Friday, April 26, 2024

Flowers, a Zombie and random stuff....................


Hi everyone!  Hope you are all well.  So much going on here with my family but not a lot I can talk about, suffice to say my worry meter has been at an all time high but I think it can now move it back to the regular high alert position.  A mom is always on high alert, right?

Lots of random photos here.  My beautiful furniture smells like dog, I mean my dogs don't smell like dog but my furniture does.  I have tried all sorts of  essential oils and a bit of vinegar and water and I finally resorted to dreaded Febreeze, I hate chemicals in my house but it has to be done.  Now I have two blankets on the sofa for the boys and cushions blocking the loveseat so they can't get on it.  I love my boys, they love the sofa, so it is what it is! 

Lots of flowers blooming here.  It has been an exceptionally beautiful Spring, hot temps are approaching so I am enjoying these blooms on my property while they are here. The giant Magnolia tree I have in my backyard  and I have a love/hate relationship.  It is beautiful, but it drops so many leaves and flower debris that I can't keep up with it.  I have mulch under the tree because no grass would grow there so I have to pick up the leaves, one, by one, by one.  Sometimes I get mad at it, but seriously it is a tree doing what trees do, with unfortunately leaves that don't break down because they are thick and waxy. 

Little Buddy has had some struggles at school and I have had to deal with those.  It is hard to be almost 13 in your body but not near that old emotionally and mentally.  He is a work in progress, and with all the changes in his life I think he is doing a pretty good job.  Now if we could just get that skin under control.  He loves his Zombie face mask.  I tell him if you are a Zombie it makes you have pimples, if you are a boy it helps take them away.  He was making a Zombie face in that photo, were you all scared?

It helps me to have all my beautiful boys in my life.  They are my purpose, well them and my job as a therapist.  If they are okay then I know I am going to be as well.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, thank you for visiting me here in this space.

*The Christmas tree is in Little Buddy's room, he gets to have it up as long as he wants so it is still burning brightly every evening. 


Kim in Oregon said...

I was very scared.

The flowers are beautiful.

I hope it helps a lot to know you have people who are cheering you on that you have never even met (me!).

Karen said...

I didn't think it unusual to see the Christmas tree. I still have a small one in my dining room, except it has become a holiday tree. I just removed the Easter decorations, and next month it will have red, white and blue for the holidays. My grandkids love it, and so does my husband!, so it's easier for me than storing it away.

It's good to hear from you, Meredith, and so good to see pictures of your boy. It's hard to believe he is 13! and still as cute as ever.

Best to you, my friend!

Araignee said...

My sister kept her Christmas tree up all of last year just because she felt like it.
All of your blooms are beautiful. The first one looks like a gardenia to me and it gave me all the feels. My grandmother had one on her front porch that I adored. The fragrance was heavenly.

The stinky dog problem is the reason I still have cheap Ikea furniture. You can rip those covers off and drop them in the wash whenever you need to. My yorkie doesn't smell but she has a bad habit of either licking the furniture (ugh) or throwing up on it.

Jeanie said...

When did thirteen happen? That's a rough age for everyone and I'm sure it's a challenge. Fingers crossed he gets through the bumpy part with a minimum of angst on anyone's part. And sure, I'll be a LITTLE scared! (And he's not the only one with a Christmas tree still up. I keep a small angel tree up in the guest room year round.) Your blooms are looking lovely in every way.

I'm so glad to see your post. I hope things level out a bit -- and soon. said...

Oh those "smelly" boys! Sounds like you found one solution to the issue. Love your flower blooms and 13 is a hard age . . especially in the Spring! .How has so many years passed already!!!!

My Creative Life said...

13 years wow, never easy for teenagers. Your flowers are beautiful. I hope things settle down for you, it's nice a be free of drama now and again x

Nance said...

Lovely flowers. Thanks for telling me about the magnolia tree drawback. I covet a magnolia tree mightily, but don't have a place for one in my yard. Now that I know about the leaves, I'll continue to enjoy everyone else's beautiful trees without the troubles.

It's good to hear from you and Not So Little Buddy (13--WOW). I hope things begin to even out for you very soon. XO

karen said...

13!!! where does the time go! I do not like chemicals either but fabreeze will kill a lot of bad smells.

Melanie said...

Always good to read an update from you. Big hugs to you and not-so-little Buddy!

Babajeza said...

Hi Meredith! All the best, Regula

Christina said...

Teenage skin! My boys should also get a Zombie mask. It is not easy being a teenager, and even less so a teenager with normal physical development but delayed emotional development. My two youngest suffered early childhood trauma before adoption and both have older bodies than minds. It is good to see that with the older one (nearly 17), the gap is closing slowly. Very slowly. It can be tiring! Don't get me started on smelly sofas.... I am sitting on one, exercising shallow breezing. Definitely a Febreeze situation. Hugs xx

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Goodness how time has marched right along. Little B is a teenager now. I can't believe it. I love that he still has the xmas tree up. We all need a little extra light and festivity in this world. I have Rosie (the cat) and a tortoise and turtle (all rescued) -- so I'm constantly cleaning poop -- and Rosie is the stinkiest and messiest cat ever. She also begs like a dog for food and stares at you with sad eyes if you are eating and don't give her a bite. Crazy girl. Glad to connect with you through IG and hopefully now more often here in blogland. Take care.

Embroidery Digitizing Service said...

Good work.