Saturday, July 31, 2021

Little Buddy's Olympics.........


This past week at camp Little Buddy has been exploring new countries because of the Olympics.  He has loved this so much because he can pretend to fly to far away places and learn facts about the countries.  He is a fact boy through and through.

You can see he is wearing a gold medal.  He was awarded it for Leadership, which if I am honest I had a bit of a laugh at.  I think it is more for being bossy but you really can't award a medal for that now can you.  They even had award ceremonies where they played the song of the gold medal winners country and had a podium and all. 

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is very interesting, it made me laugh out loud.  The fortune cookie said, "You will invent a floating elevator."  Well done by you Little Buddy if that fortune indeed comes true. 

As far as the bossiness, this week I have been grounded for the rest of my life and have been removed from the Morgan family.  All for things I am not responsible for you understand.  Although I had to hide my smile when I was being told off I did remind him later it isn't nice to do something wrong, get mad at someone else about it, and then punish them.  Really that is not how it works. Still that night I went to bed early and knit while watching swimming because frankly if you aren't a member of the family then you don't have to tend to little boys. Funny I thought his attitude totally changed the next morning until I was told I had one more chance to get it right to stay in the family.  (Insert heavy sigh here.) 

I am a huge Olympics fan.  The work these young people put in to even get there is incredible.  Having had a college swimmer, who practiced twice a day for six hours from the age of 11 to 22, well I can tell you it is brutal.  But to even get to the Olympic level is astounding, that work load is much, much more intense.  Working years and years, everyday to take a fraction of a second off your time.  And those commentators who say to that swimmer you settled for silver or bronze, well they should be dismissed from their jobs because anyone competing at that level has never settled for anything.  All athletes are people, they have good days and bad.  They work so hard and we should rejoice in their achievement, no matter their place from the the top to last, they should be admired and commended for dedicating their lives to train and for reaching such incredible heights in their sport.  And by the way Simone Biles is my hero, well done by her for knowing what is right to do for herself and her body.  I love so many of the events because it gives you a chance to see other sports besides our regular baseball, basketball, football and golf.  

As for knitting, the Olympics has allowed me to almost finish a sleeve.  I have been up way later than usual to watch the events and at least have some knitting to show for it.  Today I have more to do to pack up my house, the last bit in the family room and a few stray pieces.  I am cleaning everything as I take it down and hope it will stay clean when I need to put it back up.  So excited to have the painters start on Monday.  Little Buddy and Dad are off to Door Co., Wisconsin  on Monday for a few days to visit the Aunts.  It will be much better for that little Boy to not be in the mess.  He does better with organization and nothing out of sorts, so does his Dad.  That leaves me with fur boys, painters and a mess to deal with, as well as work.  Still there will be quiet evenings all to myself, hooray!!!!! School starts the following week, I am seriously not ready for fourth grade. 

Enjoy your weekend and week.  Stay safe my friends.


Karen51 said...

I’m afraid Little Buddy and Dad are on the winning side. We lived in Sturgeon Bay for 13 years and loved it. I hope you can catch some me-time!

Kim in Oregon said...

Wow back to school already! Enjoy your week of 'me' (and 'dog' and 'mess') time.

KSD said...

Moms may be the only people who don't mind being put in time out. . .

busybusybeejay said...

Me time in the evenings sounds good.Enjoy.

Araignee said...

I've been glued to the TV myself watching every thing I can. I never was much of a summer Olympics fan but this year I am captivated. Buddy looks like a real champion with his medal!

bittenbyknittin said...

Do they have summer camps for grownups? I would go to zoo camp and Olympics camp and art camp and fiber camp. I have next week "off" too, as my granddaughter will also be in Wisconsin with her family. Good luck with the painting, glad you are leaving it to the professionals.

Christina said...

Quiet evenings all to yourself! That sounds blissful, even if there will be mess from the decorating. You might get your sweater finished before your boys return. I haven't watched any Olympics but I absolutely agree with you, the dedication and hard work that goes into becoming a top athlete is admirable. In a way, these athletes put their lives on hold. I am also full of admiration for Simone Biles, such a talented and courageous young woman. Have a wonderful week, hopefully as a full member of the Morgan family. Little Buddy makes me smile, he always does x

TheAwakenedSoul said...

I laughed so hard at what Buddy told you. He is hysterical. You describe him so well. What a hoot. Enjoy your break. Home improvement is always exciting.

Jeanie said...

School so soon. Yikes. Well, your little medal winner does seem to think he knows who's boss. I'm glad you have another chance to stay in the family. At least you might get some knitting done on those evenings without the rest of the team. That yarn is stunning. I love the medals and the tower. Well done!

And well done, Simone. I really think the Olympics (and all competitive sports) would be much better if the commentators just told us about the sport and kept their snarky comments about the athletes to themselves.

wendy said...

