Friday, March 19, 2021

Kind of a bummer of a spring break......

Last weekend started off Little Buddy's spring break.  It finally warmed up enough for some bubble gun fun.  It has been unseasonably cool this spring, I love it and don't want it to get warm yet, but it did just in time for some spring break fun.  The pool finally got up to a reasonable temp for Little Buddy, but it is not near warm enough for me.

 Along with a bubble gun, a giant sloth float made its way into my shopping cart this past weekend.  This little boy loves sloths for some reason so it was perfect.  He floated around a bit, pushed the sloth here and there and then just played on the steps of the pool where it was a bit warmer.

I think the rest of spring break was a bit of a dud and now it is way too cool to be near the water.  Mom and Dad work so there were no big plans to go anywhere.  Plus as I like to remind much of Florida there is a pandemic going on even if everyone is acting like it isn't.  I had several families I work with travel this spring break, not sure what they were thinking but they did.  I am not taking this boy anywhere it isn't safe and that includes out to eat, to the beach or even the park.  Way too many people everywhere not wearing masks and not acting smart.  Of course the Covid positivity rates and death rates are never reported fully here, so it always looks like we are doing much better than we are. 

Little Buddy got two surprises in the mail this week from a very generous blogging friend.  It was just what he needed to make the week a bit more fun.  There were lab tests to get done and an eye appointment, that wasn't much fun at all except the opthamologist had a chair with buttons that moved up and down.  And after spraying the elevator buttons in the parking garage at the eye doctors with sanitizer, Little Buddy and I were able to take a few rides because no one was getting on and off.  He really misses going to ride on elevators with Dad like he did pre-pandemic so that was very exciting.

I have been home earlier than normal because many kids are away or at appointments during spring break.  It has been a nice change but I can't keep it up, when I don't see kids I don't get paid.  Still it was nice to spend a wee bit more time with one little boy I know.  And I got to see Mr. 27 who came to the house to work from home today.  I don't typically see him on Monday's when he is here to work so seeing him twice this week was very nice.  You can see two fur boys getting double belly rubs were very excited to see their biggest brother.  Hank looks like he is tiny in this photo, he really isn't, he is taller and weighs more than Bear. 

And there has been some knitting time. Shhhhhhh...... I am on sleeve number two.  So far, so good, but I am not saying that out loud because the knitting fairies will stop all my progress with mismatched sleeves or a dropped stitch I didn't notice.  Wish me some knitting luck please.

Stay safe my friends.  So happy many of you are getting your vaccines, one more week until I get number 2!


Dee said...

Somehow I think Little Buddy thought Spring Break was just fine. He looked like he really enjoyed his new sloth.

Glad you got a little Big Buddy time AND some time to knit.

Lorrie said...

Scenes of spring break in Florida are making our news here in Canada. I shake my head. I'm glad you are getting vaccinated. Our age group won't come up until well into April. We are very behind.
So glad Little Buddy is enjoying his spring break in spite of no great plans. Sometimes just staying at home is relaxing. Good luck with your knitting!

Betsy said...

Although it's too bad it means less money, I'm still glad you were able to spend time with Mr. 27. If I ever see my kids again I won't take it for granted. Alex did just facetime from Japan so at least I see them that way.
I can't imagine being near an outdoor pool right now as it's supposed to bbe 30 tonight with just a 48 degree day forecast for tomorrow.
I hope you have a lovely weekend, relaxing and enjoying life.

CJ said...

Glad there was some pool fun in spring break, the sloth float is excellent, and SUCH a cute photo. Lovely to see Mr 27 and those pups as well. We are all still in lockdown here, with the exception of the schools opening a week ago. I think there's only another week or two or school and then it's the Easter holidays, and clearly we won't be doing anything much either. I believe barbers may be opening halfway through April, that will be exciting! I have a shawl that I knitted in wool that looks exactly like your jumper, I wonder if it's the same. It has a gorgeous texture and yours does look like it does as well. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Clouds here, but no rain, so the dog walks will be dry. CJ xx

Araignee said...

That giant sloth is just too adorable! It's cold here too and very windy so it's been nothing but inside stuff again. What happened to spring?
Our idiot Republican governor is opening everything up here and Daughter is beside herself with worry. Jamming crowds of unvaccinated folks into an ice rink doesn't seem like a very good idea since many of them refuse to wear masks and want to fight about it. She gets her first jab on Tuesday but it's such a long process until full immunity that anything can happen. Sigh.

Nance said...

That sweater looks gorgeous. It will be an absolute triumph when it finishes.

I think LB enjoys Spring Break no matter what because he gets a respite from school and schoolwork. And who wouldn't love a chance to float on a big sloth?

mamasmercantile said...

I dream of having spring break in Florida, maybe next year...I am ever hopeful.

TheAwakenedSoul said...

Oh, your sleeves look gorgeous! I love that yarn. I am knitting some sleeves right now, too. (with 100% Peruvian wool.) Buddy looks so happy in the pool!

linda said...

The Spring Break sounds just fine to me under the circumstances and I'm sure Little Buddy enjoyed it too, once this pandemic is under control we can all make up for the things we have missed. How nice to have Mr 27 home twice last week, those fur boys are just loving the attention. You are doing so well with your knitting to be up to the sleeves already, I'm sure it will turn out perfectly, I can't wait to see the finish. Have a peaceful weekend. Xx

kathy b said...

Oh my gosh. Look at that float in the pool!? Hysterical! Glad you got some extra time with that amazing child . Glad you got to see another son as well! Happy First day Of Spring. We may hit 58 today and 60 tomorrow and it is just what my head needs.

