Sunday, March 15, 2020

Trying to find a sense of calm.......................

I am trying my hardest to maintain some sense of calm among these trying times.  I am an anxious person by nature, not usually in an out of control way, but right now I am more anxious than usual as I am sure all of you are.   So I thought I would spread a bit of Little Buddy love.  I think we all can use it to make us smile.

He was all dressed up for his spring concert Thursday evening.  He did a very good job even though in the photo he looks upset, he really wasn't.  He sang and did all the hand movements, even if he was a second or two behind.  I was one proud Mama because I know he was nervous and he did it anyway.

He is off from school a minimum of two weeks.  That puts a bit of stress on us as far as who can take care of him.  I am fortunate to have a wonderful babysitter, Aunts near by to help,  and my son's girlfriend who is off work for at least two weeks who volunteered to help with him if we need it.   I am working if I can.  I won't go if the families or kids I work with are sick, or if I am, but for now I am planning to work if I can.  If I don't work I don't get paid, no paid sick leave here.  It puts a whole extra level of stress on you when you really need to work.  I am sure I am only one of millions who feel that way.

We are planning on staying low key when we can here at home.  Yesterday was Little Buddy's last gardening club for a few weeks, today was a big ride on his big wheel and time in the pool.  Tomorrow probably more of the same.  I can keep him pretty busy at home but he will miss riding in elevators like he loves to do on weekends.

As for me I am grateful to have toilet paper and some food stocked up in my fridge and pantry.  I am so happy Mr 22 and his girlfriend got home from a cruise yesterday, with no one apparently ill on the ship that they know of.  They headed back to Orlando today, but he will not be able to work for at least two weeks due to the closure of Universal Studios.  I am grateful that my parents are not here to deal with all this.  I know that sounds horrible but trying to take care of them and their medical issues, with all this extra stuff going on might have put me over the edge.  I am thinking of all of you with elderly parents, trying to take care of them and keep them isolated at the same time.

I am thinking of all of you my friends.  Stay safe, stock up on things if you can.  Stay away from crowds, and be kind to all of those struggling. Watch wonderful movies and create if you can, it always helps. 


Judy S. said...

Gosh, Mere, LB looks so grown up! It's amazing how fast kids change, isn't it?
Things here in Seattle are pretty crazy at the moment with lots of things closed for the next 6 weeks; at least today it's sunny and we were able to take a nice long walk. Thinking of you and everyone else. Lots of hugs, Judy

Grace said...

we are taking care of parents in their 90's and it is so difficult. they don't believe the threat is real and my dear husband is their sole caregiver while trying to take care of me who is physically challenged. I feel like his exposed to it all on two levels. And I ache for him he is off work, with no pay----its always been that way if he doesn't work he doesn't get paid so there is nothing that can be done about it. Did I mention we are in our upper 60's and in the high risk category. Fun times!!

Please stay safe, I enjoy reading your blog


CJ said...

Goodness me, your little man is looking grown up there. I'm glad you have some support to care for him when you're out at work. Lots of anxiety here, I am trying to stay calm, but v worried about my son who needs the last eight weeks of school before his exams. And about everything else too... But trying to stay calm! Hope you have a good week. CJ xx

Araignee said...

I'm a wreck too. I keep thinking this is just a nightmare and I will wake up and it will be over.

Janice Smith said...

Little Buddy all dressed up and looking mighty sharp sure put a smile on my face.😊
Stay safe. We are all in this together, and together we will get through it.

Needles and Wool said...

It is a scary time and I feel my anxiety rising as well. I bought some more food today to stock up on food so we wouldn't have to go out if it got really bad here. I will continue to try to be as safe as I can. I wish you and your family to remain healthy and to have a fun two weeks together.

Teresa Kasner said...

Oh my, Mere, your little guy looks so grownup and handsome! I'm glad he did okay in the program. I'll never forget when my daughter held the drum in front of her face all through "Little Drummer Boy" at the Christmas program and refused to sing. LOL. Be sure and read my blog tomorrow.. I got to meet a blog friend from across the pond today! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Babajeza said...

These are really stressful times even if I live in the countryside. I have to go to school now and have no idea what they expect us to do. Distance learning, yes. But babysit the childern who should stay home but can't. What does can't mean anyway?

I have worked all weekend to be prepared for this because I wanted to do something rational ... So hopefully, I can sleep again tonight.

Take care!


Betsy said...

Hi Meredith, Your little guy is looking so grown up. I know you're proud of him and I'm really glad you have some help for the next few weeks. Our schools have closed for at least 6 weeks across the entire state of Washington. I know there are a lot of families who are stressing right now. They just closed all restaurants and bars in the state except for carry-out or delivery only. All gyms and basically anywhere people gather are closed. Pretty much only grocery stores and pharmacies are alllowed to be open. No more than 50 people anywhere. These are scary times. I have anxiety too and this sure isn't helping me any.
And our son is sick in London. Fever, sore throat, etc. They called the NHS but were told they aren't testing anyone unless they are REALLY ill. Whatever that means. At least he is with Tara and her family is close by to get them groceries and drop them off outside. If he were in Japan by himself I would be stressing even more.
Hang in there my friend. I'm praying and have been all day as it was declared a National Day of Prayer. Wishing you peace in the coming days.

