Friday, October 26, 2018

Birthday boys................

My beautiful boys are one today.  Happy Birthday Hank and Bear.  You light up our lives with your love and crazy antics.  You are so excited about each and every moment of the day, a lesson I can learn for sure.  Hank helped to heal our hearts a bit after Max's death, and then Bear joined us two weeks later and helped us even more.  They are so fun and full of life, and love each other with a fierceness I could never image before seeing it myself.   I can't imagine a day without them.  Thank you boys for joining our family and making us all happier.  

By the way if you have not seen A Star Is Born, run to the theater right now, I mean run.  You will be  moved by this movie, deeply moved.  I am listening to the soundtrack as I write this, I can't get enough of it and that is not something I usually do.  I am not a big music downloader.  So go this weekend, you'll be happy you did.

Okay, that is it for me today.  There has been no crochet or knitting this week, only work and frankly that is not that fun to write or read about.  

Have a great weekend, we are finally supposed to be in the mid to low 80's, hooray!


Jules said...

Happy Birthday Hank and Bear! Gorgeous happy boys. X

Karen said...

I just can't believe it's been a year already. Happy Birthday, boys!! It's true, if only we all had the optimistic attitudes of our dogs!

mamasmercantile said...

Happy Birthday, they are adorable. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Betsy said...

HaPpY, HaPpY Birthday to two f the most adorable puppies I’ve ever seen. I wish I could give them both a huge squeeze.
Have a wonderful weekend Mere, and I hope you get some crocheting or knitting in.

Mac n' Janet said...

Happy Birthday to the boys, I know they've brought joy to you whole family.

Mac n' Janet said...

Happy Birthday to the boys, I know they've brought joy to you whole family.

Araignee said...

Happy birthday to the sweet pups!!!!!

Delighted Hands said...

Wow, a year since I thought you were crazy for adding those two to your family and boy was I wrong!!!! lol
Make it a great weekend!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

The boys are so cute and already one! What joy they have brought to your whole family. I hope you have a good weekend all work is not fun! I can't wait to see A Star Is Born!

CJ said...

Happy birthday beautiful puppies, they are more adorable every time I see them. I bet they make you smile every single day. Wishing you a good weekend with some yarny time included. CJ xx

Gracie Saylor said...

Celebrating Hank's and Bear's birthday with you!! :) :) Happy Weekend! We are getting some rain and I hope when the clouds go away we will see some snow on Mt. Hood. xx

Between Me and You said...

Happiest of Doggy Birthdays to the Handsomely Twosome. Even more handsomely than Bradley Cooper! I loved the film too. Remarkable transformation of GaGa into an ordinary girl who can act!Happy weekend Meredith. Xxx

Teresa Kasner said...

*H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!* Hank and Bear and congrats to the whole family for adopting them and loving them. I surely hope you have a restful and happy weekend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Jo said...

Ah Happy Birthday! They should be slightly easier to handle now. Jo x

Babajeza said...

They look like fresh from the hair dresser. Have a nice weekend. Regula

Jo said...

Happy birthday Bear and Hank, such cuties. I can't believe a year has passed by already.

kristieinbc said...

Happy birthday to your two handsome non-human boys. Never have I seen two such innocent looking puppies. :-)

kathy b said...

Happy Birthday to those adorable boys . I was worried when you took on two, and look how perfectly it worked out. They are adorable, gentle souls that light up your life. Glad you loved the movie. I hope you get some needle or hook time in for your sake, soon!!!! Low 80s sounds so so good.

Jeannie Gray Knits said...

Wishing Hank & Bear a very happy birthday and you a bit of knitting time. :)

busybusybeejay said...

You have so many lovely boys in your family!Any ideas of what to weave on my loom would be very welcome.It is something I have always wanted to do andI felt pleased with my first effort but don’t know what to do next.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday you beloved little puppies! XOXOXO

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Those boys make me smile! My Zack turned 20 on the 26th. Not sure if A Star is Born has come here or not. I'm sure if it does, it will be censored to death and not worth watching in the theater. I've only heard good things about it and the movie First Man. As I'm typing to you, it is 8:26 am and 69 degrees outside. Woohoo! Finally, Fall has arrived.

Anita said...

Happy Birthday Hank and Bear! Everyone is talking about A Star is born and the song. I love the song and have been listening to it on Youtube. I am a big song downloader, love music. Have an awesome week ahead lovely girl. xx

Christina said...

Happy Birthday to those two cute boys. It only just seems like yesterday that they joined your family. xx

Val said...

Your beautiful boys are gorgeous,! I saw A Star is Born last week and oh my goodness what a powerful film.