Sunday, June 30, 2024

This and that...............


Lots of little things going on here in my neck of the woods.  This beautiful boy came to visit us overnight a few weeks back.  This is Oben, another Irish Doodle, he lives with one of the families I work with.  He is a darling boy, full grown but still very much of a puppy.  They had a bit of an emergency so he came to stay the night.  A good time was had by all but I am sure he was happy to see his family again, he was very concerned that he might be here forever!

There have been loads of walks on the beach.  I take Little Buddy fairly frequently to visit the beach to play in the sand and swim, last week we got run off early because a storm was heading in.  I have to be careful when he is with me as it takes us a long time to get back to the car, we can't just all make a mad dash in the rain.  I go to the beach to walk and today on my walk I saw this beautiful pelican flying and diving head first into the water. I always visit Honeymoon Island State Park, it is so beautiful and serene, and only a 20 minute drive from my house.  On the weekends I am alone I try to make it once if not twice.  Due to severe storms last year half of the upper most part of the island is now cut off from the main island so my walks are much shorter but still beautiful.  It is probably better that way with the intense heat even as early as 8 in the morning I find I am walking slower and shorter distances.

I bought a new car back in March, a Kia Sorento hybrid and I am in love with it.  My poor Subaru Outback had 186,000 miles on it and was frequently breaking down.  The day I turned it in I actually kept it running for three hours because I thought it might not start back up if I turned it off.  A week ago I got a notice my left rear tire was low, it has happened so many times before to me because I drive so much I just stayed on the main road.  When I was able to pull over I was at the barely being able to move stage.  This was a blow out that could have been very dangerous.  A big blade had shredded the tire. Roadside assistance from Kia came within an hour, checking on me all through the process and put on my spare. I had to buy a new $250 tire but it is nice to know I am not alone out there on the streets and help will soon be on the way if needed.  It was a blessing Little Buddy was not with me as well.

The lavender Crepe Myrtle in my backyard is always slow to bloom but when it does it puts on a beautiful show.  Little petals float off of it making it look like a light lavender snowfall.  My grass has little lavender petals sprinkled all over it. 

Little Buddy had a wonderful birthday that seemed to last for days.  He deserves it afterall you only turn, "thir", once in your life! Thank you for his birthday wishes.

I have been a crazy person doing so many chores this weekend, like washing all the draperies, all the sheets and floors.  The boys got haircuts yesterday, you can see they were not happy with the experience, but I was because that is when I went on the crazy cleaning spree.

Have a wonderful week. Hope you are all well and having a wonderful week/weekend.

11 comments: said...

Good to hear from you! The boys look great with their new haircuts. I'm glad Little Buddy likes to walk on the beach with you!

Kim in Oregon said...

Love your pictures and your update.

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Adorable dog that was with you and I enjoy seeing your dogs. LB looks happy. Flat tires are no fun. I finally got new ones last year and so did my husband (4 for him). Have a good week and beyond ☺️, Becky

Karen said...

So good to hear from you, Meredith. Congratulations on the new car. I love the bird picture. It sounds like life has a calmed down a bit, so glad for you.

Delighted Hands said...

Even without words, the photos told a wonderful story!!!!!!!!

Ellen D. said...

Glad to see you are posting more frequently again!
Your sister Claudia reminded me to check up on your blog and so I was happy to see Buddy looking great and enjoying his birthday.
She mentioned it is your birthday so I want to wish you a wonderful day. Best wishes for a year of good health, peaceful days and fun adventures, Meredith!

Araignee said...

Three beautiful doodles! They always looks so happy. I am sorry to hear about your tire. The Mister's sister just had the same experience and was lucky to be near here so he went to help her out. Tire problems are no fun.Your beach photos are lovely. I miss seeing the ocean. The bay is beautiful but a poor second to the sea.

CJ said...

A pelican wow, how magical. The new doggo made me wonder if he was a permanent fixture for a minute! And how smart your two look. Glad you had a safe rescue in the car. CJ xx

Nance said...

Nice to see you again so soon. I've never seen an Irish Doodle before; what a pretty dog. Great photos overall (except that horrid tire! Yikes!).

I'm always jealous of Southerners who can have gorgeous crape myrtles in their yards. They're such beautiful trees. They'd freeze up here in NEO, though, so I can only admire them in my friends' yards.

Melanie said...

How nice of you to keep one of your family's dogs overnight during an emergency! Your fur boys look like they're sticking together and are like, "who is this other dog in OUR house...he'd better not be staying!"

Congrats on your new car. I'm surprised your Subaru was breaking down already at "only" 186k miles. Usually the better cars such as Hondas, Subarus, Toyotas, etc last well over 200k. My husband is still driving a 2008 Corolla with 310k on it! He does need a new car's acting and looking a little rough from the wear. Though he denies it, lol.

Walks on the beach sound wonderful.

Mrs. Micawber said...

So good to hear from you and see your dear boys (furry and not-so-furry). Oban looks like a darling. I hope they all had fun together.

Lovely beach and stormcloud photos, and that crepe myrtle is just beautiful. Congratulations on a new car, and the roadside service sounds wonderful.

Happy belated birthday to LB! Seems like just yesterday he was a tiny little guy lying on a playmat, and now he's a teenager. May every coming year just get better and better for you both. Hugs to you, Mere.