Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dear Blog,

Dear Blog,

First, let me apologize that you have taken a back seat in my life. I really do enjoy writing on you. It's just that I haven't had much time lately. I know you are upset with me. You have to understand that the sheer multitude of people visiting this time of year has had me a bit busy. Yes, I know there are plenty more on their way. I hope you can be understanding that our visiting family lives where it has been very cold, grey and gloomy this winter. Living in Florida we just don't remember how hard that can be.

I know that I have been at the computer a lot, just not on you. I know your feelings are hurt. Please understand that I have had evals to write and my children's grades to keep track of. There have been reports on Mexico and Science Fair to help with. Again, I am sorry.

Knitting has not been a priority. I am almost ashamed at how little progress I have made on any project. I know that you would just like me to write, but this blog is a bit about knitting. No knitting does equal no blog.

As for the weaving, don't even get me started. I haven't done that in weeks and weeks. Weaving involves me being in my bedroom, not the nicest thing to do when you have guests. Today I tried to weave, made a big mistake, tried to fix it and then my dog ran in, got his tail caught up in the yarn and broke it. So again no weaving has been accomlished.

So dear blog please understand. I will try to do better, just not yet. More visitors arrive this week.



Claudia said...

Oh, I know what you mean - I haven't been knitting at all. Luckily my blog isn't just about knitting, or I would never post!

Anonymous said...

Broke his tail or broke the yarn?!!
A visit to Florida sounds perfect right now. In the NE, we are ready for warm spring days but are having cold rainy spring days instead.
Enjoy your visitors and you'll get back to everything in due time...we'll be here :-)