Sunday, November 25, 2018


Trading in Autumn for.........Winter.

 Now we really haven't had any really cool weather or even changing leaves, they are mostly falling off the trees because they can't stay on any longer.  The weather is warm, unseasonably so, it is hard to get in the Christmas spirit with all this heat and humidity.  We have very few berries on our  holly tree, wonder what that means for the coming winter?

Trading places with plants on my lanai, hoping they get the right amount of sun to make them happy.  The taller plants were my parents, as was the little Christmas cactus in the middle of the table.  The big Christmas cactus is the one I thought was going to die earlier this year, it has come back beautifully and is getting ready to bloom.

Trading weeds for plants with beautiful colors for the season.  It is finally cool enough to not melt the plants in my garden, I did this all a week ago and all of my new plants look happy so far.

Trading in my attempts at the The Lakeside Pullover for the Slouchy Stripe Cardigan.  I got about 6 inches done on the Lakeside Pullover before I realized the fabric was not all that forgiving, and frankly if it is going over my belly I need forgiving, so I started over with another pattern.  A cardigan that is slouchy, well you can't beat that, and my protruding belly will be happy, it is a win-win.

I am not trading in this new little Christmas cactus for my SIL's.  You know me I LOVE Christmas cacti.

Trading in Thanksgiving decorations for Christmas.  I am all decorated inside my house except for the tree.  Never my favorite thing Christmas trees, and with two puppies and a 7 year old, well it might be a Christmas disaster this year.  I am holding off for a few weeks before I put it up.

Trading time with all my boys home as Mr 21 will head back to school tomorrow.  He'll be back soon, after finals with his girlfriend for a few days.  She will return to spend Christmas with us, I am thrilled just to have a little feminine energy in this house full of testosterone. 

Nope, not trading these two.  But I did trade collars for chest harnesses and now we are able to walk the neighborhood without me screaming and getting my shoulder ripped apart.

Trading in the weekend for a new week, after four days off in a row you would think I would be ready to go back but honestly I am not!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend, so much to be thankful for this year.  Have a great week my friends..


Caffeine Girl said...

I know how you feel about going back to work. I'm not looking forward to it, either. We get 5 days at Thanksgiving, so that makes the holiday better and the return that much harder.
It's so wonderful that you are seeing so much of your bigger boys. Both my kids spent the holiday in Miami. Seth didn't get off on Thursday or Friday. Both days he worked 20-hour shifts. He just sounds tired on the phone!
I used to do some decorating for Hanukkah but I haven't done much since they grew up and left. The whole tree thing sounds really hard. I'm just glad I don't to mess with that!

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Glad you had some time off to enjoy your family. My mom liked Christmas cactus as well! I think of her often when I see amarlyis too as she liked them too! It's been foggy here and cold the last few days. I only worked one day last week so it was good even though I was gone 2 days to be with my brother. Have a good week, even though ya have to look! Cute doggie brothers! Hugs and blessings!

Araignee said...

Your Christmas cactus reminds me of my mom's. She had several beauties that I am afraid Daddio killed when she passed on. I wish I had rescued them but I bet I would have killed them too.
I can't get over those fluffy pups. They don't even look real!

busybusybeejay said...

You really are surrounded by boys!,,The two doggy ones are going to be such a challenge over Christmas.Dogs and Xmas ?...,,,,!!,
I am sure Little Buddy is getting very excited about Christmas.He is such a sweetie.

Betsy said...

So many trades happening at your house. I hope you have been able to get some much needed rest with all of the activity. We have friends who are on two back to back cruises out of Ft. Lauderdale right now. They were in port there yesterday to disembark and to load the new passengers. She called and said how very hot and humid it is there right now. I think it would be difficult to feel very Christmas-like in those conditions. I’ll pray for an easy week for you my friend.

Teresa Kasner said...

Mere, I am so happy that your Christmas Cactus rebounded, it looks fabulous. I am glad you realized you wanted to change your crochet project before you got too far on it. I look forward to seeing this one done. Love the pics of your big fluff bombs.. do you have to brush them a lot? Have a good week, my friend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

mamasmercantile said...

I am so glad you were able to enjoy some time off with your family. This time last year we were in Florida enjoying the Winter sun, how time has flown.

Jo said...

Lots of trading in to be done when one season gives way to another. I'm on the lookout for a Christmas cactus, I don't really do house plants but I've decided that I'd really like one. Hank and Bear have grown so fast, they nearly need a sofa to themselves.

