Friday, March 21, 2025

Is it Spring already?

Hi everyone?  How can it be late March already?  It is Spring Break here for Little Buddy, he has been living the life of leisure this week.  I, on the other hand have been working until today, I took the day off to be with this guy.  The later pictures in this post are from today, an unexpected cool day out but so beautiful, I dared to get Little Buddy out and about on a walk by Lake Tarpon.  He grouched so much I had to threaten him with screen time deductions if he kept it up.  Last weekend we made it to my Honeymoon Island to walk on a two mile trail to see the eagles nest.  I took this photo of the eagles a few days before when I went to check out the walk to see if it was Little Buddy accessible.  It was but it was still a bit long for him, there are sandy parts that make it a little bit more tiring for him and boy was he tired at the end.  I heard about it all the way home!

The beach restoration project for the north beach is done, it is so beautiful, I can't believe what a difference it made.  However, now there is no way to really get this guy on the beach.  The areas that are accessible are far too rocky.  I will have to figure this out because I think it is important for him to be able to go the the beach.  I live by many beaches but Honeymoon Island is a state park so there are no big buildings and for the most part it is family friendly.  It has been too chilly to go and sit at the beach but it won't be for long so I better get a solution going quick.

It has been a bit too depressing to write for many reasons if I am to be honest.  The state of our country gets measurably worse each and everyday.  It is beyond comprehension the devastation going on.  I can't watch the news but get blurbs of information from reputable news sites and its just devastating.  I fear for all of us.  I fear for our kids and grandchildren growing up in a country that will be unrecognizable in a very short time. I fear for Little Buddy with his complex medical, physical, emotional and educational needs, I can't sleep at night thinking of how I can't financially support him if his services are cut, but let's not go there.  Deep breaths, right? He has also had some emotional situations at school with one child that I finally had to step in and put my Occupational Therapist hat on and explain the issue between the two children.  I don't think the school thinks about children with conflicting sensory systems and how that impacts their interactions and ability to learn.  Keep in mind it is a school for children who learn differently. Well they do now after about ten emails because suddenly Little Buddy is no longer getting ridiculous lunch detentions for his response to a child who is not being kind but is actually bullying him.  There are always conflicts with Little Buddy's other parent and the sheer ludicrous things that happen when Little Buddy is away from me.  I am constantly debriefing him and trying to fix it all and tell him what is right and all that, frankly I am exhausted.  And  the saddest thing is it is never going to end so I have to find a way to be less exhausted by the constant bombardment heading my way.

Many of the children I work with have been so ill this year.  I have had four in the hospital at once for extended stays.  It starts with the flu and moves into pneumonia, one child was in for three weeks, came home and went in for another five weeks.  And a very sad situation has happened to one of the families I work with, the very healthy 53 year old father came down with the flu and one week later was in the ICU sedated and on a respirator, he has been like this for 7 weeks and he is declining, a healthy father and grandfather, hard working and loved by his family is not going to make it. I know you have all suffered loses that seem completely horrific and so completely senseless, they change the trajectory of your lives forever, I think you know who you are when I mention this.  I am sending you love as I send this family love, because what else can you really do at times like these?

Stay as strong as you can during these perilous times my friends.  Somehow we will get through all of it, I'm not quite sure how but we will. I am sending you all love as well..


Araignee said...

It’s so good to hear from you and “not so little “ Buddy again. I share your worries about the future of our country as it reinvents itself daily by ignoring everything but the needs of the wealthy, white and privileged. I’m worried that the younger generation doesn’t have the same gumption that we had in the 60’s. It’s hard to see all those gains we made dissolve without a fight.

Nance said...

Sending the love right back, Meredith. I think of you and LB often, especially during these chaotic political times. Take care. said...

Sending you a hug from afar. Yes, it is hard to be bombarded every day and every hour with issues that you really can't control, fix or ignore. We do it though because we love who is affected by the issues. Your photos are beautiful. We will be waiting to hear your beach solution as living as close as you do you simply all must be able to access it!

Kim in Oregon said...

We will get through this, and my thoughts and positive energy are going out to you and LB.