Saturday, June 20, 2020

Take today to make a difference.................

No pretty pictures or talk about flowers or yarn today.  No cute little boy to talk about his silly antics.  Today is the day to make a difference.  I have been slapped in the face, or so it feels like with the hypocrisy of so many people this week, on TV, and certainly in person.  I have heard the lies of one medical foster family and their complete lack of awareness of what a very challenged child needs.  I have seen hate spread online with texts from our president.  I have watched the absolute ridiculousness of our current government deal with the issues of police brutality and the pandemic.  And this very much includes my very own governor for implying migrant works are the cause for the surge of Cornavirus cases in Florida, instead of taking responsibility for opening up this state too fast. We hit another record yesterday, adding over 4,000 new cases in just one day, and those are only the cases that have been tested.  And today we have a massive amount of people congregating to praise and worship one of the most despicable men alive, one who cheats, lies and does not care for the people of this country, only himself.  With over 119,000 people now dead, which is a low number I believe, I am taking a stand.  I am doing what I can from my very own house.  As of a few minutes ago I am now a proud member of the NAACP.  And I have also made a contribution to Joe Biden's campaign in hopes that he will be able to pull this very fractured country together.  I hope you will take this day to contribute to who and what you think will make a difference.  It helps to ease some of the sorrow in my heart.  Sorrow from people who lie, people who would never put up with the same things if the president was not in their party of choice, sorrow for people of any color, sex or sexual orientation who have had to deal with inequality for their whole lives, and sorrow for the mess our country is in.  I also think contributing is a great way to honor my father, who would have been absolutely devastated at the state of the country he so bravely fought for in WWII. Stay safe my friends, be smart and safe.


Chy said...

As a Canadian, I feel so helpless in watching what is happening in the States. As your closest neighbor, we are in disbelief at the constant turmoil that the monster has created. I cannot vote, I cannot change anything that is happening. But I can stand in solidarity and send enormous praise, encouragement and love to you, your family, your friends, your neighbors and your country. I believe in Karma and know at some point, he will be taken down and justice will reign.

Stay strong. Stay safe. Be well.

X Chy

Nance said...

I agree with you, of course. I am already working on behalf of Vice President Biden and have made contributions. Likewise BLM. That anyone can support 45* outrages me.

Caffeine Girl said...

Here, here! There is so much to be done. I'll be working with a group of black teens this summer on a BLM group art project.

Janice Smith said...

Amen! Well said, . . I’m looking at CNN at scenes of folks packed in shoulder to shoulder waiting for the Trump rally in Tulsa to begin . . . lots of blasted red hats but hardly any masks. God help us all.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Have hope. Work for change.

Zuzu's Petals said...

Bravo! well, said.

Teresa Kasner said...

I'm with you 100%. I'll do what I can to help elect Joe Biden, someone who actually cares about the people of this country. I will also donate to his campaign. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Dee said...

Bravo -------------and may the change come in November.

We can't go on like this another 4 years.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I've been feeling exactly the same way. I cannot stand to look at or listen to anything that buffoon has to say and am flummoxed that anyone in their right mind still flocks to him like fools. I have to remind myself that no matter how we are able to go about it, we all can find ways to make a difference and do our part to move humanity forward. I know that there's more good than bad and would really like to see that lifted up for all to see rather than highlighting the despicable and the disgusting antics of those who refuse to evolve. I hope these difficult times are truly a turning point in history that we can build off of for a better future. People have been living in a bubble too long and is definitely times for much needed change in the right direction. Take care, Tammy

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Turmoil. Here. There. I donated money to help out people in need in various countries D.Gary Young Foundation. Helps with health, justice and many others. All $$ goes to the foundation. Young Living pays the overhead cost. Sad to hear stories but thankful they are being helped. Life is better for them and I feel blessed to help those in need. Have a good weekend. I'm fine. Just a bit tired from driving home and getting things done last eve from the coast. :_)

Lorrie said...

As a neighbour watching from Canada, I just shake my head in disbelief over what is happening. Good for you for standing up and doing what you can.

Anita said...

In this 'modern' world there are so many crazy people and where they come up with their values and beliefs just blow me away. In our situation of the coronavirus, being too safe is a good move. Our state Premier in Western Australia is copping a blasting from the Government in the east side of Australia for not opening up our state border. There are still active cases over the east side of Australia and the west doesn't want it. Why would anyone think our State Premier is being stubborn. We in the west want him to keep the border closed. I feel your pain. xxx Stay safe. xx

happy hooker said...

From here in the UK, I applaud your stand against Trump. I watch the people gathering in Tulsa in horror and amazement. All he seems to bother about is his own glorification. Mind you, things aren't too good here either. A buffoon of a Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and Government Advisers who ignore the lockdown rules which they helped create. I can't stand to watch them on TV, the lies and political spin that come out of their mouths. Stay safe, keep your loved ones safe and one day this will all be over.xx

MargaretP said...

As an Australian I can't even begin to understand the numbers in USA.
We have heard in parts of the South the voting was only allowed with ID of a driver's license and so many were not eligible.
Hopefully many will make a real effort to cast a vote and make a difference.

Is there any organization that helps people to make sure they are eligible to vote ? so the next election is a true indication of what the majority want.

