next week and we've all got hearts-in-mouths syndrome. Have a great, stress-free week, Mer. xxx

Jeanie said...

That's good news about the school situation -- or as good as it can be under the circumstances, but oh, I feel for you both with the shots. An unhappy kid for any reason is never fun for anyone else in the vicinity but he did have good reason. And all that with a foot full of fire ants. That sounds uncomfortable and painful beyond belief. Oh, do take care care -- all of you!

kathy b said...

MR 23's Ms. L was sent to save the day. I never imagined that happening. I feel like I just read this great short story in the Atlantic or something.

Oh your feet! OUCH! I'm with you. No manicures or pedicures here. I do buy the KISS stick on nails and love them for a few days. Then I just go back to clear polish on filed short nails.

You must never really get a moment to yourself. I hope the botox shots help with bike riding soon .

Mexico is not reopening their schools. Again, I think they have it right. WE are still not back at the Barn, and sadly, probably won't be. I cannot agree with their opening and not using precautions.

Vera said...

So glad to hear Ms. L will be helping out with Little Buddy. that sounds like the perfect solution!!! Fire nts! Once our son was bitten in TX and I had to carry him back to the house. Those bites are painful!!! Take care.

Delighted Hands said...

Yes, the pain of ripping back and ant bites-at least there are remedies!
For this Covid thing, not so many answers! I think our school systems need to ask Day Care centers how they are doing the child care thing-they have a great record for low cases! They are doing something right, that's for sure.
I would hate to be the President right now-reminds me of what my Gramp used to say, " You can't make everyone happy all the time...."

Janice Smith said...

Ms. L seems like a perfect gem. What a relief to have her step in to help.

Stay safe, mean girl, and do try to avoid those fire ants as they sound perfectly dreadful.

Gracie Saylor said...

Mercy! I am sorry for your misery and the pain that has been plaguing you and those you love...and your bushes! I have missed commenting on your last few posts but you and yours are regularly in my thoughts and prayers with love and I am happy for your gains.xxxxxxxx

Jodiebodie said...

Haha I had to laugh at Nance's first comment - can she crochet!

BUT fire ants are no laughing matter. We never had fire ants in Australia until recently when somehow they got through our biosecurity. In Australia they are " a ‘super pest’—aggressive, highly-adaptive and well-equipped for survival. They are considered category 1 restricted matter under the Biosecurity Act 2014." and there is a National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program.
Once there was a colony in the Adelaide hills and children were getting bitten and suffering life-threatening allergic reactions. Your photo was the first picture I have ever seen of a fire ant bite. What a hideous experience for you. How long does it take to recover?

Onto a more benign 'pest' - your deer. Their pruning style is similar to bunny-style pruning! ;-) I imagine the hibiscus is very sweet-tasting and irresistible to the wildlife.

By the time you read this, I am hoping that your LB's 'wild life' will have settled and everyone is calmer and feeling less pain and more gains. Very apt title, Meredith. Take care. Hugs xx

Crafty in the Med said...

Poor lad!! The botox jabs sound quite painful and even though it is essential for Little Buddy I do feel for him! OUch and Ouch your toes look quite painful. At least among all these nasty things that have been happening you have the relief of having Ms L being able to care for Little Buddy. Do take care Mere ....please remember there is only one of you :-) keep well Amanda x

Dee said...

I am so happy to read that Ms. L. is going to help with Little Buddy. I know he already loves her and it's nice he'll have someone that will take good care of him.

Hope those ant bites clear up soon. They HURT!

Meredith...I was SO upset at Trump's interview this week. It makes losing a friend's brother and my father-in-law to this awful disease seem like it is NOTHING to him. Oh well....people will die. His exact words ... "it is what it is!"

Adam said...

Quite a week you've had, but that sweater's coming along nicely!

Claudia Bugh said...

What a difficult week!!! I personally know how bad those ant bites can be - my beagle was bitten and he literally had to be carried home. I feel so badly for Buddy. I have a cousin who has cerebral palsy and her crying and tantrums as a child where unforgettable while the doctors were trying to find the right medications. It's a difficult role to be both a mother and caretaker balancing formative, physical and psychological issues. I'm glad that you are able to recognize you are only human and have your limits!!! May your crochet and gardening bring you respite ~

TheAwakenedSoul said...

Wow, that's fantastic that you will have some help with Buddy. Your life sounds very challenging right now. Hope the ant bites heal quickly. They do hurt...

Judy S. said...

Those fire ants are horrible! Fire ant bites were my "souvenir" from our FLA trip last February, and there are still marks on both of my feet. I hope yours stop itching soon! Love seeing the smiling photo of LB; he sure has long eyelashes. Hope you have a nice weekend and a much better week that's coming soon!

Angela said...

I hope you are feeling better from the ant bites, whau that looks so sore. I so glad we don't have school age children in our house. They are all grown. Praying for you and your children during this hard time with Covid. Have a good week!