Friday, May 24, 2024

To make you smile...................


Just a quick photo to make you all smile.  Little Buddy surpassed his testing goals in language arts and math so he got to pick out these awesome glasses at school. When he put them on I laughed and laughed.  Hope they make you happy as well. We are having a long weekend full of the beach and maybe the splash pad or zoo.  It will be nice to be together. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


Denise said...

You rock, mate! They are hilarious!

Kim in Oregon said...

I immediately smiled on seeing these. He is so grown up.

Dee said...

He really rocks the googly eyes. Way to go, Little Buddy. Good job on the good report!

Ellen D. said...

I'm just catching up with your posts and glad to see you are happy in your lovely home. Congrats on all you have accomplished! Good news about Buddy passing his testing goals and the new lawyer in the family!

Delighted Hands said...

I'm smiling!!!! Have a great weekend! Relax. Enjoy.

Jeanie said...

You're right -- it made me smile! said...

What a crazy pair of glasses! Little Buddy rocks them!!!

Judy S. said...

Nice work, Little Buddy! You don't look so little anymore though. :>)

Janice Smith said...

Well, my goodness, Little Buddy has never looked more handsome. :-)

Araignee said...

Too funny! Have a great weekend!

Nance said...

I would have chosen the very same pair!
(And worn them everywhere, too.) They look awesome.

Eileen in Fla. said...

Good job Mama!

Melanie said...

Silly boy! :-)

Hope you have a great weekend at the pool. It was sunny and in the 70's here yesterday - perfect - and today is only in the 60's and pouring rain. Blech.

Melanie said...

I tried to post a comment and got an error message. Trying again...

Too funny with the glasses!

I hope you have a great weekend at the pool. Cool and pouring rain here today. Blech.

Wanderingcatstudio said...


Sue said...

What a nut! Congrats to LB for doing so well. Hope you both had a lovely, relaxing holiday weekend. Hugs to you.

JoyM said...

Such a sweet happy face - and how lovely Little Buddy did so well in language arts and math.

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

LB makes me smile and laugh as well. I'm glad he did well with language arts and math. Hopefully he continues to make good grades through school. Happy weekend and beyond !!!