Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Luna visit and a wee break........

Luna my grand-dog has been visiting the past few days.  At first the boys did not know what to make of her.  She was a moving, growling toy.  But soon she felt comfortable and has been running and playing, jumping the gates, squirming through wee little places with Little Buddy's toys in her mouth.  She is a whirlwind of energy and fun.  The fur boys can't get enough of her.  As for Grandma, who let the tired parents go to the movies so they could get a break, well Grandma is tired, too.  Gate jumping 12 pound dogs is not what I am used to!  Still we have had a wonderful visit and I am sure the boys will miss her.  Hopefully she can come back and visit soon.

As for me I am taking a wee break from blogging.  After four migraines this week my eyes just can't handle the computer screen.  I have paperwork to do for work so all screen time will be directed that way.

I hope you are all well.  I miss you!  I will catch up with you as soon as my head and eyes allow.  Thank you for your thoughtful comments on my last post.  I will never judge what others blog about, and I sincerely hope I am not judged here.  It is just that last week knocked all of our socks off didn't it? It was just a terribly violent week in the history of our country, really with no end in site unless we make significant changes in mental health care, gun laws and general respect in how we treat each other starting at the very top of our government. 

See you all soon.


Teresa Kasner said...

Think serene thoughts and I hope you feel better soon.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Fiona said...

Take care dear Meredith, I hope you start to feel better soon x

bjn said...

I hope you feel better soon. Are you sure Luna weighs only 12 pounds? I have a 118 pound lab and Luna looks larger than 12 pounds.

busybusybeejay said...

Hope to see you back soon.You need a good break and a rest.Bx

Chy said...

Meredith, hope you feel well soon and will be back to blogging! Will miss your posts and all your boys!

X Chy

Judy S. said...

Have a peaceful week, and get to feeling better. Make those migraines go away and stay away! Lots of big hugs are coming your way.

DelightedHands said...

I'm so, so sorry, Meredith!!!! Be calm and rest your weary brain....
We are here when you get back!

Araignee said...

I'm working on a migraine myself right now. I hope I caught it early enough to save tomorrow. If not I'll be in bed all day with the curtains closed.

Betsy said...

I enjoyed seeing the photos of Luna with the boys. Such fun, but I'm sure it's quite a change.
I'm SO sorry you're having issues with your migraines again. I wish you could feel my arms around you for a big, big hug and I wish I lived close enough to you to baby/dog sit so you could have a big, big break. You need some time just for yourself with NO responsibilities. Why is that so hard for us to do?
I'll keep you in my prayers sweet Meredith.
Blessings and love, Betsy

handmade by amalia said...

Have a great summer and take care of yourself. I'm told that meditation is wonderful for getting rid of migraines. Hope you feel better soon.

Christina said...

See you soon, my friend. I hope you get better very quickly. I missed your last post I think and shall catch up now. Sending hugs xx

kathy b said...

Rest rest rest your weary eyes . I want you feeling well! Thanks for letting us know you need a break!

Nance said...

Heavens! Three dogs in the house at once. You are a tougher lady than I am, for certain.

Four migraines in a week is brutal; as a fellow sufferer, I know. The comeback from a string like that is slow and fragile. Take care.

TheAwakenedSoul said...

Your dogs' expressions are priceless! They always make me laugh. I make a conscious effort on my blog not to write about religion or politics. The day of your last post my father had just died. Everyone blogs for different reasons. Enjoy your break.

Anonymous said...

sending you love and healing thoughts.
I love the pictures of Little Luna and the boys.
try to rest. we'll be here when you return! xo

Jeannie Gray Knits said...

Migraines are the worst! Hope you're feeling better soon.

A Whole Lotta Magic said...

Hope you get the rest you need. xo

gigi knits said...

I. Praying something changes soon. There is something very wrong when you can’t even go grocery shopping without being fearful.will keep praying that change Comes to our goverment soon!

Babajeza said...

Take care! xxx

Blondie's Journal said...

Oh, goodness. You have migraines and you still do a post. I'm scrambling around and then laying low, fussing with the details of a post that just seems to get longer and longer in my mind as time goes on.

Take care, Mere, I'm just popping in. I hope you are well on your way to being pain free. BTW, Luna is a beaut!


Jo said...

Take it easy Meredith - sending love from over the pond. Jo xx

Gracie Saylor said...

Soooo sorry you are suffering from headaches! Thanks for checking in with us and letting us know that in spite of being ill you had a grand time with Luna and the furry boys. I got to go to an inspiring video Global Leadership conference on Thursday and Friday. The speakers highlighted positive progress in areas of social justice both here and abroad. One is the mayor of a CA city and has been able to promote the reduction of domestic and gang violence. Other speakers have found ways to help folks in poverty to work their way out of it. One speaker who had been a successful negotiator in crime situations shared practical ways he reached out to resolve conflicts. I left feeling I can grow to be a more positive influence and encourage others to as well. I'm praying you are able to rest and be well. xx

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

Migraines are the worst! I do hope you feel better soon. I know reading the news can never be of any help, so try to stay away for a little while until you feel stronger. Hugs to you,

Jodiebodie said...

Hi Meredith,
I hope you feel better soon but I totally understand how computer and screen work takes its toll on the body. I experience the same. I'm glad that you are finding ways to pace your activities but sad that it is your blog that has to give. That's ok. We can't do all the things all the time. There'll be a time and place when you will be ready to return and we will be here ready.
Thank you for giving so much of yourself through your blog and enabling us to become friends through this medium.
Take good care of yourself and enjoy the love and laughter in your life every day. "Tot ziens" (Until I see you ...) Hugs xx

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Dogs and fun?..sort of! Glad it went ok. Sorry that you've had yucky headaches lately! No fun! I've been dealing with asthma issues lately. Bit better today. Live is rough at times. Sad to read/hear of the shooting rampages. Awful but praying it settles down soon. Supposedly there's a big thing happening in Portland later this week and thankful I won't be in that area. Its good to show kindness wherever we go. Prayers for you to feel better soon. And our world! 🌎

Sandy said...

Sounds tiring, all that activity. Hope you feel better soon and get maybe some Me time. The violence is horrible, people in other countries ask what's wrong with Americans. I could go on and on, but it tends to make my blood pressure climb and that's not good. No doubt that played into your migraines. We'll leave the light on for you. ((HUGS))

Crafty in the Med said...

Do hope you get better soon Meredith!

Take care

Amanda xx