Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Covid, the gift that keeps giving............


Well my friends my sweet, darling boy has passed on his Covid germs.  Believe me when I tell you he was coughing and snotty all of two hours Sunday morning when he tested positive.  Other than not having a great appetite, which could be my cooking, and sleeping a little longer than usually he is just about perfect. Me, well not so much. 

I started to feel a bit peaked on Monday evening, nothing bad just a thought of not feeling well, I tested myself and I was negative.  Tuesday morning was beautiful out and I felt okay, not great but okay and I tested negative again so I took a boy with wiggles to the beach very early in the morning, far, far away from others.  Those ladies in the photo look near us but they were at least 15 feet away, up a small sand hill and upwind of us.  All our germs were blowing out to sea. We spent most of the time in the water and then headed home before anyone could come close to us.  It was a success except it takes a lot of work to get Little Buddy into and out of the water, but by the time I was getting him out he was leaning on me and I had to help hold him up I was feeling weak.  After a return trip home, we now live about 15 minutes away, we had a bath and shower, lunch and some reading and then I was ready for a nap.  I never nap, like never, but it felt so good to just lie down and rest. Meanwhile one little boy was happy to get on his computer early and let me be.

I am officially positive now and the little one who brought it into the house is feeling just fine, well that is except when he gets tired of reading Harry Potter and fake coughs. 

I have loved being home.  I have said many times I work so much I would just love to be home more, wish granted I'd say.  I love spending time with my special boy.  We are writing a book this summer and are already on chapter 24. The book is all about made up rescues and adventures, he has difficulty writing anything that is not factual so I have been really impressed how he has blossomed in this area this summer.  Plus typing is a skill he will need to be proficient at so he is typing every chapter.  We had a drawing contest the last two days and I have shared with you his picture of me just in case you have forgotten what I look like.  We take turns picking something to draw, he has a hard time making decisions so this is good for him. I have been graded, 0% F on every drawing I make while a little boy I know gives himself 100% A.

We have been reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.  He is new to this series, a gift for his birthday from me.  He started them with his speech and language pathologist so she gets a video summary of each chapter after we read it so she is up to date on what is happening.  

The beach has been great therapy-wise, swimming, running and walking upright in the water, and just some good sunshine and vitamin D.  We won't be back for a while, I am just to darn tired. Actually I am so tired knitting, reading and even watching a show seems hard but I am fortunate I know.  Yes, I have a stuffy, runny nose and a bit of a cough, a frog in my voice and a headache but I am thankful it isn't worse.  Thankful I am in this wonderful house where I feel healing is coming faster.  I am thankful for vaccines that we have both had that have greatly reduced our illness.  I am grateful for special time together unfolding at a really lovely pace.  I have completed all my continuing education for my professional license, that was before I felt really poorly of course.  I have ordered school supplies and school uniforms. I got myself  out of jury duty due to my special needs son, I made him out to sound much worse than he is, don't tell on me, and I have worked out special behavioral services for Little Buddy if he indeed goes to the special learning school.  See lots of things accomplished so now I can just rest.

Covid is everywhere, I am lucky we are going through it at the same time and before school starts. So much to be thankful for even when I feel like a helium balloon slowly losing air and sinking from the ceiling to hover just above the floor.

The flowers are from my giant crepe myrtle tree, milkweed in my garden and lovely purple flowers on three big bushes out back. 

Stay safe my friends. Mask up and stay safe.


Jeanie said...

Oh Mere, when I read this I could just cry. I'm so sorry you are feeling so poorly -- I know when it hit Rick he seemed to sleep non-stop. Maybe that's a good thing. But reading your gratitude list on all this -- well, if one has to get Covid, that's the most marvelous way to handle it. I suppose it falls into the "be careful what you wish for" zone with the time off and at home, but it also sounds like you are making the best of that time when you aren't asleep!

I don't need to tell you to take care -- you are. So I'll just send wishes for a full and complete recovery -- soon!

Anonymous said...

So sorry you’ve been sick, but glad that it has been a productive time for you. LB must love having you home with him so much.

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

I'm glad buddy is feeling much better and hope you feel better soon. No fun! Lovely flowers you have. I spoke with some men that were eating at Panera who are elevator contractors. I told them about you, no name, how your son liked elevators alot. A couple of them said alot of people enjoy riding elevators. I like escalator too!! It's been quite warm today. I went to Eddie Bauer store after work to use a reward b4 it expired. It was warm in there and found out their air conditioning quit working last week. No fun. I was quite warm in dressing room trying on pants that I didn't buy. You are in my thoughts and prayers!!

linda said...

I thought that you would get it Meredith it's inevitable really, I'm so glad that it was mild for Little Buddy and sorry that you are feeling quite poorly, you are so good at looking at the positive, everything you say is true of course but not everyone finds it as easy to count their blessings. It sounds like you have achieved so much in this week, now do nothing except look after yourself and get well. Sending hugs and lots of love. xx

gaia said...

Dear Meredith,
I hope you get better soon; sending you best wishes...

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you have covid but sounds like it may have been a blessing in disguise to give you a breathing space from work
Get well soon
Best wishes
Alison in Wales x

Nance said...

Our county just went red--highest number of cases. You wouldn't know it by looking around at all the unmasked people in stores and other venues. I think there's a sense of inevitability and a large amount of Covid Fatigue.

You've got beautiful surroundings for recovery and a marvelous attitude. I know you're truly making the best of it all. I hope you soon feel back to full health.

Ellen D. said...

So sorry to hear that Covid caught you too! It does sound like this forced rest is just what you needed, tho. Hope you both recover soon!

bittenbyknittin said...

Good news, bad news. Yes, you and LB caught Covid BUT you're not too sick to enjoy the rest and time off work. Hope you both get well soon... or soon enough!

Willow said...

Oh wow, so much has happened since I popped over (sorry, life just gets crazy sometimes) and now I am caught up. You are a brave and beautiful person. Love the updates on Little Buddy and the 'boys'.
Hope you and Little Buddy feel well soon.

Delighted Hands said...

I'm so glad it is a relatively mild case--adults are all getting it a bit worse then the kids. Nice planning to get it out of the way before school starts!

Melanie said...

I am so sorry you caught Covid from Little Buddy, but I'm not surprised. I'm just thankful you both have a mild case. Get lots of rest, drink lots of water and herbal tea, take vitamins C & D, and try to enjoy the downtime at home. {{hugs}}

karen said...

I hope you feel better soon and what crummy luck to have it. I do like you enjoyed your forced break. Writing a book with your son sounds really cool!

Bill said...

Hoping you feel better soon.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

I think maybe this is the second time I have commented on your blog.
First I thank God for women like you who have adopted a special needs child. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Being a parent is the most difficult job in the world, and I understand being a single parent because I was a single parent for 9 years working full time and every other weekend when she was with her Dad. You are an amazing person and I am sure your sons will take care of you in your older years. Yes I remember when my daughter would want me to be home all the time. You are amazing.

Chris said...

hey Mer
I am so sorry you both have Covid but relieved to hear it is relatively mild so far. Sounds like you needed some catch up time with your dear son. Catching up on all your posts.. lots of changes but all sounds good.bless you