First of all I want to thank you all so much for your love and kind words over the passing of my dear Max. I took this photo of him through the sliding glass doors as he watched me finishing up the clean up from Hurricane Irma. I miss him very much and still listen for him. He was needing a bit of special attention these past few months so I always seemed to be aware of where he was and if he might need help. He was a beautiful boy and a beautiful part of our family.
So much has happened this year in terms of tragedies. So much stress and worry in politics and what will happen in so many aspects of our lives. Tragedy after tragedy, some natural, some man made and many politically made. Fires, earthquakes, hurricanes and of course this completely senseless shooting in Las Vegas. It all just seems to be so overwhelming. I really have no words to say how sorry I am for those that have lost loved ones, lost their homes and livelihood, lost their possessions and way of life, lost the belief that their country was there for them. We can pray and send our love and positive thoughts, but isn't it better to take action? Isn't it better to write a check, donate blood, and vote in people who will make sensible decisions about gun control and disaster relief? Isn't it better to vote in people who will not let 9 million children in need possibly lapse in their medical coverage? Isn't it better to take the time to really think about the world we want to leave our children? One in which it is okay to possess assault weapons with the capacity to kill 59 people and hurt over 500 at one time, a world that is getting warmer and warmer every year that helps make natural disasters like hurricanes stronger? I don't want this for Little Buddy or my other children. I want a world that people care about each other starting at the top of our government and moving all the way down to every citizen. A world where the National Rifle Association does not buy off politicians and where people in politics actually care about what is right and good for all of us. Where our country and its president works with others for the greater good of the world, not like a 5th grade school boy bullying and calling names and tweeting ridiculous things about a hard working mayor of San Juan who is fighting for the lives of the people who voted her into office to take care of them. I am so sad by the state of affairs we find ourselves in as a country. I am saddened by the response of those who do not want to be called out on their voting record. If it is not time to talk about gun control after the biggest mass shooting in our country when is it the right time? When we forget about those who have lost their lives and those injured? When the next tragedy takes over and Las Vegas is not the prime story in the evening news? I am just sick over all of this. Just sick. I know most of you are, too. Think about who you are voting for, don't listen to fake news including FOX news which is known for spreading false information. And don't listen to a president that thinks every piece of information out there that does not reflect on him in a positive light is fake. Rely on sources that are non partisan like Politico and yes, CNN. Think about the world you want your grandchildren to live in and vote for a better world than the world we have now.
Okay I am going to try to lighten the load a bit with a few fun stories just to take the weight of life off of our already burdened shoulders.
A few months ago a five year old boy I work with asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes after explaining that I am really old, my number is 53 and his is 5, he might decide he would like to marry a four or five year old instead of me. He told me not to worry that he could get old, too. Well after school started he told me very solemnly that we could not get married because he was going to marry a girl in his preschool with red hair and a ponytail. Really, who could compete with that? I asked him what her name was and he did not know but according to him she was, "Really cute!"
A week ago Little Buddy got his pj's off all by himself to my amazement when I found him completely naked sitting in his rocking chair. I asked him if he wanted to get dressed and he told me no that he was fine. He then proceeded to walk around the house with his crutches and only his crocs on. Mr. 23 came down and asked me what was up with Little Buddy. I explained that a 3 year old can get themselves undressed and walk around naked, this is pretty normal. Even though Little Buddy is six this is a new skill he has and he still has to go through this developmental stage. The joke ended up being on me as Little Buddy went into the bathroom and made a mess on the floor. Even naked he had a hard time timing his potty needs.
And last but not least we met Mr 23's new girlfriend on Sunday. At the beginning of dinner Little Buddy said "Excuse me, (Mr. 23) do you have a winker dinker?" Mr 23 replied that indeed he did. Then Little Buddy stated most emphatically that, "(Mr 23) has a winker dinker, Daddy has a winker dinker and I have a winker dinker because we are all boys!" After we got that all cleared up we ate a delicious meal. Nothing like a little comic relief when meeting a new girlfriend.
Stay safe my friends. I hope to catch up with you all this weekend after another really crazy week at work. My thoughts are with all of you as we travel through these uncertain times.
I'm sending you a lot of heart. Thanks for writing from your heart, in regards to both your frustration with the state of our world, of things and also such love and comic relief. It's important that we can appreciate the shiny bits in all of it. I know I appreciated hearing/reading your family's funny stories. Since you've had kids of various ages, is the hang out in my underwear at 14 phase going to last much longer? It's his natural lounging state. LOL.
I share your thoughts and worries, this isn't my country any more, not the one I grew up in. What happened to it. When did we stop caring about each other? I try to stay positive, but it's not easy. Who would have ever thought we'd elect an idiot for president. We've had presidents I didn't agree with, but I always thought they were decent, honorable men. This one is just scary. I hope it doesn't take a worse tragedy to bring us back to being one people.
