Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's Cold.....

It is really cold out. I know that everyone in the country has it worse than me, but it is cold as far as Florida is concerned. The last two mornings as I have left for work it has been 34 degrees out. Yes, we have frost, just enough to kill all my new landscaping, and turn everything brown. I know people are under miles of snow and ice, but 34 is chilly for Floridians with very thin blood. The high today 44 degress, burrr....

Florida always feels chillier than the actual temperature is in the winter. The humidity makes you drenched in sweat in the summer and makes the air feel much cooler in the winter. There is also a breeze so the two mixed together makes it feel about 10 degrees colder. I think it is funny that we have a wind chill index in Florida, but we do.

My Mother-in-law just arrived form Wisconsin. She is amazed at the chill, still it is warmer then where she came from. I know if I am this chilled that all of you must be absolutely frozen. So all I can say is stay inside, cozy up under a blanket and knit!

1 comment:

Claudia said...

Yes, I am somewhat sympathetic - but not too much. Just mosey on up here and you will freeze your tush off! Hope you're having a good time with Gracie. Love you.