I can't even wrap my head around the issues with unvaccinated and anti maskers. It is so difficult to not have any control over actions that are going to cause us harm in the future. We have a month to go until we have had our second shot and are covered 2 weeks later.

IF you travel to another country you often have to have vaccines and you roll up your sleeve right away...because, you have to tell everyone you went to Kenya or Thailand or Vietnam. It isn't snappy enough to say you got a shot to stay home. It bothers Fireman and I very much.

busybusybeejay said...

Good luck with the knitting.It looks like unusual yarn.

Anonymous said...

simply a wonderful post Mere. as it Always is.
our area is also Wide Open! as if the pandemic never happened.
it's really too weird to even comprehend. but then so is most of it anyway!
people in our town are reacting like it's Over!
I'm just staying happily home.
took a terrible fall on 3/8 flat on my face. I look like the Walking Dead right now. with a terrible hematoma and a huge gouge in my forehead and black/blue everywhere. places I didn't even know I'd hit. caused by a sudden violent dizziness from AFIB. and they show people so cheerfully doing stuff on tv commercials like they haven't a care in the world. LOL!
had 8 stitches out last Wednesday. people pay big money to look like this at Halloween! I wonder what it will look like then. I've been told recovery will be slow. probably as slow as a sloth I'm thinking. (love the float btw)
and I'm not a patient person. but I'm Learning. guess that is the lesson here. to learn PATIENCE in my life.
wishing you good knitting luck dear Mere! I Love the colors in that yarn.
and this is the longest comment I've ever left anywhere! sorry about that.
actually need some rest now. LOL! XO

Kim in Oregon said...

Sorry it was a bit of a dud but glad you got a bit of pool time for the young 'un.

Jeanie said...

Little Buddy looks pretty happy in that pool. Spring break is spring break, no matter where you have it! I'm sure he's glad tonot be in school for a bit. I wouldn't be taking him out either, with those levels in FL. YOU take care!

Caffeine Girl said...

I think LB had a perfectly fine spring break with a pool and a slug! What more could a kid ask for?

I'm hearing that all the public areas in Madison are hopping. What is wrong with people? I am super nervous about being in a high school with 1,000 unvaccinated teen-agers. Fortunately they are letting work from home in the afternoons. I'll go in the mornings when we are actually teaching. My school is so over-crowded that we all share rooms. I would be very nervous about that. Plus, I don't think I can wear a mask for 8 straight hours.

Wishing you continued luck on your sweater.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Little B. looks quite content on that giant sloth!

Gracie Saylor said...

Happy Springtime, Meredith! I am so glad your family is able to start using the pool! I hope to get my first vaccine next week. Since fainting when I was standing in line at the post office several months ago wearing a mask and warmly dressed I have dreaded having to wear a mask for long like I will have to to get the vaccine. 🙏that I will not have trouble. I have been ordering groceries online and then picking them up at the store...a free service I really appreciate. After picking up groceries on Thursday I stopped briefly at a nearby nursery and wearing a mask got a few plants. The Dianthus smells so wonderful~~~ Do you grow them? Thanks for showing us your knitting progress...such beautiful colors! Please give Hank and Bear some love pats from me. ((hugs))💜🧶

Anita said...

With covid going on it makes you thankful for any fun things you have. I love the sloth, they are a favourite of mine too. It totally cracks me up how kids get in the water easily and I too am the same about the water having to be warmer. lol. It's a pity more people aren't taking more care about distancing and remembering that there is a pandemic out there. Best of luck with that second sleeve. lol. I knit mine up both at the same time. It's a pain but then I don't have to pray to the knitting fairies. lol Have an amazing week. xxx

Teresa Kasner said...

Your little guy looks pretty happy with the bubbles and the big float. Kids are resilient and seem to enjoy the here and now. I love the yarn you're using.. so pretty. Enjoy the weekend! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Christina said...

I can't begin to imagine floating in the pool, it is still so cold here. Mind, it is too cold at the height of summer, not much hope for us. I love the floating sloth. Any sloth really, they are cool animals. Little Buddy looks super chilled, floating on his sloth, love it. I won't mention your knitting, best not to jinx the knitting fairies (but I do look forward to see the finished jumper). Lots of love x

Jo said...

Sending you positive knitting vibes and permission to have a rest over Spring break! Love Jo xx

Melanie said...

Businesses/restaurants etc are now full open here but there's still a mask mandate and social distancing guidelines. Everywhere we've gone, people have been following those rules, so we feel safe.

Good to see you are getting some knitting time in. And that you had a nice visit from Mr 27.


Delighted Hands said...

It does look like the numbers are going down and that is good news.
I can't believe how cold it has been! And no sunshine--I am ready for sunshine and warm at least! lol

Crafty in the Med said...

Those two fur boys are definitely enjoying Mr 27s tummy rubs :-) My goodness that IS a giant sloth, Little Buddy is going to have tons of fun with that throughout the pool seasons. Our pool here in the complex doesn't open (pre-covid) until mid June. I really think the beginning of May would be much better as it is quite warm in May. Lovely to hear L.B got his elevator rides these extra bits of fun so help a growing boy :-) Your situation is the same as mine (or rather was as I forget I am retired now). I was self-employed and if there were school/college/University holidays, I didn't get paid! It is nice not to have to worry about that now though! Stay safe Amanda x

karen said...

lovely knitting! I misread bubble gun as bubble gum and wondered what was so exciting about that, ha ha. Oh well - I read the paragraph twice and had double the fun at my interpretations. I'm sure Little B loved his school break.

Neighborhood Watch said...

I'm right with you on continuing to be super careful about Covid. Sometimes I look around and think I am the only one. It's good to know there are still some sane people around going quietly about their business in their homes. Hugs to you!