Sunday, June 23, 2024



Tomorrow is Little Buddy's 13th birthday.  As I have been through the teen route twice before I have decided the word, "teen," is no longer allowed in my house.  So Little Buddy is now to be, "thir,"years old and believe me he is not having that and tells me I am crazy.  

It has been a weekend of fun.  Little Buddy wants to be a drag racer when he grows up so we went to visit the Don Garlits Drag Racing Museum, in Ocala, Florida yesterday.  It was actually quite interesting even for a non drag racing fan like myself.  Don Garlits was the greatest of all time in the drag racing department and he seems like he was/is a really wonderful man.  He is 92 and raced even last year. 

We went to the beach this morning but got chased away by incoming storms.  Big brothers and their partners are coming over this evening for pizza, cake and presents.  And we got to chat with Aunt Claudia and Uncle Don this afternoon, Uncle Don and Little Buddy share a birthday.

So if you are going to be, "thir," years old this is the way to do it.

Happy Birthday Little Buddy, you bring such joy into my life!


Denise said...

Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Party hard, the thir birthday is such a special one.

Jeanie said...

Happy Birthday to Little Buddy! May it be the first day of a wonderful new year. Boy, time flies!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Little Budd!
I can't believe how grown up he is!

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Happy Birthday Little Buddy!

Kim in Oregon said...

Happy birthday to the *&#ager! Many more!

Christina said...

Happy Birthday Little Buddy. Although maybe Big Buddy now?! He is such a handsome young man. I am glad he had a fabulous time at the Drag Racing Museum, and that you enjoyed it also. Hugs to you, my friend xx

Araignee said...

Happy birthday!! Thir....I love

Nance said...

Wow! A drag racer. That's an exciting career.
Happy Birthday, and may all your dreams come true.

And for Meredith--As the mom of two former teen sons myself, I understand. said...

What a fun birthday for Little Buddy! Gosh, he's grown so much! Drag racing. . .speed, danger, car engines. . .what's not to love?

karen said...

Happy Birthday to Little B who is not so little these days :)

Delighted Hands said...

What a momentous birthday!!! You're looking quite grown up!

KSD said...

Happy, happy day!! 🎉

Melanie said...

Too funny about how you don't want any more teens in your house, lol. Soo...happy thir'd birthday to Little Buddy! I hope you and your boys (and their partners) all have a blast. {{hugs}}

Janice Smith said...

It doesn’t seem possible that this handsome guy is turning thirteen. What a great way to celebrate!!!

CJ said...

Happy thir birthday Little Buddy! Hard to believe you are thir already! I hope he has a wonderful time, the museum looks brilliant. CJ xx

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Happy 13th Birthday to Little Buddy who is adorable!!! I watched a movie called "God Blessed the Broken Road" last Tues with friends at Bible study. The lady met a man that was preparing for a car race and did a couple car races. He helped make young children in grade school make their on race cars and how one girl designed her car with her dad's Army sticker. Interesting movie!! Hugs and blessings, Becky

busybusybeejay said...

Happy birthday.How grown up he looks.Hope he has had a wonderful day.