Sunday, December 13, 2020

Everything is not picture perfect...........................


This weekend has been about getting organized for the week and Christmas. 

Teacher/therapist presents have been made, wrapped and ready to go...check!

Friends presents have been made, wrapped and delivered...check!

Christmas cards, have not been written, will not be written or mailed, no time this year...not check!

Items that need to be mailed are on their way to different destinations...check!

House is decorated...check!

Tree is up but not decorated... not check! (By the way that is my least favorite thing to do but I have Little B so it is a must)

House is clean...check!

Paperwork for work is completed until the end of December...check!

Sending Ms. Rachel, Little B's now retired from helping helper at school a birthday video.  She is moving onto different things.  Boy do we miss her.  She has been with him for five years.  So we sent the video a day early just so she knows we love her...check!

New helper has no facial expression or expression in her voice, I know it has only been a few days but when you are wearing a mask and working with kids you have to be super animated, believe me I know.  And she wears scrubs, why? Trying not to make a judgement so soon...check, but failing miserably...check!

Not visiting blogs because there is just so much stuff to get done for Christmas, my least favorite time of the year...not check. Just call me the Grinch, as much as I try to love Christmas I just get swept up in how much work it is.  Meredith the Christmas Grinch...check!

Showing you outtakes of the photos shoot so you know I do not have a picture perfect life.  Actually, the first round of photos were such a disaster I had to delete them all and try again.  Getting one that works is amazing...check!

This last one is my favorite, did you make it to the end of the post?  

Wishing you all a wonderful week, stay safe my friends...check!


TheAwakenedSoul said...

It must be scary for the people who have to work, and expose themselves to the public every day. Buddy's leggings are adorable. You have gotten so much done, and your house is clean! My decor is pretty simple, and I will hang two strings of lights outside today, finally. We do what we can...

Dee said...

Oh my golly, this was a refreshing post to read. I thought I was the only one in the world that did not like Christmas. You and I can sit in the cranky-chair together and just eat up all the candy canes.

Love the photos of Little Buddy, Bear and Hank. I think the NEXT to last one is my favorite.

Wishing you a peaceful week.........well, we can WISH, right???

Kim in Oregon said...

Oh the little dog hats! How cute!

It sounds like you're doing GREAT! I'm sorry to hear about the new teaching aid and hopefully they settle in soon.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I think all the photos of your boys are perfect!

CJ said...

That last photo is divine. I am with you all the way when it comes to Christmas. I did battle with the Christmas tree today. It is honestly the widest tree I have ever seen and has taken over rather. A big dark malevolent presence, blocking out the light from the lamp. With many many pine needles. Sorry Little B's new helper isn't looking promising. I hope you have a good week and that all the things get done. My week is shrinking by the day. It started out as four and a half days in which to work, then four, now I think I am down to about three. As you say - Christmas involves far too much to be done. For the woman of the household anyway. Everyone else here seems very relaxed. CJ xx

Araignee said...

I'm with you. Christmas is only fun for children. It's way too much work especially when you are working and trying to keep up the house. I haven't put up a tree in two years and might not do it this year either-unless it snows, then all bets are off.
The photos are precious! Your boys always give me a smile.

20 North Ora said...

Dear Meredith - Precious photos. Merry Christmas!

Eileen in Fla. said...

My heart goes out to you because you are where I was most of my life. I always had very responsible jobs and and a hard child and hard household to maintain -- never enough time or enough money. Then Christmas would come along. Ugh. Now retired with few duties, in hindsight I wish I had hired help with housekeeping, yard work, sent laundry out, etc. I and my family would have had fewer meltdowns and harsh words. I was a champion nagger. Wasn't worth it, and I hope you find balance and kindness for yourself. You're doing a great job.

Karen said...

The second to last photo is adorable. Good for you for letting some stuff go!

kathy b said...

Oh the chANGE for Lil Buddy must be difficult. I feel badly for him . Perhaps she is shy. Perhaps she will become a gem.
Your very real life and very real checks are perfect!