Great going little Buddy ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€ Ousted out of family ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Loved reading all and good luck with painters. Stay safe ๐Ÿ‘Œ

My Creative Life said...

Enjoy your few days of peaceful knitting. We're decorating at the moment and it's hard work. I joke the real work is easier but it needs to be done.
Take care Meredith, it's good to catch up with you in blogland again Cx

CJ said...

Oh that little man has made me laugh out loud. I'm glad he had a good time at camp. Mine love facts as well, I think it must be a boy thing. The Olympics really are amazing aren't they. I absolutely loved Beth Shriever's gold in BMX after being told that female riders wouldn't be funded and working as a teaching assistant and crowd funding to get to the Olympics. Also feeling for Simone Biles as well as Dina Asher-Smith who has had to pull out. And loving the young skateboarders. It's all brilliant! Hope you have a lovely Sunday. CJ xx

Babajeza said...

I wish you a pleasant week despite the mess. It will be worth it. xxx Regula

Jo said...

Little Buddy does make me smile, I hope you manage to stay in the Morgan family, best behaviour! Evenings to yourself sound wonderful, the upheaval of decorating doesn't! It'll all be worth it in the end though, I'm sure.

Reading, Writing and so much more said...

My son kicked me out once but he discovered he couldn't reach the snacks so next day I was back in. Enjoy your time even if it shared with decorators.
HUGS and blessings

Nance said...

What a terrible person you are--AGAIN! It seems you never do learn from your past mistakes and punishments. Perhaps you need to pack up some things and come north to a certain lakehouse in Ohio for a bit.

Let me know!

Love all the photos and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, especially. Your latest sweater is truly lovely. said...

I laughed at Little Buddy's comment. When my daughter was a second grader, she wrote a story about living with the worst mother in the world! The teacher warned me I was painted in a poor light. I read how she had to make her bed, do chores and how homework had to be done before tv. I laughed and said I didn't mind being the world's worst mom! I too have enjoyed watching all the different Olympic events. In my book, making it to the Olympics is a medal performance. I agree with you about Simone. I feel for her as ending her career on that note is tough; but, not the end of the world. She listened to her body and likely saved herself from a serious injury.

linda said...

Haha shame on you Meredith! Little Buddy always puts a smile on my face he's amazing and so funny. Your knitting is looking really good, I hope the painting goes to plan, I bet you can't wait until it's all over and done with. Enjoy your quiet evenings. xx

Gracie Saylor said...

The camp Little Buddy has attended sounds like great fun! So glad you have one more chance to stay in the Morgan family, Meredith:) Enjoy your beautiful knitting project and the Olympics in your busy week ahead. xx

Delighted Hands said...

A bit of a break in routine will be good for all of you! Hope things go well tomorrow with the painting, etc. Loved the Olympic Champion Buddy photos!

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Oh goodness! A shame for being a mom? LB obviously doesn't know life. Kinda funny. Kids can be that way. I'm glad your interior of house will be painted this week. Enjoy your quiet times with doggy brothers. I understand Simone how she needs to be strong and courageous in Olympics. She should be treated as others as well. Looks like we may get some rain this week. We need it. Take care my blogger friend. Don't knit yourself into a sweater. ๐Ÿ˜€๐ŸŒˆ Becky

Vera said...

I just love hearing about Little Buddy's escapades. What a hoot - kicking you out of the family - LOL

SpinningStreak said...

Grounded for a life sentence is a little harsh - you must have seriously displeased him this time! But a temporary banishment from the family definitely has its consolations...I cracked up at the 'last chance' offer!
I'm sure you'll make good use of your punishment.

karen said...

love the leaning tower :) enjoy your quietude and squeeze the most out of it!

kathy b said...

Funny post. Gheesh he IS bossy! What if he was wimpy? That can be worse. My mom said, "Who died and 1eft you boss?" Not fitting for BUddy , but funny .
Knitting to the games here too.
Saw the horses today jumping.
Door County. Cherry pie . Water and Penninsu1a State park! Wi1son's ice cream. I am jea1ous.

Crafty in the Med said...

Now that is good news that you are going to be able to enjoy some quality time all to yourself. Never mind about being grounded as you will certainly benefit from that "me" time :-) Dear me Little Buddy is getting a tad bossy, I do smile at his antics though. Better that than a quiet morose child by far. Gorgeous photos. keep well Amanda x

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Oh my goodness! 4th grade! How did that happen? Sounds like their trip came at just the right time. When Little B gets back, he'll realize he really does want you in the family. :) I've been called bossy a time or two so I don't particularly consider it a bad quality. Good luck with the paintwork. I would never hire anyone here because they usually make and leave more mess behind than it's worth. I've never really watched much Olympics and it was disappointing this year to hear some of the decisions that were made by the committee. As with everything, change is needed and chauvinistic ideas and attitudes need to be kicked to the curb.