Friday, February 15, 2019

A little writing assignment about me and weekly catch up.....

Hello friends, hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day.  Since very little crocheting has been happening this week I will entertain you with a little writing assignment from Little Buddy.

His weekly writing prompt was, "describe a family member." He has specific words he needs to use such as for example and one reason.  This is what he wrote.

I love my Mom.  One reason is because she is nice.  For example we play games together.  The next reason is Mom makes me happy.  For example we hug a lot.  The last reason is we kiss a lot.  This is why I like my Mom.

Okay, I'm in love with this little boy.  As you can see in the picture above I am the one in the red shoes.  I am not sure why I am so much smaller than Little Buddy but I can tell you that we are holding our hands and fingers behind our backs because he did not want to draw them.  

My week has not been that exciting but this did happen last Sunday as I tried to change the bedding on Little Buddy's bed.  Everyone had a grand time making sure I did not get it done.  Oh to be a little boy with two furry brothers!

This also happened as Little Buddy tried to get himself undressed the other night.  Those long sleeve shirts can be very difficult.

My dear friend Holly surprised me with this incredible bag.  I just love it so much.  And if you know me at all you know I love Colin Firth.  I will leave my family and friends if he comes knocking at my door.   Not that he will with his gorgeous Italian wife but I can dream!  Thank you Holly I just love it!


Teresa Kasner said...

You blanket project looks so luscious.. soft.. can't wait to see it all done. I'm done with my Sweet Pea body and waiting for Lucy to show what her border design will be. I may go rogue and do my own as she does more flat borders and I like scalloped ones.. but I'm holding out on making a decision until I see hers. I enjoyed the photos of Mr. Boy and his furry brothers.. what a kick they must all be. We are loving our little girl, Mocha, she so cuddly! Your darling boy's writing assignment is swoon-worthy. He's obviously loving having you for his momma. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Who wouldn’t love that sweet little boy and those two fur babies. I remember the days of trying to make a bed with a child, a dog and a cat in the bed at the same time. At the time it was annoying but now I would give anything to have those days back. Strange creatures we humans are. I love his writing assignment. It’s very obvious that you are a wonderful mama. I think God knew exactly what he was doing when he put your family together.
That blanket is wonderful. It is going to keep some baby nice and snuggly warm.
Blessings always my friend, Betsy

BMW said...

The dogs are bigger than Buddy! Absolutely adorable!

Janice Smith said...

What a wonderful writing sample. Thanks for sharing it with us. I think we all love Little Buddy, and his mom is pretty special, too!

Araignee said...

Oh, those photos!! I want to have a pillow fight with all your handsome boys!

Gracie Saylor said...

Thanks for the smiles and chuckle this post brought me, Mere. Please give your furry boys love pats from me. Little Buddy's homework deserves an A+!!! Happy Weekend! xx

mamasmercantile said...

Little Buddy's writing assignment is wonderful. I am also loving those red shoes and the two fur babies getting in on the action whilst I am sure is frustrating is creating so many amazing memories.

busybusybeejay said...

Lovely photos.Those three boys really keep you busy.Brilliant writing from Little Buddy.

linda said...

Well done Little Buddy he got his writing assignment spot on you must be so proud Meredith and what fabulous photo's of the naughty trio. Hey I've done that with my sleeves too haha. Love the bag what a great gift. Have a lovely weekend. :) xxx

Christina said...

Such a heart-warming piece of writing! Your three boys are adorable, they sure are. Have a lovely weekend xx

Jo said...

Little Buddy's got that spot on and I do love your red shoes. Lovely photos of all three boys, they all must have a lot of fun together.

Nance said...

My years of Education and Psychology training would theorize that the reason your son has drawn himself as the largest character in the illustration is because he feels very important in his life. That is a credit to you.

Love the photos of the bedmaking. (And your red shoes!)

Jeannie Gray Knits said...

