Sunday, May 19, 2024

And then there were two.....Lawyers that is!

 This has been a lovely weekend.  My Daughter-In-Law in training graduated from Stetson Law School with Honors.  What an amazing young woman she is! I was honored to attend her awards ceremony on Friday afternoon.  The graduation ceremony was yesterday morning followed by a celebratory brunch. Not only is she brilliant, she had several articles published in the Stetson Law Review, that is a big deal.  She is just incredible in every way.  And she absolutely loves my son Mr 27.  They have been together since they were 14 and 15.  A greater match I have never seen. Little Buddy was with his Dad this weekend, but had a sitter instead of attending.  This is not an event for him, it is early, long and hot.  That is why he is not featured in the photos. Congratulations to Ms almost 26!  They are officially engaged by the way ❤❤❤!


Araignee said...

Congratulations! My son graduated with a law degree also so I know how much work goes into that.
And another congrats on the engagement! A wedding in the future...woo hoo!!! I love weddings.

Denise said...

What wonderful news. Congratulations all round!

Kim in Oregon said...

Happy happy news! Congratulations to all!

Nance said...

How thrilling!
Such happy and important news for your family. Congratulations!

Delighted Hands said...

Congratulations to all of you on her big occasion!

karen said...

congratulations! so happy for her!

Melanie said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful couple.

Karen said...

Congratulations!! So many things to celebrate! It's lovely to see your family and on such a wonderful occasion. Hugs to you, Mere.

CJ said...

How wonderful, congratulations to your son's lovely girlfriend, that is such an achievement, both graduating and having those articles published. And so wonderful that your son has such a lovely partner. Your post has made me smile. So nice to see a post from you, I often think about you and wonder how you are all doing. CJ xx

Jeanie said...

Three cheers to your daughter-in-law. That's a marvelous accomplishment and I'm sure the celebrations will continue! So glad to see your post!

SpinningStreak said...

Everything CJ said! I think about you too -lovely surprise to see two posts!

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Good news to read. Nice photos you shared 😀