No cards for us this year. Heart's not in it without my kids.
Trees up. Just lights no ornaments.
ALUMINUM FOIL encircles the two lit trees as Beatles decided he would really like to eat fake needles. AN ER visit for stuck needles is not on the THIS list at all!

Almost all the gifts mailed.

Hugs to you Meredith .Hug hugs

Babajeza said...

You've been busy, almost everything done.

"One thing at a time" is my motto. I'm going to start with Christmas preparations next Saturday. This week is school, which is especially demanding. Let me deal with this first. Christmas is coming anyway. :-)

I wish you a good week.

All the best!


Betsy said...

Mere, you do so much for so many people. Your list shows just how much is accomplished. Next year-smaller list. Check.
Love the photos of your boys. I can imagine how hard it can be to get a good one with three such active personalities.
Mandy has been working at a middle school full-time and at a clinic on weekends. It just got to be too much. The clinic was bought out and closed all of it's urgent care's. Yes, in the middle of a pandemic. Unbelievable. She was offered a job working from home doing nursing "stuff" online with C-19 things. I have no idea exactly what it is but I'm relieved. She was very sad leaving the school though. There were several special needs childrent that she was with a lot that were extra hard to leave. They all made her cards and she knew exactly who had made which cards by seeing what they drew on the front. The staff was also VERY sad to see her leave. As I said, I'm relieved. At the clinic she was doing C-19 testing all day for 12 hours at a time. At school, she was around all of those people and sick students. Now she'll be safely at home. You never stop worrying about your kids no matter how old they are. All three of our kids are now working at home. Only Dennis goes out to an office.
I hope you have a wonderful week Meredith.

mamasmercantile said...

Those fur boy hats are a delight. Great job with the photos they are all adorable. Take care of yourself Meredith, a tree isn't that important in the grand scheme of things.

Christina said...

Picture perfect is overrated! Our Christmas is quite minimalist compared to that of many families we know. Still, it makes me cranky because it is not actually all of us organising (guess who is?!). We haven't even got a tree yet.... it must be difficult for your new helper to start a new job now, maybe she is just extra stressed about this. Maybe she has a limited wardrobe and tries to protect this by wearing scrubs? In any case, I hope she'll turn out to be just fine.

Hang on in there my friend xx

linda said...

Lovely photos of your boys Meredith and don't worry Christmas will soon be over haha you know from past Christmases that I'm totally with you on this. I have no tree this year because like you I hate decorating it and then having the headache of dismantling it and storing ornaments but I have no small Children around to please so I get LB should have a tree. I think you have done remarkably well to have got so much done, I mean a clean house! that is huge. Do just what's absolute necessary my friend and try to have some you time. xx

Crafty in the Med said...

Scrubs really!!! I hope they are bright orange or covered in fire engines or something fun for a child to relate to??? It is bad enough Little Buddy having to get used to a new helper let alone someone dressed as hospital staff. I perfectly understand that some people are really worried about C19 contagion but...that baffles me a bit. Perhaps it is just to be practical and easier to shove scrubs in the wash afterward. I of course loved the photos of the boys but most particularly I liked photo Nº2 and the way furry bro is looking up to Little Buddy as he laughs ..a bit of camaraderie I'd say!! Those hats are so it!!!!! Incredible Mere...after all that I hope you are going to be able to "put your feet up"!!! Take care now Amanda x

JanL said...

Impressive list of accomplishments. Like Dee, I like the next to last picture. Little Buddy looking down at one dog while the other looks up at him - Sweet.
I have lost enthusiasm for all the needs here. Today our 7th grader starts a new approach to school due to district change to total virtual, BUT with a time schedule of 'must be' on line for teacher instruction at certain times, work independently for a period of time, then back on line for further teacher discussion, then on to the next class from 8-12, then 12:30 - 2. With a hyped up ADHD boy, challenging morning. I feel like I have a 3 year old today.
These days ahead are blessings to have and yet so very challenging.

step said...

I love some of your pics that didn't make the cut... shows lots of love and personality!!!
Definitely a hard time of year, compounded this year. But, it sounds like the busiest time is behind now maybe you can take a deep breath and enjoy some of the joy that you obviously have spread to others. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!!