I'm sure Darcy will be knocking on your door any day now, just as I'm sure Jason Momoa will be knocking on mine. If he could only find his GPS.... :)

Great writing assignment story!

kathy b said...

Lil Buddy glancing sideways at the dogs speaks volumes. They are 3 musketeers in it together to make you laugh! I love your blanket . I think Lil b is so smart to hide the hands so he doesn't have to draw the fingers. Thanks for pointing it out. He's one smart child

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Interesting writing assignment for Buddy and he did well! I love children's drawing. My grandson gave me one for my birthday! Have a good weekend!

Una said...

You definitely have your hands full. But Buddy will be big enough one day to help with the housework.

DelightedHands said...

Nice to see so much progress on the blanket! The 'boys'on the bed is so cute!
Enjoy your weekend with some outside time!

Sandy said...

Cute cute bag and what a nice gift from your friend. Kids writing assignments can be entertaining. I can't say I remember them from my own school days, but do remember a few from when my daughter was young....but it's been such a long time ago. I remember the dreaded, what I did on my summer vacation from my own childhood. Always hated that, as we were poor and never really had a "summer vacation", like many.

Anonymous said...

now Mere... how did you know that I NEEDED a Little Buddy and Puppies fix?
I smiled so big my cheeks hurt! I had to look at it and read that wonderful piece of writing he did twice! or was it more? just great pictures … ALL!
three little keepers. and they each know it! LOLOL! that is what makes it so wonderful! :D XOXOXO

Karen said...

That drawing is just a treasure<3

Jodiebodie said...

I love that your son is being taught "The reason is."

It drives me crazy to hear so many Australians say "The reason why." NO! NO! NO! There is no need for the word 'why' in this instance. It is clumsy and doesn't make sense. I have even heard "the reason why" used by media professionals who should know better.

Do you want to know why? For a reason. That's it. The reason is ...

Hail Little Buddy's teacher(s)!

HUG Little Buddy for his beautiful reasons for loving you. It warms my heart. xxx

Caffeine Girl said...

I'm with LB: Hands are just too hard. People in my sketches often have their hands out of sight.
I LOVE his essay about his mom. What a sweetheart he is.
My bio kids are too old to say cute stuff, but sometimes my students do. The other day I was working with a junior, who I've known since she was in middle school. At one point, she looked up and said with surprise in her voice, "You know, I think I'm going to miss you when I graduate." That's what keeps me going!

Pam said...

Little Buddy is growing so fast, he looks so happy with his fur brothers. He is a credit to you, bask in his adoration, you deserve it.

karen said...

his shirt dilemma has me smiling! My son was crazy weird with dressing. One time when I was getting him ready to get into the tub I discovered he had two pairs of underwear on. He never took off the one from before- ha ha ha. Boys. Your son's story is wonderful!!

Sierra Sue said...

I had to laugh when you said you'd leave if Colin Firth came a knocking--I on
many occasions, said "When Sean Connery gets here, I'll be gone for awhile, I will probably be back, but not for a long time!!"
My husband would laugh and say, "yeah ok, dear, whenever he gets here."
I kept a picture of Mr. Connery in a bathroom on my frig. for ages.
I totally understand that your blog will have to wait when Mr. Darcy comes to the door !!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

The three did a great job with keep away - no bed made for awhile. Great drawing, love your pictures. Hugs.

TheAwakenedSoul said...

What a sweetie. Your dogs always look SO happy! They crack me up.

Melanie said...

Little Buddy is just too darn precious. And I have a huge crush on Colin Firth, as well. Fight ya for him! lol

Judy S. said...

Fun post, Mere! Love those photos of LB and his furry friends and also your latest project. Still pretty snowy here......

Needles and Wool said...

Aw that is so sweet of him and really cute to read. Looks like they were having a good time on the bed, those puppies are so cute! Love the bag!

Toni said...

Awwwww...Little Buddy writes the best stories!