I agree with all you said about our country. I am just overwhelmed now but will not give up. Love the things that children say and do. Scout is able to undress herself and then giggles about being naked. She is 2 1/2 and I can't believe how grown up she is already. Little Buddy and Tiger are on the same wave...he asked if I had a 'gina' cause I was a girl. I said yes I did!
For the first time in ages I feel crushed instead of being fired up as part of the resistance. It's not just Vegas and the gun issues, it's all the daily rolling back of things we take for granted. It's the constant fight to stay on top of the news cycle in case it's something I need to know about-and it always is with Medicaid on the chopping block again this time in the name of tax reform. I am willing to fight the fight but at the moment I am worn out from worry.
Dear sweet departed doggie. The problem with senior pets is that they need us so much at the end that when they leave us the void is unbearable. I am at that stage with our Dear Old Doggie and it's so difficult. Thanks for the winker dinker laugh. I needed that tonight.
May Little Buddy ALWAYS be able to lighten the mood with a little wicker dinker talk!!!!
Thank you for the kid humor! It is easy to get overwhelmed with all the bad news, so it is wonderful to balance that with lighter moments.
I might add to your list of things to do is to contact - by phone or email or snail mail - one's reps in Congress. Be respectful and brief but firm.
I'm sorry for the loss of Max. I didn't read the other post. Sad to see him suffer and sad when not around. Good memories. Funny child humor indeed. I enjoy including children in conversation at my work. Some go from meek to happiness! The world is in much turmoil. It's been up and down thru history. There's way too much media everywhere! I keep praying in all circumstances that God will help us thru the hard times and help where we are able. And brighten people's daily life when we meet. Hugs!
I am lost for words and over whelmed with world events, natural events are tough enough but to have shootings and bombings in large crowds beggars belief. I despair with what this World and its people are coming to. Thank goodness for Little Buddy and our little ones to lighten the dark days with winker dinker talk. Take care.
Ahhh, bless Max, beautiful boy. The events in Las Vegas are so tragic, it seems we turn on the TV to more and more bad news, the world is going mad. Love your funny stories, especially the one about the 5 year old, boys are so fickle.
Your short stories have brightened my mood. Winker dinker - never heard this expression. It makes me giggle. Sometimes focusing on the small and funny is the only way I can cope. I am grateful (but feel selfish to think that) to live in a country where guns ownership is tightly regulated, where the prime minister does not have as much power as Mr Trump does and where healthcare is a basic right for everybody - even if all is not great here either, at least the foundations are solid. I hope with all my heart that the tide will turn soon, thanks to all the good people that are actively trying to make a difference. I can contribute by educating and talking to people here, at the very least. xx
Oh that last one made me laugh. Mealtime conversations with small boys always tend to head in the same direction don't they. Sorry you got ditched for a red ponytail though, big sigh. The state of the world is beyond words at times. The things people are doing to it, to each other. Sending you a cyber hug Meredith. CJ xx
Do what you can and then some in the arena you find yourself. You can't control insanity but you can give comfort to those in your own sphere. This includes little boys, big boys and old dogs....
I'm with you in all that you've said Meredith the worlds a scary place right now. I'm really sorry to hear that you got ditched for a girl with red hair and a pony tail haha kids what would we do without them and I must admit a winker dinker is a new one on me. :) xx
I miss my dear friend Max, and understand what you meant in the note you sent to me. I love that in the picture you shared, he is smiling his Max smile. :-)
The world is indeed so hard these days. It's actually an effort to try and find ways to help and to remember the good.
I'm glad that Little Buddy cleared up the biology information for all of us. ;-) What a character!
Take care. Know you are in my heart.
Your thoughts on paper, so to speak, help me sort through the sadness. Thank you for taking the time that is so lacking in your life, to encourage me. Max looks like a good spirit in that image!!! I thought you photoshopped it.
Im happy to hear Mr. 23 is dating a gal with humor. SOOO important.
Oh Lil B. Keep amusing us. The world needs yoU!
Oh, those bewitching ponytails. What a spell they cast!
Glad for the laughter in this post. As always, it is much needed.
I am so very sorry to hear about Max's passing. Precious one he was. That winker dink story had me laughing, I must say. The innocence of kids is priceless. As for everything else you voiced, I'm with you 100%. Hugs, love, and blessings.
Thank God for little kids.....they can save the day with their candid comments! In these terribly trying times we have to have something light hearted to calm our nerves. Little B and his Winker Dingker have successfully calmed mine for today. Thank you Little B! ;-)
Your comic relief stories are PERFECT for me today. The winker dinker one had me laughing out loud at work! Little Buddy is such a card.
I was very sorry to hear about your dear Max dying. I feel like you that it has been a hard year, which makes one want to wrap oneself up and focus on little good things of life and ones around you. What a dear pup Max was. All babies are so darn cute.
aaaah gotta love 6 year old's dinner party conversation :)
Hi Meredith,
I am afraid that I share your opinions about the state of the world and your vent has led to mine (sorry!)