Gracie Saylor said...

Thanks for spreading a bit of Little Buddy love, Mere. I celebrate with you that he gave his best performance for the spring concert in spite of his nervousness...a good example for us all as we face our nervousness about the challenging script the coronavirus is presenting us and we wonder how we will perform on the stage of our lives. My schedule is cleared of some commitments. I wonder how the Lord wants me to differently serve and create if I can. ❤️🙏🧶

Between Me and You said...

Little guy is beginning to lose his 'little guy' look and on to the next stage. God bless him and bless all of you, Meredith. These certainly are trying times. We're waiting on the arrival of my new grandchild any day now and I'm angry at the world he/she is going to b born into. I'm in one of the high risk groups and stuck between some young ones in my family who refuse be bowed by the grim news and an elderly mother who refuses to be bound to her home for the sake of safety. I'm thinking of hiding her car keys. I too wish I could wake up and the nightmare was over. Be well

Jo said...

Buddy looks so confident standing there proudly. You are doing a great job, stay kind, be clam and do your best. Jo x

Christina said...

He sure is handsome, your little Buddy! How grown up he looks all of a sudden. I am glad you have support with childcare but I am sorry that you have to work so hard when really you need a bit of a break. Take are of yourself Meredith xx

Delighted Hands said...

Great job on the concert, Buddy!
I am not anxious about the virus but I am common sense smart. There is room for kindness among us!

Jeannie Gray Knits said...

Congratulations to Little Buddy for performing through the nervousness!
Hope you all stay healthy!

kathy b said...

Lil Buddy looks amazing!

The pool looks amazing!

I hope your headaches stay far away.

I hope you shut off the news a bit. Music is something I love,
so I try to turn it on .

Hang in there. Parents of kids with special needs have all that stress and more all the time. I am going to post on how great it is that shows a teen with down syndrome in their yarn ads!!!
She's lovely!!

Nance said...

It's definitely a difficult and challenging time for us all right now. You have the added challenge of keeping things as calm and normal as possible for a little one. I don't envy you that one bit.

This is all new to all of us. We are figuring it out together. And we must all do our best to stay safe and be kind.

Karen said...

Echoing other comments -- he looks so grown up! Such a handsome boy. Thank you for sharing a bit of his 'sunshine.' I'm glad you have people helping you while you are continuing to do your work. If need be, I can work from home, and I realize that isn't the case for healthcare workers. You all are the champs. Take care, Meredith xo

Anonymous said...

Hope every one stays safe and well.

TheAwakenedSoul said...

I loved your description of Buddy's performance. Good for him. I'm sorry for the financial stress that you are going through; I am glad that you are still able to work. One day at a time...

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures. they always make me smile. and Little Buddy... ALWAYS.
our state is shutting down. all schools and universities and each day more closings of offices and businesses on the news. restaurants will be next I guess. many are going to take out only.
it's so strange. like a world war with no shooting.
I wish you well dearest Mere. you and your wonderful family! xoxo

Melanie said...

My mom is almost 80 years old and fiercely independent. She even still works two part-time jobs! She has no health issues whatsoever, but she's still being cautious like the rest of us.

We just got back from traveling to CA, so since we were exposed to thousands of people via airports, planes, restaurants and other public places, we're self-quarantining as much as possible. My husband had no choice but to go back to work as he's a 911 dispatcher. Police departments never close! ;-) I do have to go to the grocery store today as we're out of some needed things, but I will wear disposable gloves.

I have high anxiety, too. I couldn't fall asleep last night. I spent too much time yesterday on FB and that was most of the problem because everyone is posting about the coronavirus and it's overwhelming. I'm staying off of FB today.

Take care...we will get through this. xoxo

Willow said...

Stay calm and knit on. That's one of my mottoes these days. We are 'self isolating' here on the west coast. And yes we have plenty of food and tp. And yarn and books.

Little Buddy looks happy and so dapper in his 'fancy' clothes.

karen said...

I tend to be anxious as well, these are unsettling times and worrying about the future that hasn't happened yet is trying. He looks sweet and I'm glad you have lots of choices for his care while you continue to go to work.

Jo said...

The schools here closed yesterday, probably until after the summer holidays so they won't go back until September. We're all supposed to be self-isolating as much as we're able, pubs, restaurants, theatres etc. were told to close yesterday, but I'm still having to go to my dad's to take care of him. It's very hard having elderly relatives who rely on you.

Jodiebodie said...

I can totally relate about the complications of caring for others with high needs on top of your existing commitments. Our first job is to take care of ourselves before we can take care of anyone else. This is not selfish but essential for survival of ourselves and those we care for. I am in "fortress mode" - necessary for managing my health and survival but it means I cannot visit elderly relatives at all. The community services set up to provide support for relatives are now withdrawing those services to protect their workers and clients. It is stressful trying to look after relatives from a distance. I am glad that you only need to look after your immediate family now, Meredith. I am hoping that all of your family remains well. xx