Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Olympic Update #3

Before I let you know about my Knitting Olympics I thought I would give you a little view of Max. This is his winter spot in our media room. In the evenings Max will open up the door with his nose and curl up in this old chair. When I can't find him, he is often right here all by himself. He blends in just perfectly with the colors on the chair. He looks so snugly that I just can't resist getting right down by his face and kissing him all over. He never comes in here in the summer, so it must be the cozy place he needs for this time of year.

Here is the back of my Noro sweater/coat. All 30 inches of it. I love, love, love the chocolate color. I do think that it is a bit scratchy as wool can be. This is why I felt it had to be more of a coat, so it is not next to my skin.

Not blocked of course. Who has time for that?

I took this in the sun, yes we have sun but a big high of 48 today. The sun washes the color out but you get a general idea of the stitch pattern. I have casted on both fronts and have made a tiny bit of progress on them. I need more knitting time and less everybody bothering me time. Is that even possible with work, and a family?


Beth said...

Max looks like such a sweetheart.
Your coat is looking great! You're making lots of progress, Miss Olympian ;-)

Monica said...

I loooove these pictures of Max!!! I understand what you said, that you can't resist kissing him! I do the same with Kim, and I am often on the floor with her!;)))
Hope Spring arrives soon for you too!