Sunday, December 27, 2020

The time in between and a few confessions..........


The time in between holidays is my favorite time.  There is no more shopping or wrapping, no more fretting about what needs to get done.  It is over and there is a bit of peace even if it is just for a day.  Everyone is happy with their presents, one little boy has been playing and playing, he has not been out of pajamas for days.  Presents are sorted and put away and I have my closet back again, it is where I store everything in the present department. This is the time I search for, the time I need to regroup a bit before working the next three days, and cleaning up Christmas decorations on New Year's Eve so I can start off the New Year fresh and clean. Although I confess last night while trying to go to sleep I decided it was a great idea to put away the Christmas tree today.  It is sort of in the way and we have three dogs running around knocking into it.  It is my least favorite thing about Christmas, and frankly no one really even looks at it, so away it all went this morning.  I could not be more thrilled, that is less for me to contend with on Thursday, I am trying to ease my load before 2021 starts.  But who wants to hear me blather on when there is a Little Boy to report on.

Little Buddy was so excited on Christmas morning.  He truly believes with his whole heart that Santa is real.  Actually, I believe the magic of Santa is very real, the magic that changes us all a bit and makes us want to create a special time for those we love and those in need. It is magical to be around Little Buddy and his excitement.  We have to leave out cookies and milk, and of course put reindeer food out on the lawn with oats and some glitter in it to attract the reindeer from the sky.  Too bad it was raining like crazy so Mom had to run out under an umbrella and spread it all out just where Little Buddy thought it was best.  We read, Twas The Night Before Christmas, and have a sleepover in Mom and Dad's room so we don't wake up when Santa arrives. 

We had to wait extra long to go see our Santa present and stockings on Christmas morning because Mr. 23 was very ill with an intestinal issues he has on occasion.  It causes him intense pain, he can't even stand upright.  Luckily we got him into the doctors on Wednesday but he was only able to fill two of three prescriptions.  I am so happy he did not end up in the hospital, the first time it happened he was there for 5 days getting morphine.  Bless him he tried to participate as much as he could but missed out on a big part of the day.  And there was very little eating and believe me my 6 foot 1 inch boy loves to eat Christmas dinner.  He is gradually getting better and that is all that matters.  I am thankful this did not occur during his semester.

Little Buddy was so excited about every present.  He was just so thrilled about the whole day.  He changed his mind last minute about what he wanted from Santa, isn't that always the way?  But in the end he got so many wonderful things to play with, read and create with, his Santa present remains the only one he has not played with yet.  

I think his three favorites are a jeep that looks like his brothers from Mr. 27, a bank that looks like a safe that you can put change and feed bills into, and this grand hotel that you can rearrange and it has a three story elevator.  Really what could be better than that?

He has been playing with these for hours.  And in true therapist mode he really has to work hard to put things together and use both his hands.  Yes I am his Mom but I almost always think of the therapeutic benefit of what he has to play with.   We also have some new magnetic blocks and a spinning painting toy to play with that we have not opened yet.  Even with his remote control cars he has to be able to use both hands, which is hard for him to do.

After putting away the tree, tidying up a bit and finally getting that third prescription straightened out I intend to rest a bit and crochet for the rest of the day.  Work starts tomorrow, but it will be a shortened week, for that I am thankful.

How was your holiday?  Terrific I hope.  Stay safe my friends.


Araignee said...

What great photos of a happy boy! I used to feel so overwhelmed after Christmas when I had to find a place for all the gifts that we had for the three kids. We'd come home with piles and piles. We didn't have that trouble this year. It may be the only good thing about a pandemic Christmas.
I am so sorry to hear about the health issues of Mr. 23. I hope all is well soon.

Between Me and You said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours, Meredith. I love the grand hotel. Sorry that one of your big boys was feeling ill.I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Your littlest boy is adorable, those eyelashes!!!!Happy New Year when it rolls around too,

busybusybeejay said...

All that excitement is infectious.Just what we all need.

Needles and Wool said...

It sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas. It was so nice to read about Buddy's gifts, and the hotel looks like something my younger self would love so much. It looks like he will have a lot of fun with that toy. I like this time between Christmas and the New Year as well. This year, I am feeling motivated to clean up and get ready for the new year too. Enjoy this time Meredith and thank you for sharing your fun Christmas day with us :)

Teresa Kasner said...

It sounds like you're all organized. I'm sorry to hear of your eldest's painful experience.. poor guy. How perfect to get your little guy an elevator! I hope this finds you well after a nice afternoon of crafting. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  *H*A*P*P*Y* *N*E*W* *Y*E*A*R*!*

CJ said...