Delighted Hands said...

The plants (and the people) are glad for a break in the heat!
The break in routine was so good; we could all use some more time off!

Nance said...

Oh my goodness. Why didn't you get the BIG DOGS!?!? LOL.

CJ said...

Oh those puppies, too adorable. And so big! Lovely to see your garden. It is all dark and chilly here now, and lots of weather forecast this week. I had a garden tidy yesterday, so I am ready for wind and rain. CJ xx

Unknown said...

Loved your post. I could really identify with it. We have a 7 month old puppy and I never gave the Christmas tree a thought.......well, I will now. We too switched to a harness. It’s magic! Just before reading your post I was feeling kind of bad about letting our guy get on the couch with us. Saw your picture and laughed right out loud and don’t feel bad a bit now.
Love you,

kathy b said...

Awww, we are never quite ready for the family to head back are we? The tree might be a challenge........I have seen people put baby gates around a tree for child and animal safety! Love your cactus.

Anonymous said...

my measurements need much forgiveness. if you think your own belly needs forgiveness then mine is begging for MERCY!
the pictures of the two furry puppies made me realize... it's no longer your home. you simply are being allowed to live there. just look at the relaxed and proud faces. they know who is really running things! I'm glad you have some respite from the maleness in the family coming up. a girl can always use reinforcements. xo

Babajeza said...

We've got a little bit snow tonight. Christmas mood? I'm wondering when this will happen. :-) Hugs, Regula

handmade by amalia said...

I long weekend would do that to you - it is difficult to get back into routine. Hope you'll get a proper winter soon!

karen said...

glad you had some time off and I hope going back to work is kind to you :) I love the slouchy sweater idea, it is in style right now!

Lowcarb team member said...

Oh my, your last photograph, those puppies look so adorable...

All the best Jan

Melanie said...

Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving break! Hard for me to imagine still enduring heat and humidity when it is so darn cold here in IL right now and we just had a big snow storm!

Good thing you got harnesses for the dogs...the shoulder injuries are no joke. I remember a few years ago when I was going through PT for a partial rotator cuff tear, the physical therapist told me that a lot of people rip their rotator cuffs from walking big/strong dogs when they pull hard on the leash. (That's not what happened to me though...mine was just aging/wear and tear!)

elns said...

I should've been twice as productive this week than I have been because my re-entry has been so rough. I even got an extra day off during the break!

I don't know if it is because I didn't cook anything for Thanksgiving or if we were so dry most of November, but I think I started trading Thanksgiving for Christmas the day of Thanksgiving. I was like, "Alrighty then, let's move on!"

I had to refrain from putting a wreath up or my husband would've revolted. He's our resident humbug but we love him anyways. He just likes planning the xmas eve menu.(He cooks the big stuff too hehe)

Sandy said...

Puppies? Those like rather large dogs. I can see why you concerned about a tree. I've not even thought about Christmas or decoration except that, the nativity always goes on top of the entertainment center which is going by by, due to buying a new tv. Hate trading fall for winter. It's so gray and ugly here, no color...cold, windy, wet most of the time. I'm counting down til spring. Your cactus look awesome. I had one for a few years but it went by the wayside.

Gracie Saylor said...

Our Christmas Cactus is blooming a little prematurely, but we are enjoying it none the less :) Hope your week was not too stressful and that you have a restful weekend with some crochet time on your new pattern. I especially enjoyed seeing the last photo of your smiling furry twosome!! xxxxxxx

Eileen said...

Love how you trade out a thing for another good thing! I'm with you, Christmas trees not my favorite thing, especially taking it down! We are putting out a very small fake one!

Una said...

More wonderful dog photos, especially the one leaning back in the chair....brilliant!

Needles and Wool said...

it does look very warm and sunny where you are still. It has been darker and colder and snowing here in Toronto. It makes it easier to get into Christmas I agree. It must have been nice to have your boys home and good mr. 21 will return with his girlfriend soon. That cardigan looks like it will be so comfortable! Have a great weekend!

Jodiebodie said...

I love the 'Trading In' theme. It is so interesting to read about your weather and the way the plants are handling it. I am using the last of the cooler spring days to do garden chores before the summer heat arrives. It is 22°C / 72°F today but by Thursday it is expected to be 37°C / 99°F so cancel my outing on that day! Wishing you happy times with your beautiful family this Christmas season.