Sunday, May 16, 2010


This weekend was very special. My nephew Jeff and his wife of one year Raina, flew down from Detroit for a visit. We have not seen Jeff for 8 years!!! That almost feels insane. He is almost 32 so we keep up with him on Facebook, but still to have not hugged my nephew in 8 years is a crime. Jeff is the second child of my brother David. My brother passed away from complications of Lymphoma 18 1/2 years ago. He was 17 years older than me, so our relationship was a bit different than most brothers and sisters. I can barely even remember him living in our house. A year after I was born he left for college. He was much, much closer with my sister Claudia, until I got much older. The picture above is of Jeff and Raina with my parents this evening at my house.
He got married to Raina in a small ceremony in New Orleans. They had a party last fall in Detroit but I was not able to attend. For his wedding present I sent him money. It sounds a bit cold but I had a plan. I wanted him to use it to fly down and visit my family but also my parents. My parents are getting older. My Mom is going to be 83 in July and my Dad is 86 1/2! My Dad is still as funny and grouchy as can be. My Mom is slowing down. I gave Jeff my Aunt lecture of how important it is for his grandparents to meet his new wife, and to see him of course. And like the great guy he is he followed through. We had the best time with them. Jeff has always been unique and wonderful. He is easy going and just a love. Raina was absolutely delightful. I don't think we scared her away. They spent a lot of time with my parents which was essential. We also got to take them to some fun restaurants and see the Tampa Bay area in three short days.

Here are Jeff and I in front of French's on Clearwater Beach. They are known for their She Crab Soup and Grouper Sandwiches.

Aren't they adorable!!! They will never know how much this truly meant to us, especially my parents. And now they know flying from Detroit to Tampa takes just 2 1/2 hours. It is easy to do. I hope they come back soon.


Beth said...

Thanks for making me cry so early on a Monday morning! So, so sweet. They are an adorable couple and you are an incredible Aunt. What a wonderful and thoughtful wedding gift that many got to enjoy. I know you'll cherish the visit for a long time and hopefully it won't be another 8 years till you get together again!
Hugs, Beth

Anonymous said...

Told you I was going to check out your blog! ha ha aww, very nice! Thanks so much for everything! it was so great meeting you remind me a lot of my family in Minnesota, and Gordon, of my Grandpa who passed away a couple years ago. We needed some sun too! *R*

Claudia said...

Jeff and Raina look so happy together - and the photo of them with Mom and Dad is priceless. Love the one of you and Jeff. This brought tears to my eyes. I miss my family. Jeff is so grown-up now!

I'm so happy everything went well.


tina said...

That was just the nicest story! Thanks for sharing! I love it! And of course they'll be back not only you and your family but grouper sandwiches----- c'mon!!! :)