Sunday, July 28, 2024

This and that, again.............


My little house has had a major update.  I finally got my brown house painted and the 1970's painted black wood has been taken down.  I replaced that area with this beautiful stonework.   My old neighbor Tony is a contractor and has helped me with plumbing issues and hired people to paint.  He did the stomework himself.  The new pathway is where I had a six foot hole for over six weeks for my major plumbing repair.  I replanted and landscaped several weeks ago and things are finally growing back. I even got new lights and numbers for the house.  The old lights were wooden 70's originals and seriously looked like black bat houses.

Last week I finally got new sod in my backyard to replace all the weeds and big patches of dirt.  I freshened up the pathways that I made two years ago and helped to disperse a mountain of new mulch on Friday.  This weekend I hauled 50 bags of marble rocks for the borders and now it is finished.  A project I have been working on getting done since January has finally been completed. I was not expecting a huge plumbing repair in there stalling it all but I guess that is home ownership. 

On my fifth trip of the weekend yesterday to Lowe's for rocks I bought these fellas.  I am not a big statue person but I had a problem area right in front of my tree in front of my house.  Nothing would grow there because it was so dense with roots.   I thought these two would make a nice visually pleasing distraction from the big bare spot that was there.

Last weekend Little Buddy and I went to a car museum very close to our home.  It is the largest privately owned museum for older antique cars.  The family is French so many of these cars were from France and Germany. They had seventeen one of a kinds including prototypes that were never manufactured.  
And because Little Buddy is cute and adorable when he wants to be, the kind man walking around answering questions asked if he would like to sit in the Delorean.  Well of course he did.  Sorry the picture is so blurry.  When we came home I put on the movie Back to the Future and about 15 minutes in realized there was a lot of swearing, like way too much for a boy who has difficulty with impulse control, so off it went.  He was incensed there was so much swearing, which is funny because he swears when he is having a behavioral episode.  I explained it was the 80's, things were wild and crazy back then. 

The fur boys wanted to say hello.

Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your summer.  Thank you for continuing to visit this space of mine.  You are all the best.


Anonymous said...

Hello Meredith,
Your house and yard are lovely! It seems there is always a surprise repair while doing renovations. Unwelcome, but necessary. Sigh.

Your youngest is starting to look rather grown up! Hope all is well with you. Sunny and warm here in MA, with our cats staring out the window at the goldfinches.


Delighted Hands said...

You've done wonders with the house to make it your own! Beautiful. So nice to have a visit with you and your boys! said...

Your house is looking like you now! What wonderful updates! Love the Delorean shot. . .who wouldn't want to sit in one!

Kim in Oregon said...

Wow the house work really payed off, it looks great! Enjoy the last few weeks of summer!

Ellen D. said...

Your home looks beautiful! That was a lot of work and I'm glad it turned out the way you wanted!

Nance said...

What lovely updates to your home. It has transformed the place completely--so much lighter and more serene. So much more reflective of you and your philosophy of life. I know you love seeing the reward for all of your effort.

Great outing for LB. That looked like a little spot of heaven for him. How kind of them to let him actually sit in a car there!

Araignee said...

That stonework is beautiful! How lucky to have such a handy neighbor. Everything looks lovely. Talk about curb appeal!
Buddy's big smiles is all you need to know about your field trip. Who wouldn't want to sit in a Delorean?
Your fur babies are so sweet. They look like two English gentlemen from a Sherlock Holmes movie. All they need is a pipe and a cup of

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Good to know you got your house taken care of as in updates and it looks nice! I like LB at an auto museum that looks interesting. There was one close to where we live that was cool to go to as things would change. Unfortunately. it went away due to the pandemic as there was less money for them to us due to no people arriving because it was closed for awhile. There's some fires in our state but hopefully some of the rain we had today will help it calm down. Take care and good to read your post again! Hugs and blessing, Becky

Karen said...

Your yard looks great, Meredith! My husband would love that car museum. It's always so nice to see updates from you.

Jeanie said...

Oh Mere, what a wonderful post! You've been beyond busy and it is fabulous. Your back must have been killing you after all that heavy lifting! But look at the results. You must feel incredibly proud -- I certainly would be (and of much less!). I bet it feels like all yours now and isn't that a wonderful feeling?

The car museum looks great and I love the photos of LB with the cars. He looks very happy indeed!

D. said...

Your changes to your house look lovely!!! The stone "boys" are a perfect addition to the garden.

Little Buddy looks quite happy in the DeLorean. Maybe you should get him one???? LOL

Anonymous said...

You are truly a Wonder Woman! Your home is beautiful and the landscaping is perfect. What a transformation! I am always impressed how you manage to find so many stimulating activities for LB to enjoy and to grow in experience. Stay safe in the storms that are expected your way.

TheAwakenedSoul said...

Your dogs have the funniest expressions! The house and garden look fabulous! I love the stonework. It all looks so new and fresh.

Christina said...

Your home looks very inviting, love it. Your furry boys look so funny! And your young man looks like he is having a fabulous time xx

CJ said...

Your outside area is looking gorgeous, well done on all that hard work. The museum looks brilliant, and I love that Little Buddy got to sit in the Delorean. His swearing outrage made me laugh. Lovely to see the furry boys. CJ xx

susan q said...

yes! the stonework is very beautiful. You have done an outstanding job on your own, especially with Buddy and your home and living in Florida. I hope you are taking time for you as well, you deserve it. Stay safe!