Nance said...

The second to last is my very favourite one. Your dogs always make me smile and chuckle. They're just such big floppy clowns.

Christmas is just a part-time job. Oh, there are definitely aspects I like, but let's face it: Women are the holiday-makers and holiday-bringers. Without us, it doesn't happen. Men get to "help."

Lucky them.

I only have a tree for the grandchildren this year. (When does it end?)

karen said...

I love all the photos! This has been an incredibly hard year!!

Ellen D. said...

Yes, it is always hard to get everyone smiling and looking at the camera at the same time! But you did it! Cute photo! Merry Christmas!

KSD said...

I did make it to the end. (Check!) Thank you for each and every word.

Janice Smith said...

I loved all of the photos of your adorable boys. My favorite is the second to last with the puppy on the right gazing up with adoration at Little Buddy.

Try to find time to relax a bit and let the wonder and joy of the season soothe you. Your little guy is growing up quickly; enjoy these moments.

Take care of yourself. I wish you peace.

Teresa Kasner said...

I think you're doing very well all things considered. I enjoyed each and every photo and I do know how hard it is to get 2 dogs and one little boy to all be just so for a photo. I do differ from you in that I love the decorating but I am also retired and have no time restraints. I'm an un-apologetic Christmas-aholic! LOL!

((hugs)), Teresa :-)

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*M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
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Jeannie Gray Knits said...

I kinda like the 2nd outtake photo. Little B looks like he's thinking "Ugh to Christmas" too. The last 2 are great though.
I stopped sending Christmas cards 15 years ago and it has been FANTASTIC! Before, I think I really thought the world might stop spinning if I didn't send them out but then there was the year my mom went into the hospital on Halloween and didn't come back out. She passed on Christmas morning and there just wasn't time or the care to send cards that year. When the sky didn't fall, I realized I never had to send them ever again and frankly, it has been THE MOST freeing thing ever!
As for the tree, go "rustic" this year and just display the undecorated tree. I'm sure it's still beautiful.
Hope the new helper improves,
Happy holidays!

MargaretP said...

Next to last my favourite too, happy Buddy and 1 dog with big grin....perfect.

Anonymous said...

hello my dearest little Grinch!
actually I LOVE all the photos.
but yes. the last one especially!
I hope you get to enjoy one tiny part of it all.
you push yourself too hard.
(easily said by someone who doesn't have to push at all. so disregard stupid remarks like that.)
sending you love and a rejuvenating hug! XO

Gracie Saylor said...

You are amazing...check! My mind races trying to imagine your schedule, especially when I realize in comparison my slow-mo pace!
Thanks for posting :)

Delighted Hands said...

I hear the frustration (desperation) in your words. I'm sorry for all of the extras on your plate. The pics of the '3' little boys says it all---keep them in your focus. Take some time off from work and decompress!

bittenbyknittin said...

Make me laugh with your no-so-perfect xmas photos - check!
I'm not a holiday person in general, double that for xmas which has become such a big commercial junk-grab. We don't need a special day to gift others. (Xmas tree hint: get a cat that likes to climb and knock over things, that will take care of having a tree.)

eclectichomelife said...

Loving the out take photos, genius and fun. you have more 'check' than 'not check', so I call that a WIN

Jo said...

I love the outtake one before the end, The dog looking up at Buddy is so sweet. Enjoyed your blog post today...check!

Jeanie said...

You're not a grinch. You're just super busy. And a mom, which is a whole different layer of busy. Some of your not so perfect (the one with one of the dogs looking up at Buddy) I liked as much (and that one, even more!) than the top one!

Hey, New Year's and Valentine cards are nice. Sometimes nicer than Christmas because they are unexpected!

Needles and Wool said...

It is such a busy time of the year and we are all trying to get all the things done. I liked reading your list, it was funny and we need to have some fun at the time of year and not to worry about having everything done right away or even at all. I love the photos of Buddy and the pups they are too cute! Take care