Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve


Merry Christmas!

This photo of a photo is not showing up well but you can see Little Buddy is not very little anymore.  He is very excited Santa comes tonight even though he is suddenly afflicted with a stomach virus.  I would say this is an appropriate  way to end the year.  He has had a rough one with brain shunt revision surgery in September, that is after keeping a close eye on him all summer long waiting for that very old shunt of his to malfunction.  As typical he doesn't present like typical children and likes to keep us all guessing on what is going on in that complex brain and body of his.  We have been to the ER twice now for possible malfunction issues after the surgery, actually the last visit just about two weeks ago when I got a call from the school he was having a seizure.  I am not sure that was what it was but they had to call emergency services all the same.  By the time I got to the school he was sitting up and asking the rescue personnel if they had electric vehicles and how long different battery charges last. While losing a good ten years of my life after receiving that call, I was never so happy to hear him talking non stop about vehicles and facts. 

While this has been a very stressful year, stressful beyond comprehension, I am taking time everyday to be grateful for all the tremendous blessings in my life.  I have so much to be grateful for.  I thank you all for still blogging as I get great comfort reading about your lives, projects, challenges and your humor in the face of it all. Even though I rarely seem to post, you all do mean the world to me.  I hope you have a wonderful holiday, no matter if you are with family or enjoying the peace of special time alone, I wish you the best.  

May this Christmas Season and 2024 be the best for all of us.  

Sending you all a big hug and loads of blessings.


Betsy said...

Oh my gosh Meredith! You have had a year of it haven't you? I'm so sorry about the scares with LB. I hope all is right now and you can have some calm in your life for awhile. He is definitely growing up, right before our eyes. Such a handsome young man.
I pray your Christmas is a quiet and happy one with some rest for you.
Blessings and hugs,

busybusybeejay said...

Happy Xmas to you and all your family.
Barbarax Aka Busy Beejayxx

linda said...

Lovely to hear from you Meredith, I'm sorry to hear that Little Buddy has had so many problems let's hope that next year will be a good one for him and for you and and the rest of your lovely family. Have a very happy Christmas. 💕Xx

Between Me and You said...

Sending massive hugs to you and your boy and those adorable dogs too. Merry Christmas Meredith. Xxx

Araignee said...

Merry Christmas Mere! I sincerely hope this year is a better one for you and Buddy. I hardly recognized him in that photo. What a growth spurt he must have had over the summer.
Big hugs to you both and also Hank and Bear. I love seeing their smiling faces.

Denise said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Let's all hope for peace and good health in 2024.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you the best. So enjoy your inspiring journey! said...

Good to read a post from you, Meredith. Little Buddy has changed so much, What a scare he gave you; but, how wonderful to hear him chattering along about vehicles and facts! I hope you have a terrific holiday and an even better 20204!

José said...

Wishing you good holidays and a happy, stressfree new year !

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas to you and Almost Big Buddy and hope you have the best New Year.

Karen said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Meredith <3 Sending you all the best wishes and blessings for the new year! xo

Nance said...

Merry Christmas to you and (Not So) Little Buddy. I'm so glad to hear from you, but I'm sorry that it has been a stressful year for you and a medically challenging one for your son. It's way past time for you to get some respite from Difficulties. I'm hopeful that 2024 will be a far more serene one for you both. Take care, Meredith.

Kim in Oregon said...

Merry Christmas to you, your family, and of course the dogs!

I can't believe how big he has gotten! And my goodness, that must have been a shock and a crazy time! I hope 2024 brings a bit of peace and calmness to your life.

It is wonderful to read your post this holiday. xo

Dayle Kasner said...

Merry Christmas Meredith and Little Buddy!! Best wishes and Happy New Year!!

Janice Smith said...

Thank you for posting. Stay strong; you are remarkable. Hope you have an easier year ahead.

CJ said...

So scary to get that call, I am so glad he was sitting up and talking by the time you arrived.

CJ said...

Oops, posted that comment before I'd finished writing it. I just wanted to add that I hope 2024 is a good year for you and with much less stress and that it is a good year for your little man as well, and for your big boys. Look after yourself my friend, CJ xxxxx

Neighborhood Watch said...

I was happy to see your post. Merry Christmas and best wishes in 2024.

frances said...

Oh gosh, what a year - so much to deal with... thank goodness the school call didn't result in anything serious. LB looks wonderful enjoying his visit to Santa. He is so very lucky to have you and your sons as his family. You are an absolutely incredible mom! hope you have had a little time to relax over Christmas, although with stomach viruses that can be challenging... sending you a huge hug and hope this coming year will be a smoother one for you allxoxo frances

Delighted Hands said...

How wonderful to see this post! It is good to hear you are still appreciating the good in your life when it is so easy to miss seeing it!

Melanie said...

It's always good to see a post from you, but I'm so sorry to hear about the scare you had with LB! And you are right - he's certainly not little anymore. I can't believe how much of a TEENAGER he looks like. That seemed to happen so quickly!

Much love and blessings to you for 2024. Let's all hope it's a much better year. xoxo

Christina said...

I am so glad Little Buddy is ok, how terrifying to get that call from school. I hope you had a lovely Christmas xx

Jeanie said...

I have missed you and your visits and visiting here and I'm delighted to see a smiling not-so-little Buddy, who looks very tall indeed. I can see why you were so worried and I'm glad all is well.

Sending many good wishes for the new year and hopes that it will be far better than the one that is closing. Now, onward!

Vicki @ lifeinmyemptynest said...

Merry Christmas!

karen said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your sons!!! said...

Always look forward to reading your posts

Jo said...

Best Wishes for the new year Meredith. May you work through it with gousto, grace and greatness which you always do. Jo xxxxx

Jodiebodie said...

Hi Meredith,
So lovely to be able to visit you again and yes, Buddy is a Big Buddy now!
Don't worry about the frequency of posting. Our lives often take turns in directions that make it difficult to blog and keep up with the social things.

The last few years seem to have been very stressful in all sorts of ways for many of us. I'm so relieved that Buddy is okay and may 2024 bring easier times for you. Today is my first time back in the blogspace after an extended absence. Yours blog is at the top of my list to visit.
Our online blogging community is indeed very much a blessing.
Happy New Year. Hugs xx

Jeanie said...

Just checking in, Mere, and hoping your new year is starting off well. It's a new page.

Thinking of you.

Ellen D. said...

I'm sorry you had such a rough year and I hope 2024 will be better for you. Altho, now I have heard that you have Covid so it's not a great start to the year. Hope you have a mild case and get well soon. I can't believe how grown Buddy is! Wishing you good health, peace and joy, Meredith.

Needles and Wool said...

I hope that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! I am so sorry to hear about Buddy's shunt and his stomach virus. It was a difficult end of year for you and hope that things are going well. Buddy does look so big since the last time I saw his photo! Take care :) x