Sunday, September 22, 2024

Suddenly it is late September...........


Hello everyone, hope you are all well.

Little Buddy started 7th grade weeks ago, time has flown by so fast. He is enjoying it so far and only causing a little bit of a ruckus in his classes.  He has to change classes four times a day, just like big kids do.  He isn't one to do well with transitions so I am keeping my fingers crossed it continues to go well.

I had to get new sod in once again.  It is so frustrating when you see your new sod turning brown and that horrible brown spreading and spreading. I took pictures week after week to show its demise, but even with that it was a fight to get new sod put down.  They blamed not enough watering although it was watered nightly for 8 weeks and we have had plenty of rain, even a tropical storm. I even removed a large area of sod and put in stepping stones and mulch, that little project gave me an intense two week headache from the lifting. The sod guy and I finally made a deal I paid for the new sod again but not any of the labor, I'm just happy it looks good after 5 days.

My friend Holly turned me onto this great cookbook.  I have been experimenting with some good and some bad results.  The thumbprint cookies are excellent, the brownies looked fantastic but were very bland.  Still it's fun to experiment with no gluten, no dairy, no eggs and dates and bananas or unsweetened applesauce for a sweetner. 

There were some walks on the beach a few weeks ago, I barely remember them now.  My favorite beach, Honeymoon Island State Park has had so much sand erosion from all the storms.  It has changed in shape and the end is now completely cut off from the main island.  It is sad and fascinating to see all at the same time.  I fear it will be underwater in a few years if climate change and these big storms don't slow down.

Little buddy has a friend at school he sits with at lunch.  She wrote me a note with her mother's number on it stating they would like to go to the movies.  I sent the lovely Mom a text and they ended up meeting us at a small farm yesterday.  It was cute feeding the goats, petting the bunnies and just getting to know two very brave women who adopted this lovely and complex little girl with a lot of trauma in her past.  How beautiful that so many wonderful and dedicated people step up and adopt these kids in need.  Their story warmed my heart.  And it is always good to have a friend when you are Little Buddy and friendships are hard to make.

Little Buddy has some rough weeks ahead of him.  We are getting casting done of his ankles and lower legs to stretch out those super tight heel cords this week.  His bones are growing faster than his muscles and tendons can keep up.  This is a pretty normal thing for kids with Cerebral Palsy, I guess we have been lucky so far in that area.  Still I am sad he will have to endure this and this is just a band aid until he will need surgery. One step at a time, right?

Hope you are all well.  Happy Autumn!

1 comment:

Megan said...

So glad to hear from you again and see all your lovely photographs. Good to see the pictures of little...or not so little !...Buddy looking well and happy. Great that he is making friend he enjoys the company of. I do hope you realise that you yourself are one of these wonderful women you describe. I sympathise with your gardening problems although I live here in Llandudno in North Wales where believe me lack of rain is never a problem. Like all gardens all you can do is keep on keeping on. I think it looks lovely. X