Sending all good wishes for you to help make a real difference and see the end of the world wide joke that is the orange clown, who reveals his stupidity daily.

CJ said...

Bless you Meredith for standing up to be counted. It is grim indeed in the US right now, but hardly any better here to be honest. I am hoping that the good people outweigh the not-good ones. The not-good ones seem to make a lot of noise though. Wishing you a good Sunday, despite it all. CJ xx

mamasmercantile said...

As you know Florida is our favourite place to be so it saddens me deeply to read abut what is going on over there. I feel helpless but know that you are supported.

linda said...

I'm totally with you Meredith, I look on in amazement and wonder how that man was ever made president, I saw him on the news and heard what he had to say about testing "I told them not to test so many because the more you test the more you're gonna find and that will look bad for us" OMG!!! and there are still people supporting him! I feel for you all and hope and pray for a better future for your Country. Sending massive support and lots of hugs, stay safe my friend.xx

busybusybeejay said...

Words fail me.How are people taken in by him?So pleased there were empty seats but they should all have been empty!!!Barbarax

Araignee said...

I feel so bad for you folks down in Florida. Your numbers are scary. After seeing up close what my sister and her husband are going through since they caught it-I do NOT want it and wish it on no one ever-even misguided and gullible Trump supporters. Having said that, our R governor is caving to pressure to open too soon too and now I am watching our local numbers rise as the tourist pour in. Even the water park is opening this week. I hate it.
Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Bravo. I stand with you and agree with everything you said.

Ellen D. said...

Thank you for this strong post, Meredith. I agree with you and hope we will see the changes we need to see in November. I have started the 21-day Racial Equity Challenge and am finding so many good speakers and writers to read and listen to. It is helping me to get more facts and to clarify my support for the people who have suffered far too long in this country. I will follow your lead and put some money where it can help. Thanks for your honest post!

Bridget said...


Jo said...

Agreed. Well said Meredith. :(

Betsy said...

Our country, and indeed the entire world is in such turmoil right now and it breaks my heart. I, too, am praying for peace, love and common sense to return to people's hearts. All of the hate and name calling does nothing to improve the situation and causes further divide. Wishing you a better week my dear friend. Much love and a huge hug.

gigi knits said...

Very well said !!!!! It makes me so sad to see what our country has turned into.
My dad was also a Purple Heart Soldier from WW11.
Our president is a bad example for our children to see or hear on TV.

kathy b said...

Meredith, Great post.
I too have given a small donation , two now , to joe Bidens campaign . I love Jill Biden. I don't know her, but I love to see her, hear her speak and I love that she teaches. I am seeing if there is anything I can do to help. I tried to learn the texts for a campaign, and I just didn't understand it.

love you lady

karen said...

a strong and powerful post! Love you echoing what so many people are thinking.

Anonymous said...

I come from a state that supports him. it is unthinkable.
'he' is bad enough. but WHEN will they WAKE UP???
has he brain washed entire groups of people to that extent?
have they all always been so small minded and non thinking? I dare hope not!
THANK YOU for your courageous words. and yes. in the climate of our lives...
they are courageous! bless you Mere! xoxo

Neighborhood Watch said...

I too, often find myself in a state of outrage and despair. I have given contributions to organizations I hope will help us out of this. It is all I know how to do. Our recent voting situation in Georgia was scandalous, and I fear it will be even worse in Kentucky. What can I do?? I ask myself this every day. I know our Covid numbers cannot be accurate here--as our governor too opened everything up as if everything is just fine. It is horrible to distrust our government to this extent! I think there must be many balanced, giving, good hearted people out there who feel like we do. We cannot stay still and silent.

Eileen said...

Meredith, I agree with you 100%. I am having days that I feel so low because of all the hell that Trump is putting this country through, and not understanding how so many white people, (his main base) cannot see him for who he really is. On top of that, COVID is a constant concern for me. It is apparent that the Trump administration has NO plan or desire to help in any meaningful way with this pandemic and I feel my family is on their own. Overwhelming, yes, but taking it one day at a time I know we can do it, it just gets me down some days.
Thanks for your post!

Christina said...

Well said Meredith. I don't know what to say really, except hats off to you for speaking out and for actively supporting organisations and campaigns that hopefully can bring urgently needed positive change xx

Blondie's Journal said...

Along with every single comment you received in favor of your words and stance, I'm with you. Enough said. I've gone through all the emotions and anger as all of you. Biden has a great amount of my support and I never waste a minute in spreading the word. All the states are increasing in numbers everyday. Why aren't we listening to our medical advisors. And the need for testing continues to be ignored by the federal government. I am sincerely saddened that we have so many unemployed people in the country and so many have lost their businesses. I believe that communities taking charge of their people can help that. We are doing so here. The kindness and support of people is an amazing thing in this pandemic. When the election is over and we have a leader we can trust, the crowds in the streets will be celebrating, not protesting. And that's not to say I don't find the protests to be for naught, I simply mean it will be a celebration and not a fight for justice.

Sending love and much praise for your bravado!


Needles and Wool said...

I agree Meredith that he is a big part of the problem in the States. I am saddened that there are so many cases still in Florida. Opening too fast is happening due to ignorance and fear and not staying closed to help people in the long run and keep families together and people alive. I hope that it gets better and thank you for standing up for what is right.