Sunday, October 6, 2019

Little Buddy overload, the Fall Festival.................

It is October so it must be time again for the Fall Festival at our local horse and animal farm.  This is our fifth year attending.  The festival is on weekends the whole month of October so there is still time for more fun.  

We saw all sorts of animals again this year.  There were giant tortoises, a llama, a camel, zorse, a huge dairy cow and Elizabeth the 600 pound pig.  There were goats, donkeys, peacocks, turkeys, lemurs and a rare white fox.  There were also two sheep but I could not get a good photo of them.  All of the animals are rescues and live in nice enclosures.  I am not a huge fan of zoos and such but an animal rescue facility is something I gladly support.

Of course the train ride is the biggest hit.  We get to the festival early and get on Thomas the train as fast as we can because the line for waiting gets long quickly.  We went on it four times only having to wait a few minutes between the third and fourth ride.  The man driving Thomas was exceptionally nice to Little Buddy.

It was not that long ago this little boy was scared to go on the cow train.  He rode it four times in a row and could have gone some more but decided to go to the playground instead.  We had a chance to talk to the young man driving the cow train.  He is in the middle of a six month course to teach kids with special needs how to ride horses, he was just lovely.

Look how little Little Buddy was the first time we went to the Fall Festival.  So tiny!  There were no pony rides for us today as Little Buddy is still attending therapeutic riding on Friday's and thought that was enough for the week. 

 The playground is an interesting place for Little Buddy.  Where other children can run, jump, swing and climb with abandon he can't.  He likes stability and the little wooden house is a favorite of his.  He can get in and out all by himself.  He loves it.  I helped him climb a ladder and he went down a pretty big slide.  He is fine sliding it is just getting down into sitting and getting his legs in front of him that is a challenge.  But we did it and he was very pleased with himself.  This was also the first time we went to the farm with his forearm crutches and not his walker, that is a big deal!

We even met a wonderful boy named Aiden who helped make Little Buddy a roasted marshmallow.  He was so kind and considerate, I told his grandparents they should be very proud of him.

The surprise adventure to the farm was a huge success until the very end when we got caught in the rain and I had to carry a wet and heavy boy all the way back to the car.  It was a long walk, longer because he now weighs 48 pounds.  I can already feel my headache coming on from the stress of carrying him on my right hip.  Still it was great fun and I hope to return with him in a couple of weeks.

Yesterday I decorated for Halloween.  I am down to three bins to hold all my decorations and I donated some more this year.  Halloween is my favorite holiday but this year I was not really into decorating.  Still Little Buddy deserves to have a Halloween filled house to make the holiday fun just like his older brothers had.  After getting decorations up I ran around getting things ready to donate, we have way too much stuff and putting up decorations made me feel so cramped and stuffy.  There are now three bags ready for donation in the garage.  

This headless dog was getting a big belly rub from me last night.  Can you guess who it is?  I love the black paw so cute!

Hope I did not overload you with photos.  Wishing you all a wonderful week.


Araignee said...

What wonderful photos!! I love the one where he has his head stuck through the painting. He's a work of art!

Jo said...

Have a good week Meredith. Good to catch up with your photos and news of Little Buddy at the park. Jo x

happy hooker said...

Looks like Little Buddy had a great time. You must be so proud of him for finding his own way to overcome challenges. That's one brave and strong little boy! xx

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Wonderful photos of a wonderful day!

Betsy said...

Hi Meredith, It sure looks like the visit to the farm was a huge success, barring your headache. The animals are wonderful and all of the photos of Little Buddy are so fun. He is enjoying it so much more than I remember reading in past years. He is getting SO big and it's fun to see him going to the same places and seeing how much he grows. A bit like a computer and photo growth chart! I hope your headache doesn't come into full fruition my dear friend.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hi Meredith - I love photo overloads. Farm visit was a big hit (well, except for the rain/heavy little guy as you headed for the car. Dog tummy rubs might make your head feel less painful, such shiny fur on that big fella. Your Halloween decoration are enticing (and I think you will be making some families very happy with your donations too). My favourite photo is Buddy and the spy glass. Classic.
Hugs and feel better soon.

Teresa Kasner said...

Oh my.. your little man is really growing up! I'm glad he had such a good time there. That's quite a collection of animals there! I love your decorated mantel.. I need to get more of mine from the attic and set them up.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

DelightedHands said...

What a wonderful time with a very memorable end!

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

I'm thankful you and lil Buddy had a good time at the farm fest with many animals. Bummer that had to carry LB so far. Hopefully your headache went away quick. I need to donate some decor as well. Take care and have a good week!

Between Me and You said...

Love his freckly little face!It's no fun getting caught in the rain. Happened to us last week when I was picking up the princesses from school. I was mad at the weather and at myself for not being able to carry the littlest one to the car - I know my limits these days. Your mantle shelf is wonderful and I love your description of having too much stuff. Something I'm working on myself too. Have a great week, Meredith. xxx

Blondie's Journal said...

You can never share too many pictures of Little Buddy! It's awesome to see how he delights, and the festival was a great place to bring him and share the love of these little and gentle animals. My kids always loved the county fair and the petting area.