It's not just your country either - one of our states has just sold off the great artesian basin to a foreign mining company that has a dubious environmental record. Somehow in the mining deal, this company is allowed to divert the very precious water from our farmers into their mine! The water table is proposed to drop by about 10 cm which will increase the salinity of the water that farmers need to feed stock, crop and themselves.
Potable water resources will be the next big thing after oil because nobody seems to be caring for our environment. The greed for money and power in this world makes me sick. I am frustrated by the lack of forward thinking amongst leaders who cannot see past the next political cycle; e.g. my country is mostly arid so the government allows the sell off of fertile land to housing developers and mining companies. How brainless is that? When all the fertile land is covered with concrete and the water table and river systems are run dry, where will we get our food and water from?
People seem to forget that we are biological organisms that need a healthy ecology to survive.
As for the ponytail girl and winker dinker stories - what a laugh! We all needed that - Thank you! I had never heard of the term "winker dinker" before. That sort of talk is a good sign that LB is moving/has moved into that preschool stage of development though - where they start to realise that there are immutable differences between boys and girls.
I wish I had been a fly on the wall at that dinner party! :-)
Take care, Meredith. Sending lots of hugs and wishing you some peaceful crafting time in between the stress. xx
As I have been sending loving thoughts your way, knowing that you are missing Max, I never quite imagined Little Buddy sorting out some of the essentials of life as he so delightfully did in front of God and Mr. 23's new girlfriend :) Laughter is good medicine and seemingly in scarce supply during great seasons of loss such as our world is experiencing now, so thank you for making time to share some laughter...even though you lost out to some nameless cute little red-headed-pony-tailed gal! Like you, Meredith, I am determined to do all I can to positively influence the world around me to have safe boundaries and love that knows no bounds. xxxxxxx
Oh dear. Laughing helplessly about LB and his WD. Thank you! :D
Meredith.. I'm with you 100% on your assessment of the world right now. I'm still sporting my RESIST bumper sticker and donate to the best people running for office and also to each disaster that needs help. That and speaking my mind on my blog and texting and calling our "leaders". But seeing one party continually voting to dismantle all the good things our country had set in motion - strictly for party's sake - is actually the biggest disaster our country has ever seen, if you ask me. But I guess it's one issue that seems to separate us.. that you either believe in the rights of others to choice.. or to force them to bend to their choice.. is the heart of the issue. And that breaks my heart.
Thank you for sharing your happy and fun things.. it lifts me up. Love you.. T
First of all: wonderful picture of lovely Max, I'm sure he wil never be forgotten... Big hug for you!
Second: I'm right behind you! You're so right! It's unbelievable where this world is going to! I hope from the bottom of my heart that there will come some change, especially on the political field...
PS: Little B helps a lot to smile now and then, in this big bad world. He's worth a million, isn't he :-)
The weight of our world is simply too much at times. We need to share these sweet and hysterical stories such as you did to lighten our load a bit. LB talking about winker dinkers - especially in front of Mr 23's new GF - had me rolling on the floor. I love that kid!
Oh My Sweet Meredith... I've just discovered you have had to lay your precious Boy Max to rest... I truly have no words. Just these... from one SERIOUS DOG LOVER to another, know that my heart feels your loss. I know what it is to look and listen and miss...
Thank GOD for that AMAZING Little Buddy and his wonderful comic relief!!!
So much love to you,
I totally agree with you Meredith, there is just too much going on in the world now it is horrible. It is so sad what happened in Las Vegas, and the fact that this man could get his hands on a gun that powerful is so astonishing. I hate that there is so much fear and hate in the world. I have been worried about global warming for some time now, and I hope that we get our acts together and stop polluting the atmosphere or else it could lead to big problems for everyone on Earth. I think about Earth not being liveable for my future children or grandchildren one day and that is sad to think of because of what we are doing to it today. I know most of it is greenhouse gasses from animal agriculture, hopefully they stop cutting down trees in the rainforests to house more cows and start thinking about sustainability. I watched Cowspiracy a great doc about all that. Anyways, I hope you all have a good weekend! that is so cute Buddy was trying new things and saying cute things at dinner like that, I am sure it was funny to the new girlfriend too.
There is a lot of sadness in the world but you made me laugh, Meredith. Thanks for that.
Hello.Like thousands of others,we have had our fair share of tragedy in our family.I cannot bear to see the World News anymore it makes me too depressed.I am loving the kid humour,sounds like a Gorgeous lil boy,bet he love a cuddle with his mama.Glad you posted a pic of Max.It's so painful I know but he was such a wonderful part of your lives.Big Huggles to you all.xx
You send love into this world! One of the most important things!
Soooo very sorry about Max!!!
It has been a year this week that we had to let go of Augie and I still hurt and miss him so very much!!
I don't understand why they have such a short life compared to us.
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!!
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