Love that last photo! And the hotel is absolutely brilliant. A three-storey lift! So sorry Mr 23 has been ill, I do hope he is completely better very soon. At least you were on hand to look after him. I am not a fan of the Christmas tree either. I asked the middle boy earlier today when he thought we could take it down. It will be done by the end of Wednesday at the latest as the recycling lorry comes on Thursday. It will be nice to sweep the last of the pine needles away. Although I shall probably still be finding them for a week or two. I love starting the new year all clean and fresh as well though. And the tree was rather stout this year, so I haven't been able to see the television for a week. No great loss, but it did have a sort of light-sucking quality about it for some reason.I hope your week isn't too busy and that you have some down time. Working here, but I might squeeze in a little outing with the youngest. CJ xx

Crafty in the Med said...

You are so right the magic of Santa exists and.....just let me whisper this in your ear...Santa is believe or you don't believe! :-) What a very exciting time for Little Buddy so glad he loves his presents. Sorry to hear that you son hasn't been well but is now on the mend . Good to hear you are able to sit down and have a well-deserved rest! keep well Amanda x

Dee said...

Hope Mr. 23 is feeling better real soon.

There is definitely something special about Christmas with younger kids in the house.

Being of a decidedly not-religious bent, Christmas isn't really a thing in our house anymore. Seeing bloggy-friends' kids is a bit of the celebration coming right to my house.

Give that not so little boy a big hug from way up north.

Caffeine Girl said...

I loved feeling X-mas through LB. So much joy and magic. And he is so lucky that he has a therapist mother -- playing is the least painful form of therapy! Personally, I want to play with that hotel, too!

I hope you don't have to work too much during this in-between time. And thank goodness that your son got sick in place where he can be cared for. Still, it's so hard to see our children suffer!

Delighted Hands said...

Bill woke up for an hour for Christmas morning but he has been so sick. Saturday he went to be tested for Covid and it is positive--tomorrow he goes to his dr to check out his lungs. I have been knitting while I watch him doze! Today he slept so deeply, I played on the lathe for an hour! He woke up hungry--nice for a change!

Lorrie said...

This is a wonderful week that I always look forward to, as well. I'm still enjoying the sparkle of the tree, but we don't have any pets to knock things over. I will take it down before New Year's - like you I enjoy having the house clean and fresh before 2021 begins. Little Buddy looks so happy with his gifts!

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Nice gifts that Buddy enjoyed! I enjoy seeing his smiley face. Praying your son gets over his stomach issues soon and it completely will go away soon! We had a quiet Christmas by ourselves and enjoyed the day. Warmer than Dec 24. Today was a bit foggy in a.m. but after church we walked from church in sunlight and beautiful small clouds here and there. Our tree is still up. I do need to put away my gifts, which are underneath the tree. I'm wearing my knitted turban headband/ear warmer my DIL made for me! I love wearing it indoors and outdoors, especially this afternoon. and Christmas since it was cold outdoors and raining. Have a blessed week and a better, happy new year!!!

Kim in Oregon said...

Thanks for a wonderful recap. It is great to see him so happy and excited. I hope your son feels better soon.

Betsy said...

As soon as I saw the box with The Grand Hotel I thought, I know it has an elevator! And it does! How perfect is that? It looks like your little guy had a perfect day. I'm so sorry about Mr 23 though. What a sad thing to happen on Christmas but I'm glad that he got all of his prescriptions figured out and is feeling better now.
I'm planning to pack up some of our Christmas things tomorrow too. And RV is just not the place to have things sitting out much, but I've decided a certain gnome is here to stay year round. He'll be "hanging out" on our slide where I can see him looking down on me. :-) Most everything else will be packed away though. I'm ready. I always like to start the year with things back to normal too.
Dennis has to work 4 days this week and we're looking forward to another long weekend, but only 3 days off this time.
Have a good weekend Meredith. Hugs to all of your boys, even the fur babies.
Blessings and hugs,

linda said...

I'm sorry to hear Mr 23 was so ill Meredith I hope he is recovering well. The look on Little Buddies face says it all, it's the little ones that make Christmas magical, once they realise there is no Santa it changes. I didn't even put a tree up this year dismantling and putting way all the ornaments isn't one of my favourite things to do. My Christmas was lovely the family were invited to my second sons home for lunch it was lovely to get together after so long but at the same time I was worrying that we shouldn't really be doing this and I'm hoping that there won't be any repercussions. I hope you have a quiet time at work this week.xx

karen said...

sorry your son was ill but I hope he is feeling much better now. It's been quiet here but a nice kind of quiet. Like you I like the in between~!

steph said...

Christmas through the eyes of a child...nothing nothing better!!! So happy it not only was...but continues to be....a wonderful holiday!
No family around us this year....daughter and her son were tested positive and while they had no symptoms other than loss of taste and tired, they kept their distance as did the rest of their family.
Our dog apparently helped herself to a dishful of M&Ms and is one sick little cookie...still throwing up. I think we have to just wait it out at this point...but she's miserable. We are seriously thinking about a trip to the vet this morning.