I don't decorate for Halloween much. I did when my children were young and now that I have grands, maybe I'll do something spooky on the porch. What's old is new again! ;-D

Jane x

Jo said...

What a fabulous place, it looks like Little Buddy had so much fun. He's looking so grown up now too. It's nice to have the photos to look back on previous visits to the Fall Festival, you can see such a difference from that first time.

CJ said...

What lovely photos, it looks like a brilliant place to spend a day. You really are a top mum. So sweet to see the picture of Little Buddy on a pony, how he has grown. And well done him on getting around without the walker this time, that must have been hard work, but it's progress indeed. I hope you're doing okay and that you don't have a migraine. Your Hallowe'en decorations are amazing, I love the one in the cage - fantastic. I hope it's not too busy a week for you. CJ xx

karen said...

He has grown so much!! I do love the kindness of others and there are so many kind people in the world. I hope you do not get a migraine from carrying him in the rain!! 48 llbs is heavy.

Christina said...

How lovely to catch up with your weekend happenings. It looks like a fun and super successful visit to the farm. Little Buddy is not so little anymore! Have a good week Meredith x

Bridget said...

I have to say, that's a day I would enjoy - I love getting to see different animals.

Sounds like it was a big hit all the way around.

I love your Halloween decorations - I am getting ready to put mine out now that I've managed to get going on some serious cleaning.

Anonymous said...

oh Mere... overload away darling bean!!!
that Little Buddy face and his daring and courageous soul... and his MOM …
where he gets that wonderful courage. it doesn't always have to be born into one you know. you show that kind of courage every day. every time you carry on with one of the bad headaches you have.
this blog should be required reading by EVERYONE! love and hugs.
and here's to more tummy rubs by the little black paw owner! LOL. xoxo

Nance said...

What a full, fun day you both had at the Festival. Those kinds of outings make great memories and certainly help with his independence and confidence. He looked like he had a blast.

I know what you mean about seasonal decorating: I don't do any anymore, and would even like to give up a tree at Christmas. It just wears me out and I hate the extra clutter. But my grownup kids have Certain Expectations. Sigh.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Little B is looking very grown up in these photos. Sounds like it was a great day ... until the rain, that is. Not much decorating happens around here anymore. Slowly trying to organize and get rid of things. Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love it when children are kind to other children! I heard a rumor that kindness is coming back into vogue. 'Bout time! And never too many pictures of Little Buddy (he's not so little any more).

Jeannie Gray Knits said...

Sounds like you had fun at the festival and made lots of happy memories.

TheAwakenedSoul said...

Oh...those animals look so content and sweet. What an exciting time for Buddy. I always love reading about the things that you do together. He looks so cute. Sounds like the ending was challenging, but I hope you are feeling better today.

Needles and Wool said...

It looks like you had a wonderful trip to the farm. Lovely to see the animals it must have been so much fun for buddy! That was so sweet of the boy to roast a marshmallow for Buddy. Love your Halloween Decorations all set up! It inspires me to get mine out now. So far I just have a few pumpkins out.Two that I knitted, but it is time for more now. Have a great week!

The Well Fed Wheel said...

What a fun day and I can see how hard it must have been to carry Little B to the car because he is growing like a weed. So tall and grown up looking. We are going to have to change his name to your Tall Handsome Buddy soon.

Babajeza said...

Have a wonderful October. Regula

Eileen said...

Little Buddy sure looked like he had fun at the festival! The smile on his face puts a smile on mine!
Not a big halloween person here, never have been, but I did put out 3 pumpkins and bought 2 ginormous bags of candy. In our new neighborhood, it's looking like neighbors take Halloween seriously!

kathy b said...

oh my . Carrying 48 lb Lil buddy ......I'm so sorry. There is nothing you will not do for that beautiful boy! But Mere!!!! Im glad he got a toasted marshmallow friend!!! I wonder how lil b would look with a cute side part ???????

happy hooker said...

Hi Meredith, just wanted to let you know that the yarn and book have just arrived. Thank you so much. The yarn is gorgeous. Not sure what it's going to become, but I'm just enjoying looking at it and fondling it! Thank you again. Kath aka Happy Hooker xxx

Judy S. said...

I always love seeing photos of LB! He is growing up and becoming very adventurous. It's hard to believe that Halloween is just around the corner, and even harder to believe that thermometer that said 39 degrees this morning. Hope your headache is all gone by now, and bravo to you for carrying those 48 pounds!

Sandy said...

Little Buddy looks like he had a great time. Your pictures are wonderful. Glad the cow train driver took extra care with Buddy. Things like that make such a nice difference. Hope your headache doesn't return, try to get an extra rest in.

Vera said...

Every time I see your pictures it amazes me how grown up Little Buddy looks! He is such a hoot. That sounds like a wonderful Fall festival.

Jodiebodie said...

Returning to the same places and events over the years is a great way for LB to gain insight into his development and physical progress, and in turn gain more confidence. These stories are useful reference points for building resilience too in the face of future challenges.

You can never overload us with photos, Meredith! xx

Toni said...

Oh my goodness--he's getting so big! And switching to crutches is HUGE! He's made so much progress!!!