Nance said...

Sick at Christmas is definitely not fair at all. May he enjoy good health very soon.

In years past, my tree would have been down and packed away already. This year, I am a little more patient. I'll give it a day or two more, and then away it goes. The house will be more serene for me then.

Also like you, when my boys were small, I always made sure that many of their toys had some intrinsic value toward their development or education. Why not?

Enjoy some down time before Life begins anew with its madness and stress. That last photo is Pure Joy.

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful post!
and that adorable wee face. with the EYELASHES!!!
just seeing the joy and excitement. we all need a Little Buddy!
and bless your darling #23. I'm so glad he could be at home with his Mom and Dad. safe and resting.
here's to a better 2021 for all of us!
sending you lots of love Mere. XOXO

Janice Smith said...

I loved all the photos. Your little guy seemed to have a wonderful, fun day, and I’m sure the adults took delight in seeing his pure joy.
Hopefully your son his on the road to feeling better.
Wishing you a safe, healthy, less stressfully, and happier year ahead.

Jeanie said...

Merry After-Christmas, Meredith! It looks like you had a terrific holiday and those smiles on Buddy's face tell me he did, too. Those toys look great. I'll have to remember the Grand Hotel when ours are a little older.

Sorry about the gastro stuff. Never fun anytime, especially at the holidays. I hope all is well now.

I love the between-time, too. Rick and I had a lovely Christmas, with three Zooms (yikes), a roast that didn't follow the rules of cooking time and loads of fun, just being. After the third Zoom, watching the Toddler Twosome fly through now and then and squeal, hyped-up on too much sugar and too much excitemet, probably overtired but not ready for bed, I was glad we had our quiet day! Happy In-between time -- it is wonderful!

kathy b said...

GReat elevator game ! DIdnt he used to love the train under the tree? THe dogs would surely not resist that! THank you for sharing Lil B with us. Sosorry about big brother being sick. I'will send some prayers his way. Never hurts.
Genius to have LIL b sleep in your room on the EVE!!!

Jill at emeraldcottage said...

Merry Christmas to you and all your beautiful family Meredith. It’s lovely to see photos of Little Buddy looking so happy! He is such a joy. I’m sorry your older son was unwell but glad he is on the mend. Lots of love, Jill xo

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I'd say Little B definitely looks very, very happy. Lots to keep him entertained and using his imagination. Glad you got a head start on cleaning things up. Always nice to start fresh and I think the new year definitely requires extra attention after this one we are finally leaving behind. Take care.

Christina said...

A three story elevator It can't possibly get any better than that. Oh the hours of fun riding up and down. I would love to be a child again and feel the excitement and magic that Christmas can be. Love your littlest ones wonderful smile, it makes me happy. Wishing your older son a speedy recovery, such a shame he was ill over Christmas. Hugs to you xx

Ellen D. said...

Looks like Christmas was a happy day at your house.
Tho, I am sorry to hear about your son's illness and hope he is feeling better by now. My daughter has intestinal issues and has to completely avoid gluten and she can have dairy only if she has a lactaid pill first. She gets intense pain if she accidentally eats something with gluten in it. Luckily more gluten-free products are out there now.
I am sure Little Buddy will have a fun week playing with his new toys!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

That hotel looks very cool!
Hope Mr. 23 is feeling better.
Happy New Year!

Jill at emeraldcottage said...

So lovely to see LB so happy, h is getting so big now! Sorry your older son was poorly, but glad he is on the mend now. We all had a wonderful Christmas Day,
Happy Christmas to you all,

Melanie said...

What a wonderful Christmas for Little Buddy! Not so much for your older son. I'm sorry to hear he has these severe intestinal issues.

I took down and packed away (hubby helped with that part) all our Christmas decor, too. Was tired of looking at it, it all seemed too overwhelming and cluttery, and I was ready for a clean start.

I hope you enjoy your short time off of work!

Babajeza said...

Enjoy the time in between. Christmas with children may be magic but I like it quite just as much. :-) All the best to you and your family. Regula

Jeannie Gray Knits said...

Sounds like you had an excellent holiday, minus the illness. Hope he's feeling better soon.
Normally I'm excited to get rid of the tree but not this year. This year I just want to pack up all the other Christmas decor and leave the tree up. I'm tempted to undecorate it and leave the bare tree. It still smells so good. But that's a decision for New Year's day here in our household.

Happy New Year!

kathy b said...

Mere, as this crazy year ends I want to thank you for your honest and open posts. We make ourselves vulnerable when we post and I sometimes wonder how we can do it . I appreciate all the efforts that go into showing us your amazing crochet . And for sharing life with a very cool lil boy. Each post is a gift.
Happy new year.

handmade by amalia said...

Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy new year, hope it is better and brighter.